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What do you think about vehicle idling in Flagstaff?

122 registered responses

Does anyone in your household have asthma or another respiratory disease?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes, an adult 14.8% 18
Yes, a child under 18 4.9% 6
Yes, an older adult over 55 years 2.5% 3
No 77.9% 95

Do you have children in pre-k through 12?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 20.5% 25
No 79.5% 97

Do you own a car?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 98.3% 119
No 1.7% 2

How many days per week do you drive your car?

Response Percent Response Count
1 5.8% 7
2 8.3% 10
3 9.2% 11
4 5.8% 7
5 17.5% 21
6 16.7% 20
7 36.7% 44

On average, do you drive your children to and from school or a childcare provider?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 48.1% 13
No 51.9% 14

If not, how do your children get to school or childcare services?

Response Percent Response Count
They transport themselves 28.6% 4
My partner transports them 21.4% 3
Another family member or friend or neighbor transports them 7.1% 1
We bike or bus or walk to childcare or school together. 42.9% 6

At your child’s school, if you idle during drop-off, what prevents you from turning your car engine off:

Response Percent Response Count
The pick-up or drop-off zone keeps cars moving. 38.9% 7
Time (slowing down the flow of traffic) 16.7% 3
Comfort (it is too hot or too cold outside) 22.2% 4
Other 44.4% 8

How often do you turn your engine off during extended stops at the locations listed below?

School pickup/drop-off
Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 4.9% 6
Multiple times per day 4.1% 5
4-5 times per week 1.6% 2
Once per week 2.5% 3
Never 4.1% 5
N/A – I do not drive to this location 81.1% 99
Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 2.5% 3
Multiple times per day 0.8% 1
4-5 times per week 0.8% 1
Once per week 10.7% 13
Never 28.7% 35
N/A – I do not drive to this location 55.7% 68
Train crossing
Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 6.6% 8
Multiple times per day 4.1% 5
4-5 times per week 9.0% 11
Once per week 29.5% 36
Never 44.3% 54
N/A – I do not drive to this location 5.7% 7
Grocery stores
Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 12.3% 15
Multiple times per day 7.4% 9
4-5 times per week 18.0% 22
Once per week 41.8% 51
Never 15.6% 19
N/A – I do not drive to this location 4.9% 6
Parking lots
Response Percent Response Count
Once per day 18.0% 22
Multiple times per day 16.4% 20
4-5 times per week 21.3% 26
Once per week 23.8% 29
Never 15.6% 19
N/A – I do not drive to this location 4.9% 6

Why do you turn your car off at these times? (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Air quality concerns 64.0% 73
Greenhouse gas emission/climate change 64.0% 73
Save money from using less gas 70.2% 80
Other 22.8% 26

Why do you leave your car running at these times? (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Comfort 54.7% 47
Health of the car 17.4% 15
Don’t remember 4.7% 4
Never thought about it 38.4% 33

In the winter, do you start your car in advance of driving to heat it up?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 29.8% 36
No 70.2% 85

Which of the following have the most potential to improve the overall quality of the environment in Flagstaff? (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Local government, i.e., City of Flagstaff 86.9% 106
State government 37.7% 46
Federal government 30.3% 37
Community groups 56.6% 69
Private companies 38.5% 47
Local residents / people like me 87.7% 107
Non-profit organizations 43.4% 53
NAU 50.0% 61

What do you think the biggest environmental problems in Flagstaff are?

Response Percent Response Count
Air pollution 19.7% 24
Energy wasted in homes or buildings 50.0% 61
Litter 36.9% 45
Inadequate waste disposal or recycling 53.3% 65
Climate change 54.1% 66
Access to green space 14.8% 18
Urban sprawl 48.4% 59
Other 23.8% 29

Please rank the following issues facing the city in order of most pressing.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5 = strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, 1 = strongly disagree

I think that idling is a problem.
Response Percent Response Count
5 28.9% 35
4 27.3% 33
3 22.3% 27
2 12.4% 15
1 9.1% 11
I am concerned about air quality in Flagstaff.
Response Percent Response Count
5 29.8% 36
4 35.5% 43
3 21.5% 26
2 6.6% 8
1 5.8% 7
Air quality is worse around schools than in other neighborhoods.
Response Percent Response Count
5 10.7% 13
4 14.0% 17
3 45.5% 55
2 14.0% 17
1 13.2% 16
Children and adults are equally sensitive to air pollution.
Response Percent Response Count
5 30.6% 37
4 14.9% 18
3 14.9% 18
2 19.0% 23
1 19.0% 23
It is necessary to warm up the engine in cold weather to protect the engine.
Response Percent Response Count
5 6.6% 8
4 9.1% 11
3 17.4% 21
2 13.2% 16
1 53.7% 65
It uses more fuel to turn off and restart an engine that to leave it idling for more than 10 seconds.
Response Percent Response Count
5 7.4% 9
4 10.7% 13
3 26.4% 32
2 17.4% 21
1 36.4% 44
Cost savings from reducing idling can be significant.
Response Percent Response Count
5 16.5% 20
4 18.2% 22
3 43.0% 52
2 14.9% 18
1 5.8% 7

