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Flagstaff Community Forum

How do you use McMillan Mesa Natural Area?

162 registered responses

What best describes your relationship with McMillan Mesa Natural Area? Note: Please select the relationship that is most relevant.

Response Percent Response Count
I own/rent property immediately adjacent to McMillan Mesa Natural Area. 4.9% 8
I live in the McMillan Mesa vicinity (e.g. Izabel Street, Apple Way, Pine Cliff Drive). 11.7% 19
I work in the McMillan Mesa vicinity (e.g. Basis School, NACET, USGS). 3.1% 5
I recreate in McMillan Mesa Natural Area. 69.1% 112
I go to school in the McMillan Mesa vicinity. 1.2% 2
I have no relationship to McMillan Mesa Natural Area. 5.6% 9
Other 4.3% 7

How do you primarily access McMillan Mesa Natural Area?

Response Percent Response Count
Personal Vehicle 27.3% 44
Bicycle/Foot 47.8% 77
A combination of those 21.7% 35
I don’t use McMillan Mesa Natural Area 3.1% 5

Where do you primarily park?

Response Percent Response Count
Buffalo Park 83.0% 39
BASIS 2.1% 1
San Francisco de Asis Catholic Church 6.4% 3
Other 4.3% 2

Which trails and facilities do you use to access McMillan Mesa Natural Area? (please select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
FUTS Trails/Sidewalks 97.4% 75
Arizona Trail 58.4% 45
Other 13.0% 10

With each pin, in the corresponding comment box, we invite you to share why you visit that area, what activities you engage in there, and anything else you feel is important about that location.


What do you value MOST about McMillan Mesa Natural Area?

Response Percent Response Count
Ecological resources (e.g. wildlife habitat, grassland plant species) 32.9% 53
Views of the San Francisco Peaks 11.2% 18
Accessibility from other areas of town 3.7% 6
Recreational opportunities (e.g. using trails, wildlife watching) 39.8% 64
Other 12.4% 20

What recreational activities do you engage in on McMillan Mesa Natural Area? (Choose as many as applicable)

Response Percent Response Count
Hiking or Walking 93.2% 150
Dog Walking 45.3% 73
Biking 58.4% 94
Running 41.6% 67
Wildlife Watching 61.5% 99
Snow Shoeing 19.9% 32
Cross Country Skiing 24.2% 39
None 3.7% 6
Other 14.3% 23

What recreational activities would you like to engage in on McMillan Mesa Natural Area but feel the facilities are inadequate for? (Choose as many as applicable)

Response Percent Response Count
Hiking or Walking 25.4% 15
Dog Walking 11.9% 7
Biking 16.9% 10
Equestrian 8.5% 5
Running 6.8% 4
Wildlife Watching 27.1% 16
Snow Shoeing 16.9% 10
Cross Country Skiing 22.0% 13
Other 37.3% 22

If you feel that the facilities are inadequate, how could they be improved to meet your needs?


What are the most important issues affecting McMillan Mesa Natural Area? Please rate each option from “Least Concerned” to “Most Concerned” to help us understand how you rank these.

Parking infrastructure
Response Percent Response Count
Most Concerned 6.8% 11
Somewhat Concerned 24.1% 39
Neutral 27.2% 44
Least Concerned 32.1% 52
Ecological condition of the grassland (e.g. spread of invasive weeds, trees spreading into the grassland)
Response Percent Response Count
Most Concerned 45.1% 73
Somewhat Concerned 34.6% 56
Neutral 10.5% 17
Least Concerned 8.0% 13
Illegal dumping/litter/graffiti
Response Percent Response Count
Most Concerned 42.0% 68
Somewhat Concerned 40.7% 66
Neutral 9.3% 15
Least Concerned 5.6% 9
Social trails (a trail that has been established by repeated foot-traffic and is not included in the designated trail system)
Response Percent Response Count
Most Concerned 11.1% 18
Somewhat Concerned 34.0% 55
Neutral 32.7% 53
Least Concerned 18.5% 30
Response Percent Response Count
Most Concerned 14.8% 24
Somewhat Concerned 2.5% 4
Neutral 2.5% 4
Least Concerned 3.1% 5

If you selected other, please specify:


What types of improvements do you think are most important in McMillan Mesa Natural Area? (rank priorities in order of importance from not at all to highly important)

Average priorities over 162 responses
  1. Ecological restoration and forest health improvements within forested areas

    Ecological restoration and forest health improvements within forested areas
  2. Trash and recycling facilities

    Trash and recycling facilities
  3. Provide restrooms at the primary access point

    Provide restrooms at the primary access point
  4. Develop additional FUTS and single-track trails within the Natural Area

    Develop additional FUTS and single-track trails within the Natural Area
  5. Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)

    Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)
  6. Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)

    Install additional signage throughout the Natural Area to orient visitors, mark trails, and interpret resources
  7. Establish a formal parking area for visitors to access the Mesa more easily

    Establish a formal parking area for visitors to access the Mesa more easily
  8. Maps/interpretive information/signage

    Maps/interpretive information/signage
  9. Decommission or revegetate social trails within the Natural Area

    Decommission or revegetate social trails within the Natural Area
  10. Please elaborate below


If you selected other, please specify:


Is there anything else you would like to add regarding how you feel McMillan Mesa Natural Area should be managed or recommendations for projects that could enhance the area?

Name not available inside City Limits
September 17, 2018, 3:26 PM
  • What best describes your relationship with McMillan Mesa Natural Area? Note: Please select the relationship that is most relevant.
    • I own/rent property immediately adjacent to McMillan Mesa Natural Area.
  • How do you primarily access McMillan Mesa Natural Area?
    • A combination of those
  • With each pin, in the corresponding comment box, we invite you to share why you visit that area, what activities you engage in there, and anything else you feel is important about that location.

  • What do you value MOST about McMillan Mesa Natural Area?
    • Recreational opportunities (e.g. using trails, wildlife watching)
  • What recreational activities do you engage in on McMillan Mesa Natural Area? (Choose as many as applicable)
    • Hiking or Walking
    • Dog Walking
    • Biking
    • Wildlife Watching
  • What recreational activities would you like to engage in on McMillan Mesa Natural Area but feel the facilities are inadequate for? (Choose as many as applicable)
    No response.
  • If you feel that the facilities are inadequate, how could they be improved to meet your needs?
    No response.
  • What are the most important issues affecting McMillan Mesa Natural Area? Please rate each option from “Least Concerned” to “Most Concerned” to help us understand how you rank these.
    • Parking infrastructure - Neutral
    • Ecological condition of the grassland (e.g. spread of invasive weeds, trees spreading into the grassland) - Somewhat Concerned
    • Illegal dumping/litter/graffiti - Somewhat Concerned
    • Social trails (a trail that has been established by repeated foot-traffic and is not included in the designated trail system) - Somewhat Concerned
    • Other - Most Concerned
  • If you selected other, please specify:

    Over-development of housing/schools/businesses/parking on protected natural lands. I would like to see this area kept for open space/recreational space.

  • What types of improvements do you think are most important in McMillan Mesa Natural Area? (rank priorities in order of importance from not at all to highly important)
    1. Trash and recycling facilities

      Trash and recycling facilities
    2. Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)

      Install additional signage throughout the Natural Area to orient visitors, mark trails, and interpret resources
    3. Maps/interpretive information/signage

      Maps/interpretive information/signage
    4. Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)

      Provide opportunities for visitors to rest and enjoy the Natural Area (e.g. benches, picnic tables, shade)
  • If you selected other, please specify:
    No response.
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