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Overall Topic - We want to know how you feel about incorporating Recycled Water into the City of Flagstaff’s drinking water supply. This is one of several options to ensure an adequate water supply for the future.

95 registered responses

How do you stay up to date on issues regarding water or water supply in the region? (Check all that apply. Hold the "Control" button for multiple choices)

Response Percent Response Count
Newspaper 67.9% 57
Social Media 32.1% 27
Radio 45.2% 38
Word of Mouth 52.4% 44
Television 17.9% 15
Email 32.1% 27
Other 27.4% 23

How much do you know about Advanced Water Treatment, purifying reclaimed water to drinking water standards, and distributing it through Direct or Indirect Potable Reuse methods?

Advanced Water Treatment
Response Percent Response Count
Nothing 8.6% 8
Heard of terms 16.1% 15
Somewhat informed 33.3% 31
Moderately informed 31.2% 29
Very informed 10.8% 10
Direct/Indirect Potable Reuse
Response Percent Response Count
Nothing 7.5% 7
Heard of terms 15.1% 14
Somewhat informed 30.1% 28
Moderately informed 32.3% 30
Very informed 15.1% 14

How do you feel about allowing reclaimed water to filter into the aquifer through the ground, known as Indirect Reuse (via natural filtration)?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 4.3% 4
Somewhat uncomfortable 4.3% 4
Indifferent 4.3% 4
Somewhat comfortable 20.2% 19
Very comfortable 67.0% 63
Not sure 1.1% 1

Do you have any questions or concerns about Indirect Reuse using Reclaimed Water via discharge into the Rio de Flag?


How comfortable are you with Class A+ Reclaimed Water being injected (pumped) underground to recharge the aquifer, known as Aquifer Recharge with Reclaimed Water?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 16.8% 16
Somewhat Uncomfortable 23.2% 22
Indifferent 3.2% 3
Somewhat Comfortable 20.0% 19
Very Comfortable 32.6% 31
Not Sure 4.2% 4

Do you have any questions or concerns about Aquifer Recharge with Injection Wells using Reclaimed Water?


How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water being injected in the ground to recharge the Aquifer?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 13.7% 13
Somewhat Uncomfortable 15.8% 15
Indifferent 6.3% 6
Somewhat Comfortable 21.1% 20
Very Comfortable 38.9% 37
Not Sure 4.2% 4

Do you have any questions or concerns with Indirect Aquifer Recharge with Injection Wells using Advanced Treated Water?


How comfortable are you with adding Advanced Treated Water to Upper Lake Mary?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 12.6% 12
Somewhat Uncomfortable 10.5% 10
Indifferent 6.3% 6
Somewhat Comfortable 25.3% 24
Very Comfortable 41.1% 39
Not Sure 4.2% 4

Do you have any questions or concerns with discharge to Upper Lake Mary using Advanced Treatment as a form of Indirect Potable Reuse?


How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water, purified to drinking water standards, being directly incorporated into the raw water supply, as a form of Direct Potable Reuse?

Additional Treatment
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 18.9% 18
Somewhat Uncomfortable 17.9% 17
Indifferent 5.3% 5
Somewhat Comfortable 21.1% 20
Very Comfortable 33.7% 32
Not Sure 3.2% 3

Do you have any questions or concerns with Advanced Treated Water being incorporated into the water supply after it is processed at the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant?


How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water, purified to drinking water standards, being directly incorporated into the water supply, as a form of Direct Potable Reuse?

Choose One
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 27.4% 26
Somewhat Uncomfortable 18.9% 18
Indifferent 5.3% 5
Somewhat Comfortable 28.4% 27
Very Comfortable 14.7% 14
Not Sure 5.3% 5

Do you have any questions or concerns with Advanced Treated Water directly incorporated into the water supply (Direct Potable Reuse)?


How do you feel about using ANY Advanced Water Treatment process to produce purified water, which meets all state and federal drinking water standards, being developed as a drinking water source?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not comfortable 13.7% 13
Somewhat Uncomfortable 10.5% 10
Indifferent 2.1% 2
Somewhat Comfortable 31.6% 30
Very Comfortable 38.9% 37
Not Sure 3.2% 3

Do you have any questions or concerns regarding Advanced Water Purification/Potable Water Reuse?


