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Flagstaff Community Forum

What goals and strategies are best for Flagstaff's Climate Action and Adaptation Plan?

38 registered responses

What do you think about Flagstaff setting an 80x50 target?

Response Percent Response Count
It is not aggressive enough 23.7% 9
I agree with the 80x50 target 55.3% 21
It is too aggressive 5.3% 2
Other 15.8% 6

What are the most important resources, systems, or populations that you think Flagstaff should pay attention to in preparing for climate change?




Please rank the energy strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Clean energy generation presents a key opportunity to cut emissions.

    Strategy 3: Expand renewable energy generation and use.
  2. Constructing and upgrading buildings to meet the highest thresholds for green building performance can dramatically reduce long-term energy use and emissions.

    Strategy 2: Enhance energy efficiency
  3. Reducing peak energy demand can have a big impact on electricity emissions because energy providers can reduce total electricity generation. Simple behavior change can reduce emissions.

    Strategy 1: Reduce peak demand for energy use in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.

Other comments related to Energy? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Biking and walking instead of driving personal vehicles presents an opportunity to reduce emissions.

    Strategy 2. Promote vibrant neighborhoods where residents can easily walk or bicycle to meet basic daily needs.
  2. Land use planning can minimize the distance people have to travel by car. This can reduce transportation emissions and promote vibrant downtown areas.

    Strategy 4. Encourage more climate-friendly land use planning.
  3. Traveling by public transit has far less of a climate impact than traveling by personal vehicle.

    Strategy 3. Incentivize and promote multi-modal transportation.
  4. Offering electric vehicle charging infrastructure enables the Flagstaff community to use zero emissions vehicles.

    Strategy 1. Support the growth of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Other comments related to Transportation and Land Use? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Diverting waste keeps material out of landfills, where it would break down and generate greenhouse gases. Recycling, reuse, and composting offer climate-positive alternatives to sending waste to the landfill

    Strategy 2. Encourage increased waste diversion.
  2. Consuming goods, services, and food can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Supporting sustainable business practices and educating consumers can reduce emissions.

    Strategy 1. Support sustainable & accessible production & consumption.
  3. Maximizing the efficiency of waste processing can reduce emissions associated with solid waste.

    Strategy 3. Optimize collection and disposal systems to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

Other comments related to Waste and Consumption? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Environmental systems provide benefits to the Flagstaff community. Protecting ecosystems can increase resiliency to climate change.

    Strategy 3. Protect existing forests and resources.
  2. Ensuring the forests in Flagstaff are healthy can reduce wildfire risk and sequester carbon.

    Strategy 1. Improve forest management.
  3. Public engagement and education can help prevent wildfires.

    Strategy 2. Educate the public on forest health risk and prevention.

Other comments related to Environmental Planning, Conservation and Open Space? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Ensuring Flagstaff’s ecological resources can sustain tourism improves climate and economic resiliency.

    Strategy 2. Protect natural areas & ecosystem services that are most vulnerable to impacts of tourism & climate change.
  2. By promoting a sustainable local economy, Flagstaff can support businesses reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.

    Strategy 3. Promote a sustainable local economy.
  3. Diversifying tourism will support the Flagstaff business community year round.

    Strategy 1. Strengthen four-seasons tourism in Flagstaff to shift reliance on winter recreation.

Other comments related to Economic Prosperity and Recreation? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. Reducing water use through conservation reduces emissions and protects vital resources.

    Strategy 2. Support water conservation.
  2. Water infrastructure that enables water reuse can help conserve water resources. Potential actions include:

    Strategy 3. Improve water infrastructure and expand water reuse.
  3. Maintaining forest health is vital to watersheds.

    Strategy 1. Improve forest management for conservation of water resources.

Other comments related to Water Resources? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 38 responses
  1. The elderly, homeless, and low-income populations are most vulnerable to climate change. Identifying and protecting vulnerable communities now will reduce the impacts of climate change.

