Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
1. MUST-HAVES: At a minimum, what must this comprehensive planning process achieve?
Develop a clear capital improvement and funding plan
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant up to 4=Least Imporant
Make this the priority
Develop a clear transportation plan
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
Make this the priority
Develop a clear land use plan to guide zoning, development review, etc.
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
Make this the priority
Provide ample opportunities for community input
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
Make this the priority
* required
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
2. HOPES: What outcomes do you hope this project will achieve?
Advancing policies for responsible economic and commercial development
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Preserving the rural mountain character of Gilpin County
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Improving access to fresh food and grocery stores
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Improving access to health care services
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
* required
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
3. DREAMS: What do you envision Gilpin County being in 30 years?
A model for affordable and accessible rural health care services
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
An enclave for rural mountain living within an hour’s drive from the city
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
One of the most economically diverse rural counties in Colorado
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
At the forefront of environmental sustainability policies and trends
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
* required
4. USE: How familiar are you with existing County policies and regulations?
* required
5. ENGAGE: Given COVID-19 and the limitations on in-person meetings, what is your preferred way to virtually participate in the comprehensive planning process?
* required
6. PRIORITIZATION: What topics/issues are most important to you?
(Rank the following in order of importance: 1: Most important 12: Least important)
Financial sustainability
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Affordable housing
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Outdoor recreation
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Hazard mitigation (e.g., wildfire, flooding, etc.)
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Access to grocery stores and fresh food
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Environmental sustainability
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Access to health care services
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Historic preservation
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Workforce and economic development
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Access to high speed internet/broadband
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
Land use/zoning
Rank the significance of this item
Make this the priority
* required
What is a disruptive statement?
A statement
containing personal attacks, profanity, commercial advertising or content which is entirely off-topic, and/or
from a user who has falsified their registration information with the intent to post multiple statements in one topic or to misrepresent their city of residence.
Why does Open Town Hall monitor for disruptive statements?
OpenGov is a non-partisan company dedicated to building public trust in government and broadening civic engagement. Many people will not participate if the forum has disruptive statements.
Does Open Town Hall find many disruptive statements?
No. Disruptive statements are quite rare - less than one in a thousand statements are disruptive.
What does Open Town Hall do if they find a disruptive statement?
Open Town Hall
moves the statement to a different web page,
describes the problem in an email to the author, and
invites the author to change the statement.
Does Open Town Hall ever edit or delete statements?
Never. Only the statement's author can edit or delete a statement.
If I disagree with someone, can I post my opinion?
Yes. Open Town Hall encourages open dialog which, by necessity, includes disagreements.
How do I know if my statement is a 'disagreement' or a 'personal attack'?
Personal attacks are disparaging remarks which impute motives to a person's action. Statements of fact, or of your own opinion are generally not personal attacks.
Here are some examples of statements which are, and are not, personal attacks.
Personal Attack
Not A Personal Attack
He lied.
He said he did X, but in fact he did Y.
She misrepresented the truth.
I don't trust her.
He is greedy.
He is making plenty of money.
It is merely a power play on her part.
She will announce her candidacy soon.
Fields marked with * are required
1. MUST-HAVES: At a minimum, what must this comprehensive planning process achieve?
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant up to 4=Least Imporant
Rank the following options in order of imporance: 1=Most Imporant to 4=Least Imporant
No response.2. HOPES: What outcomes do you hope this project will achieve?
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
No response.3. DREAMS: What do you envision Gilpin County being in 30 years?
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
No response.4. USE: How familiar are you with existing County policies and regulations?
5. ENGAGE: Given COVID-19 and the limitations on in-person meetings, what is your preferred way to virtually participate in the comprehensive planning process?
6. PRIORITIZATION: What topics/issues are most important to you? (Rank the following in order of importance: 1: Most important 12: Least important)
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
Rank the significance of this item
No response.7. Do you live and/or own a home in Gilpin County?
7.1. IF YES: What part of the County do you live in?
7.2. IF YES: How long have you lived/owned a home in Gilpin County?
37.3 IF YES: Is this your primary residence?
7.4 IF YES: Is the house (or at least one of your homes) that you own in Gilpin County also used as a short-term rental property (Airbnb, VRBO)?”
7.5. IF YES: Are you raising children in Gilpin County?
8. How long have you lived in Gilpin County?
9. What is your occupation?
Painter/ Sculptor10. What is your age?
11. Would you like to receive email updates about the project?*
If you selected yes above, include your email here
[email protected]12. If you live in Gilpin County, in which part of the county do you reside?