Of the six options presented, four use Advanced Treatment and two use Reclaimed Water without Advanced Treatment. One option is what we are currently doing. Please rank them in order of your preference for future implementation in Flagstaff.

Average priorities over 95 responses
  1. This is what we are currently doing.

    Option #1. Releasing Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the Rio do Flag
  2. This option uses pumps to inject Advanced Treated (potable) water into the ground, where it reaches the aquifer faster than through natural filtration.

    Option #3. Injecting Advanced-treated water into the Aquifer
  3. Surface Water Augmentation is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding this water to Upper Lake Mary. 

    Option #4. Adding Advanced-treated water to Lake Mary
  4. Direct Potable Reuse is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding it to the incoming raw lake water for processing at the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant. 

    Option #5. Sending Advanced-treated water to Water Treatment Plant for re-treatment
  5. This option uses pumps to inject Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the ground, where it reaches the aquifer faster than through natural filtration.  

    Option #2. Injecting Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the Aquifer
  6. Direct Potable Reuse is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding it directly to our community’s water supply.  

    Option #6. Directly incorporating Advanced-treated water into the water distribution system

All infrastructure upgrades have associated costs. How much extra (in dollars) would you be willing to pay on your monthly water bill to implement Advanced Water Treatment in Flagstaff?

Response Percent Response Count
$0 15.1% 14
$5 30.1% 28
$10 24.7% 23
$20 26.9% 25
$100 3.2% 3

Comments on Funding


How confident are you in the Flagstaff Water Services’ ability to develop and implement one of these projects, as an additional water resource?

Choose one
Response Percent Response Count
Not confident 12.6% 12
Somewhat Confident 35.8% 34
Very Confident 46.3% 44
Not Sure 5.3% 5
Sat Best inside City Limits
December 6, 2018, 12:03 PM
  • How do you stay up to date on issues regarding water or water supply in the region? (Check all that apply. Hold the "Control" button for multiple choices)
    • Word of Mouth
  • How much do you know about Advanced Water Treatment, purifying reclaimed water to drinking water standards, and distributing it through Direct or Indirect Potable Reuse methods?
    • Advanced Water Treatment - Moderately informed
    • Direct/Indirect Potable Reuse - Moderately informed
  • How do you feel about allowing reclaimed water to filter into the aquifer through the ground, known as Indirect Reuse (via natural filtration)?
    • Choose one - Somewhat comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns about Indirect Reuse using Reclaimed Water via discharge into the Rio de Flag?
    Is the aquifer water tested for trace amounts of pharmaceuticals?
  • How comfortable are you with Class A+ Reclaimed Water being injected (pumped) underground to recharge the aquifer, known as Aquifer Recharge with Reclaimed Water?
    • Choose one - Somewhat Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns about Aquifer Recharge with Injection Wells using Reclaimed Water?
    No response.
  • How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water being injected in the ground to recharge the Aquifer?
    • Choose one - Very Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns with Indirect Aquifer Recharge with Injection Wells using Advanced Treated Water?
    No response.
  • How comfortable are you with adding Advanced Treated Water to Upper Lake Mary?
    • Choose one - Very Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns with discharge to Upper Lake Mary using Advanced Treatment as a form of Indirect Potable Reuse?
    No response.
  • How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water, purified to drinking water standards, being directly incorporated into the raw water supply, as a form of Direct Potable Reuse?
    • Additional Treatment - Very Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns with Advanced Treated Water being incorporated into the water supply after it is processed at the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant?
    No response.
  • How comfortable are you with Advanced Treated Water, purified to drinking water standards, being directly incorporated into the water supply, as a form of Direct Potable Reuse?
    • Choose One - Somewhat Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns with Advanced Treated Water directly incorporated into the water supply (Direct Potable Reuse)?
    No response.
  • How do you feel about using ANY Advanced Water Treatment process to produce purified water, which meets all state and federal drinking water standards, being developed as a drinking water source?
    • Choose one - Somewhat Comfortable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns regarding Advanced Water Purification/Potable Water Reuse?
    No response.
  • Of the six options presented, four use Advanced Treatment and two use Reclaimed Water without Advanced Treatment. One option is what we are currently doing. Please rank them in order of your preference for future implementation in Flagstaff.
    1. Direct Potable Reuse is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding it to the incoming raw lake water for processing at the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant. 

