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Flagstaff Community Forum

What should Bus Rapid Transit look like in Flagstaff?

93 registered responses

Do you use transit to commute to work, school, errands or other purposes?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 62.4% 58
No 37.6% 35

If so, how often (on average)?

Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 13.6% 8
Once per week 42.4% 25
Once per month 44.1% 26

Do you access any of these destinations by car, bicycle, or on foot? If you do not access these destinations, skip to the next question.

Response Percent Response Count
Flagstaff Medical Center 49.5% 46
Downtown Flagstaff 96.8% 90
NAU 63.4% 59
Woodlands Village 41.9% 39
Businesses along Milton Road 64.5% 60

Do you access any of these destinations using Mountain Line or Mountain Lift public transit? If you do not access these destinations by public transit, skip to the next question.

Response Percent Response Count
Flagstaff Medical Center 16.1% 15
Downtown Flagstaff 74.2% 69
NAU 43.0% 40
Woodlands Village 15.1% 14
Businesses along Milton Road 11.8% 11

How likely would you be to use public transit if service became more frequent (arriving every 15 minutes) and reduced your overall travel time on the bus?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Likely 45.2% 42
Likely 35.5% 33
Not Likely 10.8% 10
Other 8.6% 8

In what ways do you feel public transit can positively impact your community? (Rank in order of importance)

Average priorities over 93 responses
  1. Describe the significance of this item

    Decrease vehicular traffic
  2. Describe the significance of this item

    Help provide access to jobs, schools, etc.
  3. Describe the significance of this item

    Improve air quality
  4. Describe the significance of this item

    Support economic development

BRT alternatives will be evaluated using criteria such as ridership, connections to jobs and other destinations, cost effectiveness, and public acceptance. In the downtown area, BRT is being considered on San Francisco, Humphreys, and Beaver. Please rank the ones you would support.

Please explain why you chose your highest ranked alternative above.


Which of the following tools in the BRT toolbox would you be in favor of implementing in this BRT project? Mark all options that are acceptable to you. Please note that each tool would only be applied as they make sense for the specific location being considered.

Response Percent Response Count
Dedicated Bus Lane and Bus Lane Enhancement 68.8% 64
Transit Signal Priority 66.7% 62
Queue Jumps 51.6% 48
Off-Board Fare Collection 82.8% 77
Multi-Door and Level Boarding 73.1% 68
Enhanced Stations 57.0% 53
Real-Time Information 87.1% 81
Bike and Pedestrian Connections 79.6% 74
Name not shown inside City Limits
August 31, 2019, 10:41 AM
  • Do you use transit to commute to work, school, errands or other purposes?
    • No
  • If so, how often (on average)?
    No response.
  • Do you access any of these destinations by car, bicycle, or on foot? If you do not access these destinations, skip to the next question.
    • Flagstaff Medical Center
    • Downtown Flagstaff
    • NAU
    • Woodlands Village
    • Businesses along Milton Road
  • Do you access any of these destinations using Mountain Line or Mountain Lift public transit? If you do not access these destinations by public transit, skip to the next question.
    • Downtown Flagstaff
    • NAU
    • Woodlands Village
  • How likely would you be to use public transit if service became more frequent (arriving every 15 minutes) and reduced your overall travel time on the bus?
    • Likely
  • In what ways do you feel public transit can positively impact your community? (Rank in order of importance)
    1. Describe the significance of this item

      Help provide access to jobs, schools, etc.
    2. Describe the significance of this item

      Decrease vehicular traffic
    3. Describe the significance of this item

      Support economic development
    4. Describe the significance of this item

      Improve air quality
  • BRT alternatives will be evaluated using criteria such as ridership, connections to jobs and other destinations, cost effectiveness, and public acceptance. In the downtown area, BRT is being considered on San Francisco, Humphreys, and Beaver. Please rank the ones you would support.
    1. map of San Francisco and BeaverDescribe the significance of this item

      Northbound on San Francisco and southbound on Beaver
    2. map of Humphreys and Beaver

      Northbound Humphreys and southbound Beaver
    3. map of Humphreys

      North- and south-bound Humphreys
  • Please explain why you chose your highest ranked alternative above.

    more businesses I would want to visit are downtown than on Humphreys

  • Which of the following tools in the BRT toolbox would you be in favor of implementing in this BRT project? Mark all options that are acceptable to you. Please note that each tool would only be applied as they make sense for the specific location being considered.
    • Dedicated Bus Lane and Bus Lane Enhancement
    • Transit Signal Priority
    • Queue Jumps
    • Off-Board Fare Collection
    • Multi-Door and Level Boarding
    • Enhanced Stations
    • Real-Time Information
    • Bike and Pedestrian Connections
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map of Humphreys and Beaver

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map of Humphreys

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