    Strategy 2. Identify and target support for at-risk populations.
  2. Preparing for climate change hazards and developing public services will allow the Flagstaff community to be resilient to climate impacts.

    Strategy 1. Adequately fund services for disaster preparedness.

Other comments related to Public Health, Services, Facilities, and Safety? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?


Among the seven focus areas discussed, what are your highest priorities? Indicate which areas you think need the most focus using a 'budget' of 7 dots. If you think all focus areas are equally important, put one dot on each item. If you think an area is not important at all, do not award a dot.

Response Percent Response Count
Energy 20.1% 52
Transportation and Land Use 18.1% 47
Waste and Consumption 12.4% 32
Environmental Planning, Conservation, and Open Space 13.9% 36
Economic Prosperity and Recreation 5.4% 14
Water Resources 21.6% 56
Public Health, Services, Facilities, and Safety 7.7% 20

Do you have any other feedback on the goals, strategies, or this process?

Adrah Parafiniuk inside City Limits
May 11, 2018, 1:04 PM
  • What do you think about Flagstaff setting an 80x50 target?
    • It is not aggressive enough
  • What are the most important resources, systems, or populations that you think Flagstaff should pay attention to in preparing for climate change?

    Protecting agains forest fires is huge. There needs to be a focus on creating programs that help create homes that are less likely to be vulnerable to fire. Creating affordable water collection systems and xeriscaping would also be incredibly important.

  • Why?

    Poorer members of the community are least likely to be able to implement these measures.

  • Please rank the energy strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. Clean energy generation presents a key opportunity to cut emissions.

      Strategy 3: Expand renewable energy generation and use.
    2. Constructing and upgrading buildings to meet the highest thresholds for green building performance can dramatically reduce long-term energy use and emissions.

      Strategy 2: Enhance energy efficiency
    3. Reducing peak energy demand can have a big impact on electricity emissions because energy providers can reduce total electricity generation. Simple behavior change can reduce emissions.

      Strategy 1: Reduce peak demand for energy use in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
  • Other comments related to Energy? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?

    Flagstaff is blessed with solar and wind; we must use them and move away from any coal power generation.

  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. Offering electric vehicle charging infrastructure enables the Flagstaff community to use zero emissions vehicles.

      Strategy 1. Support the growth of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
    2. Land use planning can minimize the distance people have to travel by car. This can reduce transportation emissions and promote vibrant downtown areas.

      Strategy 4. Encourage more climate-friendly land use planning.
    3. Biking and walking instead of driving personal vehicles presents an opportunity to reduce emissions.

      Strategy 2. Promote vibrant neighborhoods where residents can easily walk or bicycle to meet basic daily needs.
    4. Traveling by public transit has far less of a climate impact than traveling by personal vehicle.

      Strategy 3. Incentivize and promote multi-modal transportation.
  • Other comments related to Transportation and Land Use? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?

    I think Flagstaff needs to strive to create 20% affordable housing. I think we can do it if create market rate rentals with affordable housing and use the profits to grow affordable housing

  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. Diverting waste keeps material out of landfills, where it would break down and generate greenhouse gases. Recycling, reuse, and composting offer climate-positive alternatives to sending waste to the landfill

      Strategy 2. Encourage increased waste diversion.
    2. Maximizing the efficiency of waste processing can reduce emissions associated with solid waste.

      Strategy 3. Optimize collection and disposal systems to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
    3. Consuming goods, services, and food can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Supporting sustainable business practices and educating consumers can reduce emissions.

      Strategy 1. Support sustainable & accessible production & consumption.
  • Other comments related to Waste and Consumption? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?
    No response.
  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. Ensuring the forests in Flagstaff are healthy can reduce wildfire risk and sequester carbon.

      Strategy 1. Improve forest management.
    2. Public engagement and education can help prevent wildfires.

      Strategy 2. Educate the public on forest health risk and prevention.
    3. Environmental systems provide benefits to the Flagstaff community. Protecting ecosystems can increase resiliency to climate change.

