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Flagstaff Community Forum

Have you noticed the streetlight changes throughout the City of Flagstaff?

16 registered responses

Where did you experience the new LED street lights (check all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Cheshire 68.8% 11
Butler Avenue 68.8% 11
4th Street 62.5% 10
Route 66 68.8% 11
Cedar/West Street Intersection 56.3% 9

What is your impression of the brightness of light emitted from the LED fixtures?

Response Percent Response Count
The fixture emission appears brighter than that emitted from the LPS fixtures. 87.5% 14
The fixture emission appears less bright than that emitted from the LPS fixtures. 6.3% 1
There is no difference between the brightness of the emission from the LPS and LED fixtures. 6.3% 1

“Light trespass” is street light illumination extending beyond streets to yards, driveways, and houses. Please provide your opinion of the LED street lights relative to the LPS system currently in use.

Response Percent Response Count
The LED light trespass is greater than that of the LPS system. 68.8% 11
The LED light trespass is less than that of the LPS system. 25.0% 4
There is no change in light trespass. 6.3% 1

Please comment on the appearance of the new LED light fixtures as part of the Flagstaff cityscape.

Response Percent Response Count
They have a more aesthetically appealing design. 18.8% 3
They have a less aesthetically appealing design. 31.3% 5
They are neither more nor less aesthetically appealing. 50.0% 8

Which of the following describes your general experience (ground illumination, visibility of your surroundings) walking under the new LED street lights?

Response Percent Response Count
The LED system improves my overall experience in the evening in lighted street areas in Flagstaff. 18.8% 3
The LED system has degraded my experience in the evening in lighted street areas in Flagstaff. 62.5% 10
There is no change to my experience between the LPS-lit and LED-lit areas in Flagstaff. 18.8% 3

Which of the following describes the appearance and darkness of Flagstaff’s night sky?

Response Percent Response Count
Sky appearance and darkness has improved relative to the LPS system. 6.3% 1
Sky appearance and darkness has degraded relative to the LPS system. 68.8% 11
There is no change to sky darkness. 25.0% 4

Would you support removing street lights in your residential neighborhood, except at intersections, in order to save energy and improve dark skies?

Response Percent Response Count
Very supportive. 68.8% 11
Somewhat supportive. 12.5% 2
Not supportive. 18.8% 3

Would you support not installing street lights in new residential neighborhoods, except at intersections, in order to save energy and improve dark skies?

Response Percent Response Count
Very supportive. 68.8% 11
Somewhat supportive. 12.5% 2
Not supportive. 18.8% 3

Please provide any additional thoughts you have.

Name not shown inside City Limits
September 23, 2018, 10:15 PM
  • Where did you experience the new LED street lights (check all that apply)?
    • Butler Avenue
    • 4th Street
    • Route 66
    • Cedar/West Street Intersection
  • What is your impression of the brightness of light emitted from the LED fixtures?
    • The fixture emission appears brighter than that emitted from the LPS fixtures.
  • “Light trespass” is street light illumination extending beyond streets to yards, driveways, and houses. Please provide your opinion of the LED street lights relative to the LPS system currently in use.
    • The LED light trespass is greater than that of the LPS system.
  • Please comment on the appearance of the new LED light fixtures as part of the Flagstaff cityscape.
    • They have a less aesthetically appealing design.
  • Which of the following describes your general experience (ground illumination, visibility of your surroundings) walking under the new LED street lights?
    • The LED system has degraded my experience in the evening in lighted street areas in Flagstaff.
  • Which of the following describes the appearance and darkness of Flagstaff’s night sky?
    • Sky appearance and darkness has degraded relative to the LPS system.
  • Would you support removing street lights in your residential neighborhood, except at intersections, in order to save energy and improve dark skies?
    • Very supportive.
  • Would you support not installing street lights in new residential neighborhoods, except at intersections, in order to save energy and improve dark skies?
    • Very supportive.
  • Please provide any additional thoughts you have.
    The new lights are bad. They are noticeably brighter and more light-polluting than the old orange-style lights all around town. Please keep searching for a better replacement than these LEDs. I shudder to think of how our night skies will change if all of Flagstaff's streetlights are replaced with these LEDs, and I would be heartbroken to see these installed in my neighborhood.
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