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Flagstaff Community Forum

Help Mountain Line Plan the New Downtown Connection Center

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69 unregistered responses

Do you ride Mountain Line? (Pre-COVID-19 or currently)

Response Percent Response Count
Often 39.1% 27
Sometimes 27.5% 19
Rarely 14.5% 10
Never 18.8% 13

What would you add or change about the DCC to improve your transit experience (examples include more seating, larger waiting area, food/ beverage)?


What transit and multi-modal amenities would you like to see available at the new DCC?

Response Percent Response Count
Pass sales 63.6% 42
Lost and found 47.0% 31
Customer service 60.6% 40
Indoor waiting area 68.2% 45
Drop off and pick up zones 37.9% 25
Rideshare (Uber and Lyft) waiting areas 31.8% 21
Bike share 39.4% 26
Covered bike parking 33.3% 22
Bike repair station 19.7% 13
Carshare 9.1% 6
Amtrak co-location 21.2% 14
Intercity services like Groome, Greyhound and Flix 33.3% 22
Separate sidewalks and bikeways 50.0% 33
Other 13.6% 9

If there is capacity to serve additional community purposes, what would you like to see?

Average priorities over 69 responses
  1. Please describe any preferences in next question.

    Public art
  2. Partnership with private entity for cafe style service

    Food and beverage
  3. Hardscaped, public areas.

    Outdoor civic space
  4. Partnership with human service providers for onsite services.

    Social services
  5. Publically rentable meeting space.

    Community meeting space
  6. Partnership with private entity for a small newstands with papers and magazines.

  7. Leasable retail space.

  8. Please descibe in next question.

  9. Leasable office space.

    Office space

Please provide specific suggestions on items above. (i.e. For public art, do you prefer sculpture versus mural or other details? For retail, what type would you like to see? Etc.).


Would incorporating any of the previous ideas convince you to take transit more often?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 31.3% 20
Maybe 48.4% 31
No 20.3% 13

If so, what?


Which, if any, designs below do you like?

Response Percent Response Count
Alternative A 21.5% 14
Alternative B 26.2% 17
Alternative C 20.0% 13
Alternative D 23.1% 15
Alternative E 3.1% 2
Other 6.2% 4

Please explain what you like and dislike about the above options.


Is there anything else you would like to be considered in the design?

Name not available (unclaimed)
June 9, 2020, 6:15 AM
  • Do you ride Mountain Line? (Pre-COVID-19 or currently)
    • Sometimes
  • What would you add or change about the DCC to improve your transit experience (examples include more seating, larger waiting area, food/ beverage)?
    Any chance of a commitment to true snow removal (not just putting peds in the snow crossfire between street plows and property owners) in the half mile around the station? Otherwise if we see this as a summer-only facility: In Europe the main station would have food/snacks/small shopping and bring together regional and local travelers - we have train nearby, can we add Greyhound, Grand Canyon Shuttle and airport shuttle. Make our town and Grand Canyon a complete option for people travelling on holiday without cars and that also makes it better for us local users as well. A pleasant place indoor with food/bathrooms makes it easier to travel with children or meet up with friends. Add Bike rental in a thoughtful way. Add luggage/parcel storage for shoppers. Without a car you can't buy as much and enjoy it unless you can store it while doing other things. Make sure there are future plans for easy and more pleasant walking connection(s) across the tracks than what we have now. None are wide enough even for 2 wheelchairs to cross at the choke points on Beaver and SanFran or under the Rt66/Milton underpass. Would be lovely to have a major feature/sculpture/fountain there but probably not possible.
  • What transit and multi-modal amenities would you like to see available at the new DCC?
    • Pass sales
    • Lost and found
    • Customer service
    • Indoor waiting area
    • Drop off and pick up zones
    • Rideshare (Uber and Lyft) waiting areas
    • Bike share
    • Covered bike parking
    • Bike repair station
    • Carshare
    • Amtrak co-location
    • Intercity services like Groome, Greyhound and Flix
    • Separate sidewalks and bikeways
    • Other - Add some food options!
  • If there is capacity to serve additional community purposes, what would you like to see?
    1. Partnership with private entity for cafe style service

      Food and beverage
    2. Hardscaped, public areas.

      Outdoor civic space
    3. Please describe any preferences in next question.

      Public art
    4. Leasable retail space.

    5. Partnership with private entity for a small newstands with papers and magazines.

    6. Partnership with human service providers for onsite services.

      Social services
    7. Publically rentable meeting space.

      Community meeting space
    8. Leasable office space.

      Office space
    9. Please descibe in next question.

  • Please provide specific suggestions on items above. (i.e. For public art, do you prefer sculpture versus mural or other details? For retail, what type would you like to see? Etc.).
    No response.
  • Would incorporating any of the previous ideas convince you to take transit more often?
    • Yes
  • If so, what?
    For now lack of snow removal is easily the biggest deterrent for me plus lack of more committed spaces on buses for bikes so I've had to just bike or wait another 20 minutes for the next bus and hope that one won't have bikes on it already. Food options would make me enjoy the trip.
  • Which, if any, designs below do you like?
    • Alternative D
  • Please explain what you like and dislike about the above options.
    Connection to historical look of town. All look OK really. Should be pleasant for pedestrians to move in and protected from rain and snow when moving from but to bus.
  • Is there anything else you would like to be considered in the design?

    Best if providing protection from rain and snow while travelling from bus to bus. Put solar panels on top of it to take advantage of large roof. Connection to local red stone would be nice rather than metal look of some options that looks dated very quickly. If second story would be nice with view of mountains and tables for resting/eating. Good luck! Do we know if other towns have made a big change with their DCC and whether people have responded and used it or have just ignored it?

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Leasable office space.

Partnership with human service providers for onsite services.

Publically rentable meeting space.

Hardscaped, public areas.

Please descibe in next question.

Leasable retail space.

Partnership with private entity for cafe style service

Partnership with private entity for a small newstands with papers and magazines.

Please describe any preferences in next question.

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