What changes can be made on Foxglenn St to promote traffic calming and support walking and biking?
Foxglenn St qualifies for traffic calming. Traffic data was collected in the fall of 2023 and it was discovered that the 85th percentile speed on the road, or the speed at which 85% of drivers were driving at or below, was 32 mph, and the 50th percentile was 28 mph. Foxglenn St is posted at 25 mph and based on the Residential Traffic Management Guide, Foxglenn St qualifies for traffic calming. To learn more about traffic calming and available strategies, please visit this link:
City of Flagstaff Residential Traffic Management
The intent of this survey is to better understand the nature and location of concerns and opportunites located along the street, as well as provide residents with the opportunity to express thoughts and participate in future planning.