What are your thoughts and comments on the Butler Ave - Fourth St Improvements Project
This topic has 286 visitors and 107 responses.
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This project will widen Butler Avenue between the I-40 interchange and Sinagua Heights and Fourth St between Warm Springs Trail and Butler. Intersections along Butler Avenue will also be reconstructed as part of the project: a new roundabout is planned at Herold Ranch Rd, and several options are being considered for the intersection at Butler Ave and Fourth St, including conventional signalized intersections or a roundabout.
Planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities include separated bike lanes and sidewalks, protected intersections, mid-block beacon crossings, and planned FUTS trails.
This project is funded through the City’s transportation sales tax, as well as contributions from private development along the corridor. Total project cost is estimated at $18 million.
More information about the project is available at the project website: https://flagstaff.az.gov/4898/Butler-Fourth-Improvements-Project
This topic has 286 visitors and 107 responses.
That's 5.4 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.