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We are planning for the future of the County, please tell us what is imporant to you.

358 responses

1. MUST-HAVES: At a minimum, what must this comprehensive planning process achieve?

Average priorities over 358 responses
  1. Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant 

    Develop a clear land use plan to guide zoning, development review, etc.
  2. Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant up to 4=Least Imporant 

    Develop a clear capital improvement and funding plan
  3. Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant 

    Provide ample opportunities for community input
  4. Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant 

    Develop a clear transportation plan



2. HOPES: What outcomes do you hope this project will achieve?

Average priorities over 358 responses
  1. Rank the significance of this item

    Preserving the rural mountain character of Gilpin County
  2. Rank the significance of this item

    Advancing policies for responsible economic and commercial development
  3. Rank the significance of this item

    Improving access to health care services
  4. Rank the significance of this item

    Improving access to fresh food and grocery stores



3. DREAMS: What do you envision Gilpin County being in 30 years?



4. USE: How familiar are you with existing County policies and regulations?

Response Percent Response Count
Very 13.1% 47
Somewhat 69.6% 249
Not at all 13.7% 49
Unsure 3.6% 13

5. ENGAGE: Given COVID-19 and the limitations on in-person meetings, what is your preferred way to virtually participate in the comprehensive planning process?

Response Percent Response Count
Digitally, via virtual meetings, website, online surveys, phone calls, email and social media 60.1% 215
Print, via mailings and hard copy materials available upon request 3.6% 13
Media, via local newspapers 2.0% 7
All of the above 32.4% 116
Other 2.0% 7

6. PRIORITIZATION: What topics/issues are most important to you? (Rank the following in order of importance: 1: Most important 12: Least important)

Average priorities over 358 responses
  1. Rank the significance of this item

    Financial sustainability
  2. Rank the significance of this item

    Hazard mitigation (e.g., wildfire, flooding, etc.)
  3. Rank the significance of this item

    Environmental sustainability
  4. Rank the significance of this item

    Outdoor recreation
  5. Rank the significance of this item

    Access to high speed internet/broadband
  6. Rank the significance of this item

    Land use/zoning
  7. Rank the significance of this item

    Access to health care services
  8. Rank the significance of this item

    Workforce and economic development
  9. Rank the significance of this item

    Access to grocery stores and fresh food
  10. Rank the significance of this item

    Historic preservation
  11. Rank the significance of this item

    Affordable housing
  12. Rank the significance of this item




7. Do you live and/or own a home in Gilpin County?

Response Percent Response Count
YES 97.8% 350
NO 2.2% 8

7.2. IF YES: How long have you lived/owned a home in Gilpin County?


7.3 IF YES: Is this your primary residence?

Response Percent Response Count
YES 93.6% 233
NO 6.4% 16

7.4 IF YES: Is the house (or at least one of your homes) that you own in Gilpin County also used as a short-term rental property (Airbnb, VRBO)?”

Response Percent Response Count
YES 0.8% 2
NO 99.2% 247

7.6. IF NO: What is your primary involvement within Gilpin County?


8. How long have you lived in Gilpin County?

Response Percent Response Count
0-5 Years 27.8% 98
6-10 Years 15.6% 55
11-15 Years 10.8% 38
16-20 Years 10.5% 37
More Than 20 Years 35.2% 124

9. What is your occupation?


10. What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
20-29 3.1% 11
30-39 12.6% 45
40-49 21.3% 76
50-59 24.4% 87
60-69 27.5% 98
70+ 11.2% 40

11. Would you like to receive email updates about the project?*

Response Percent Response Count
YES 61.3% 219
NO 38.7% 138

If you selected yes above, include your email here

Name not available
April 21, 2020, 2:14 PM
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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