How long is it appropriate to idle your engine before turning off your vehicle?

Response Percent Response Count
10 seconds 47.1% 57
1 minute 26.4% 32
2 minutes 11.6% 14
3 minutes 7.4% 9
5 minutes or more 7.4% 9

Please rank the following causes of poor air quality in Flagstaff in order of most impactful?


Response Percent Response Count
19-24 5.0% 6
25-34 24.8% 30
35-44 20.7% 25
45-54 13.2% 16
55+ 36.4% 44


Response Percent Response Count
High School graduate 2.5% 3
Some college 13.9% 17
Bachelor’s degree 37.7% 46
Master’s degree or higher 45.9% 56

Where is your neighborhood? Please use the map above for reference.

Response Percent Response Count
Fort Valley 5.7% 7
Central North 23.8% 29
East 23.0% 28
Cosnino-Winona 0.8% 1
Southeast 7.4% 9
Central South 5.7% 7
West 10.7% 13
Southwest 8.2% 10
Lake Mary 7.4% 9
Kachina-Mountainaire 4.9% 6
No District 2.5% 3
Name not shown inside City Limits
July 12, 2018, 4:11 PM
  • Does anyone in your household have asthma or another respiratory disease?
    • No
  • Do you have children in pre-k through 12?
    • No
  • Do you own a car?
    • Yes
  • How many days per week do you drive your car?
    • 5
  • How often do you turn your engine off during extended stops at the locations listed below?
    • School pickup/drop-off - N/A – I do not drive to this location
    • Drive-thru - N/A – I do not drive to this location
    • Train crossing - Once per week
    • Grocery stores - Once per week
    • Parking lots - Multiple times per day
  • Why do you turn your car off at these times? (check all that apply)
    • Air quality concerns
    • Greenhouse gas emission/climate change
    • Save money from using less gas
  • Why do you leave your car running at these times? (check all that apply)
    • Health of the car
  • In the winter, do you start your car in advance of driving to heat it up?
    • No
  • Which of the following have the most potential to improve the overall quality of the environment in Flagstaff? (check all that apply)
    • Local government, i.e., City of Flagstaff
    • Federal government
    • Private companies
    • Local residents / people like me
  • What do you think the biggest environmental problems in Flagstaff are?
    • Energy wasted in homes or buildings
    • Inadequate waste disposal or recycling
    • Urban sprawl
  • Please rank the following issues facing the city in order of most pressing.

    1. Cost of housing

    2. Transportation

    3. Forest fire

    4. Education

    5. Environment

    6. Healthcare

    7. The economy and jobs

    8. Air quality

    9. Local government

    10. Public safety

    11. Crime

    12. Energy prices
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5 = strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, 1 = strongly disagree
    • I think that idling is a problem. - 5
    • I am concerned about air quality in Flagstaff. - 4
    • Air quality is worse around schools than in other neighborhoods. - 4
    • Children and adults are equally sensitive to air pollution. - 3
    • It is necessary to warm up the engine in cold weather to protect the engine. - 1
    • It uses more fuel to turn off and restart an engine that to leave it idling for more than 10 seconds. - 3
    • Cost savings from reducing idling can be significant. - 4
  • How long is it appropriate to idle your engine before turning off your vehicle?
    • 10 seconds
  • Please rank the following causes of poor air quality in Flagstaff in order of most impactful?

    1. Car pollution

    2. Smoke from wildfires

    3. Dust

    4. Smoke from fireplaces or stoves

    5. Allergens

    6. Industrial processes
  • Age:
    • 35-44
  • Education
    • Master’s degree or higher
  • Where is your neighborhood? Please use the map above for reference.
    • Central North
  • What is the primary way you find out about local news and events?
    • Newspaper
  • Please check which of the following newspapers you read:
    • Arizona Daily Sun - online
    • FlagLive
    • Cityscape
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