      Strategy 3. Protect existing forests and resources.
  • Other comments related to Environmental Planning, Conservation and Open Space? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?
    No response.
  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. By promoting a sustainable local economy, Flagstaff can support businesses reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.

      Strategy 3. Promote a sustainable local economy.
    2. Ensuring Flagstaff’s ecological resources can sustain tourism improves climate and economic resiliency.

      Strategy 2. Protect natural areas & ecosystem services that are most vulnerable to impacts of tourism & climate change.
  • Other comments related to Economic Prosperity and Recreation? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?

    Is the summer busier for tourism?

  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. Reducing water use through conservation reduces emissions and protects vital resources.

      Strategy 2. Support water conservation.
    2. Maintaining forest health is vital to watersheds.

      Strategy 1. Improve forest management for conservation of water resources.
    3. Water infrastructure that enables water reuse can help conserve water resources. Potential actions include:

      Strategy 3. Improve water infrastructure and expand water reuse.
  • Other comments related to Water Resources? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?

    Charge more for water! That is the most effective way to change behavior.

  • Please rank the strategies from your highest to lowest priority.
    1. The elderly, homeless, and low-income populations are most vulnerable to climate change. Identifying and protecting vulnerable communities now will reduce the impacts of climate change.

      Strategy 2. Identify and target support for at-risk populations.
    2. Preparing for climate change hazards and developing public services will allow the Flagstaff community to be resilient to climate impacts.

      Strategy 1. Adequately fund services for disaster preparedness.
  • Other comments related to Public Health, Services, Facilities, and Safety? Did we miss strategies or actions you would like to see in the Plan?
    No response.
  • Among the seven focus areas discussed, what are your highest priorities? Indicate which areas you think need the most focus using a 'budget' of 7 dots. If you think all focus areas are equally important, put one dot on each item. If you think an area is not important at all, do not award a dot.
    • Energy (1)
    • Transportation and Land Use (1)
    • Waste and Consumption (1)
    • Environmental Planning, Conservation, and Open Space (1)
    • Economic Prosperity and Recreation (1)
    • Water Resources (1)
    • Public Health, Services, Facilities, and Safety (1)
  • Do you have any other feedback on the goals, strategies, or this process?

    Affordable housing needs major change and major focus!

Flagstaff Community Forum is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Flagstaff Community Forum is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Thank you for providing feedback on the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.

The Climate Action and Adaptation Plan will be informed by community feedback. Through this survey, you will be able to provide feedback on proposed goals and strategies for the Plan.

If you have any questions about the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan development, please see www.Flagstaff.AZ.Gov/ClimatePlan or contact Jenny Niemann at [email protected].

We are happy to answer any questions you have, can set up a personal meeting to discuss the process, or would be happy to present to your community group, business, or organization.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target

One goal of the Flagstaff Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) is to reduce Flagstaff’s greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Setting a greenhouse gas emissions target will allow Flagstaff to track its progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and measure the success of climate programs.

Flagstaff's greenhouse gas emissions: where we are today

80x50 target

The Flagstaff CAAP planning team recommends setting a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 — an 80x50 target. This target is used by peer cities and states across the U.S. It aligns with the Paris Agreement and scientific understanding of the changes necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change.

Achieving this goal would require significant change. In Flagstaff, it could mean realigning our systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions we cause.

Is this achievable? Yes. We know that if we achieved the following, we would achieve an 80x50 emissions reduction target. Note that this is just ONE of many scenarios Flagstaff could choose from. 

  • Reduce or divert 80% of landfill waste
  • Reduce personal vehicle use by 20%
  • Switch 60% of on-road vehicles to zero emissions
  • Acquire at least 60% of electricity from renewables
  • Reduce building energy use by at least 80%

To learn more about greenhouse gas emissions, see the Climate Plan webpage on emissions.

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