      Option #5. Sending Advanced-treated water to Water Treatment Plant for re-treatment
    2. Direct Potable Reuse is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding it directly to our community’s water supply.  

      Option #6. Directly incorporating Advanced-treated water into the water distribution system
    3. Surface Water Augmentation is the process of taking Class A+ Reclaimed Water and purifying it to drinking water standards through Advanced Treatment, then adding this water to Upper Lake Mary. 

      Option #4. Adding Advanced-treated water to Lake Mary
    4. This option uses pumps to inject Advanced Treated (potable) water into the ground, where it reaches the aquifer faster than through natural filtration.

      Option #3. Injecting Advanced-treated water into the Aquifer
    5. This option uses pumps to inject Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the ground, where it reaches the aquifer faster than through natural filtration.  

      Option #2. Injecting Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the Aquifer
    6. This is what we are currently doing.

      Option #1. Releasing Class A+ Reclaimed Water into the Rio do Flag
  • All infrastructure upgrades have associated costs. How much extra (in dollars) would you be willing to pay on your monthly water bill to implement Advanced Water Treatment in Flagstaff?
    • $20
  • Comments on Funding
    No response.
  • How confident are you in the Flagstaff Water Services’ ability to develop and implement one of these projects, as an additional water resource?
    • Choose one - Very Confident
  • How well do you feel this survey informed you on recycled-water possibilities for the City of Flagstaff?
    • Choose one - Very Informative
  • Is there any thing you would like to tell us?
    Thanks for this opportunity to give my input.
Flagstaff Community Forum is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Flagstaff Community Forum is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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How Clean is "Clean"?

On January 1, 2018, ADEQ (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality) intiated a rule change that opened a path for potable reuse. Coupled with recent technological advancements that have the capability to detect trace amounts of chemicals in our water, we are able to consider advancements in water conservation through recycled water. Flagstaff Water Services is still in the early stages of determining the best-fit option for recycled water in our community. Any option chosen will first be vetted with the public, and involve extensive collaborations with state and federal regulating agencies.

There are two water quality options presented in this survey: Class A+ Reclaimed Water and Advanced Treatment to Drinking Water Quality (also known as"potable reuse").

There are five Distribution Methods presented, which use both Class A+ Reclaimed and Advanced Treated (potable) options.

To aid you in tracking these options, the chart below will be highlighted to demonstrate the method under discussion:

Before we start, we'd like to give you a quick review of the basic terms used in this survey. Items in blue and underlined have a link to the term definition.

Reclaimed WaterCurrently, all wastewater received at the City’s two water reclamation plants is treated to Class A+ Reclaimed Water standards set by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Class A+ reclaimed water can be used for non-potable purposes, such as landscaping, manufacturing and recreation.

Advanced Water Treatment is the process of taking Class A+ reclaimed water and purifying it through a multi-stage filtration, treatement, and disinfection system to produce water that meets all environmental and health standards set by regulating authorities,such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), for potable drinking water.

100-Year Adequate Water Supply Designation: The Adequate Water Supply Designation signifies that Flagstaff has demonstrated physical supply availability for 100 years, legal rights to water, water infrastructure, as well as financial and water treatment capabilities.

Aquifer:  An underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock, rock fractures or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, or silt) from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well

Potable Water: Water that meets drinking water standards.

Indirect Reuse:  The process of using class A+ or Advanced Treated Water to refill an aquifer or body of surface water before drawing it out for treatment and distribution.  This method utilizes environmental buffers to naturally filter water before it is treated at a water production plant.

Direct Reuse: The process of taking high-quality, safe drinking water produced in the Advanced Water Treatment process and adding it directly into the potable water supply.

Let's begin with what you already know about recycled water options.

Choose at most 7 options
Heard of terms
Somewhat informed
Moderately informed
Very informed
Advanced Water Treatment
Direct/Indirect Potable Reuse
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