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Flagstaff Community Forum

Help Mountain Line Plan the New Downtown Connection Center

76 registered responses

Do you ride Mountain Line? (Pre-COVID-19 or currently)

Response Percent Response Count
Often 19.7% 15
Sometimes 46.1% 35
Rarely 14.5% 11
Never 19.7% 15

What would you add or change about the DCC to improve your transit experience (examples include more seating, larger waiting area, food/ beverage)?


What transit and multi-modal amenities would you like to see available at the new DCC?

Response Percent Response Count
Pass sales 66.2% 49
Lost and found 44.6% 33
Customer service 51.4% 38
Indoor waiting area 63.5% 47
Drop off and pick up zones 52.7% 39
Rideshare (Uber and Lyft) waiting areas 36.5% 27
Bike share 47.3% 35
Covered bike parking 50.0% 37
Bike repair station 40.5% 30
Carshare 24.3% 18
Amtrak co-location 33.8% 25
Intercity services like Groome, Greyhound and Flix 55.4% 41
Separate sidewalks and bikeways 60.8% 45
Other 33.8% 25

If there is capacity to serve additional community purposes, what would you like to see?

Average priorities over 76 responses
  1. Please describe any preferences in next question.

    Public art
  2. Hardscaped, public areas.

    Outdoor civic space
  3. Partnership with private entity for cafe style service

    Food and beverage
  4. Partnership with human service providers for onsite services.

    Social services
  5. Publically rentable meeting space.

    Community meeting space
  6. Partnership with private entity for a small newstands with papers and magazines.

  7. Leasable retail space.

  8. Please descibe in next question.

  9. Leasable office space.

    Office space

Please provide specific suggestions on items above. (i.e. For public art, do you prefer sculpture versus mural or other details? For retail, what type would you like to see? Etc.).


Would incorporating any of the previous ideas convince you to take transit more often?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 37.3% 28
Maybe 42.7% 32
No 20.0% 15

If so, what?


Which, if any, designs below do you like?

Response Percent Response Count
Alternative A 44.6% 33
Alternative B 14.9% 11
Alternative C 13.5% 10
Alternative D 12.2% 9
Alternative E 4.1% 3
Other 10.8% 8

Please explain what you like and dislike about the above options.


Is there anything else you would like to be considered in the design?

Name not shown inside City Limits
June 17, 2020, 9:03 PM
  • Do you ride Mountain Line? (Pre-COVID-19 or currently)
    • Sometimes
  • What would you add or change about the DCC to improve your transit experience (examples include more seating, larger waiting area, food/ beverage)?
    More covered seating, completely indoors, if possible.
  • What transit and multi-modal amenities would you like to see available at the new DCC?
    • Customer service
    • Indoor waiting area
    • Drop off and pick up zones
    • Covered bike parking
    • Bike repair station
    • Separate sidewalks and bikeways
  • If there is capacity to serve additional community purposes, what would you like to see?
    1. Please describe any preferences in next question.

      Public art
  • Please provide specific suggestions on items above. (i.e. For public art, do you prefer sculpture versus mural or other details? For retail, what type would you like to see? Etc.).
    Anything that honors our beautiful city and unique location in the pines.
  • Would incorporating any of the previous ideas convince you to take transit more often?
    • Yes
  • If so, what?
    Indoor waiting area
  • Which, if any, designs below do you like?
    • Alternative C
  • Please explain what you like and dislike about the above options.
    Flagstaff has some intense weather, with thunderstorms, snow storms, and just plain cold weather. I think it's extremely important to recognize this fact and offer true shelter to commuters. A structure that is very close to the bus pick up area is important. No one wants to wait out in the elements.
  • Is there anything else you would like to be considered in the design?

    Please honor the aesthetic designs found in the downtown area and make it fit the location. Would be neat to see the building(s) look "of Flagstaff" and possibly use local materials. An option to open up the indoor waiting area in nice weather would be neat. Also, with the noisy trains passing frequently right next to the current location, perhaps some sound proofing materials can be used or at least intelligent building placement implemented to minimize the audible impact.

Flagstaff Community Forum is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Flagstaff Community Forum is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Leasable office space.

Publically rentable meeting space.

Partnership with human service providers for onsite services.

Partnership with private entity for cafe style service

Please describe any preferences in next question.

Partnership with private entity for a small newstands with papers and magazines.

Leasable retail space.

Hardscaped, public areas.

Please descibe in next question.

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