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What should our traffic safety priorities be?

53 registered responses

Q1. Primarily, I'm responding as a (pick one):

Response Percent Response Count
Motorist 65.4% 34
Pedestrian 9.6% 5
Bicyclist 19.2% 10
Other 5.8% 3

Q2. Consider the crash data, your experience traveling in the region, and what’s important to you. What emphasis would you place on each of these areas to guide our traffic safety improvements and save lives?

Unrestrained / Unknown
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 42.3% 22
.. 19.2% 10
Moderate Emphasis 23.1% 12
Higher Emphasis 3.8% 2
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 17.3% 9
.. 25.0% 13
Moderate Emphasis 32.7% 17
... 9.6% 5
Higher Emphasis 9.6% 5
Response Percent Response Count
.. 5.8% 3
Moderate Emphasis 23.1% 12
... 28.8% 15
Higher Emphasis 38.5% 20
Lane Departure
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 1.9% 1
.. 17.3% 9
Moderate Emphasis 30.8% 16
... 34.6% 18
Higher Emphasis 13.5% 7
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 9.6% 5
.. 5.8% 3
Moderate Emphasis 11.5% 6
... 21.2% 11
Higher Emphasis 50.0% 26
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 5.8% 3
.. 7.7% 4
Moderate Emphasis 13.5% 7
... 13.5% 7
Higher Emphasis 57.7% 30
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 9.6% 5
.. 17.3% 9
Moderate Emphasis 42.3% 22
... 15.4% 8
Higher Emphasis 13.5% 7
Speeding/ Aggressive Driving
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 1.9% 1
.. 1.9% 1
Moderate Emphasis 11.5% 6
... 30.8% 16
Higher Emphasis 53.8% 28
Impaired Driving
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 1.9% 1
Moderate Emphasis 19.2% 10
... 21.2% 11
Higher Emphasis 57.7% 30
Young Driver
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 7.7% 4
.. 11.5% 6
Moderate Emphasis 50.0% 26
... 21.2% 11
Higher Emphasis 5.8% 3
Older Driver
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 9.6% 5
.. 17.3% 9
Moderate Emphasis 38.5% 20
... 23.1% 12
Higher Emphasis 9.6% 5
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 1.9% 1
.. 13.5% 7
Moderate Emphasis 32.7% 17
... 30.8% 16
Higher Emphasis 15.4% 8
Response Percent Response Count
Lower Emphasis 11.5% 6
.. 26.9% 14
Moderate Emphasis 26.9% 14
... 21.2% 11
Higher Emphasis 11.5% 6
Distracted Driving
Response Percent Response Count
.. 5.8% 3
Moderate Emphasis 23.1% 12
... 21.2% 11
Higher Emphasis 50.0% 26

Q3. Where do you live (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Flagstaff 86.3% 44
Doney Park/Winona/Cosnino 3.9% 2
Kachina Village/Mountainaire 5.9% 3
Other 3.9% 2

Q4. Select the age category that best describes you.

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 3.8% 2
25-40 26.9% 14
41-64 34.6% 18
65 or older 32.7% 17
Choose not to answer 1.9% 1

Q5. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 5.8% 3
No 76.9% 40
Don't know/Decline to answer 17.3% 9

Q6. How do you describe yourself? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 3.8% 2
White/Caucasian 76.9% 40
More than one race 3.8% 2
Decline to answer 15.4% 8

Q7. What is your highest grade of school or year of college that you have completed? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Some college / Associate's Degree 5.8% 3
Bachelor's 42.3% 22
Post-bachelor's 48.1% 25
Don't know/Decline to answer 3.8% 2

Q8. Which of these conditions, if any, create difficulties for getting you where you want to go? (Check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
No such condition 82.7% 43
Seeing 1.9% 1
Hearing 1.9% 1
Moving 1.9% 1
Memory or processing 3.8% 2
Other 7.7% 4

Q9. Which of the following income groups includes your total household income for 2022 before taxes?

Response Percent Response Count
$25,000 to $49,900 9.6% 5
$50,000 to $74,900 9.6% 5
$75,000 to $99,900 11.5% 6
$100,000 to $149,000 21.2% 11
$150,000 and over 23.1% 12
Don’t know/Decline to answer 25.0% 13

Q10. How do you describe your gender? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Female 38.5% 20
Male 44.2% 23
Transgender/Non-binary 3.8% 2
Decline to answer 13.5% 7

Q11. Almost done! If you please, share your thoughts on traffic safety priorities.


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Hypothetical crashes illustrate the elements we’d like you to consider: 

  • Example 1. A young driver doing 45 in a 30 mph zone runs a red light and hits another car.  These elements are involved: Young Driver – Speeding – Intersection. 
  • Example 2. An older driver has been drinking and runs off the road. These elements are involved: Older driver - Impaired Driving - Lane Departure.

For each emphasis area, there are two pieces of information you might consider:

  • Regional rank: How often an element played into fatal crashes, serious injury crashes, and all crashes.  Fatal crashes are many times more important than property damage crashes.
  • Region vs. State Rank: How much more or less an element plays into regional crashes than in-state crashes.  This may indicate something is not “normal” or is unique to our region.  Weather-related crashes and animal crashes are two factors more prevalent in our region, for example.  Again, crash severity is factored in.
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