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What did you think of the six growth ideas that were presented during the webinar?

7 registered responses

Please be as specific as possible and note which growth ideas you are referring to in your response.


Please be as specific as possible and note which growth ideas you are referring to in your response.


Are we missing anything we should consider as we develop and model scenarios?


Are you affiliated with any of the community organizations listed below? (Select all that apply) If you are affiliated with an organization not listed, please enter the name in the "Other" response option.

Response Percent Response Count
La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Association 40.0% 2
Southside Neighborhood Association 20.0% 1
Flagstaff High School - Native American and Hispanic Heritage Clubs 20.0% 1
Other 40.0% 2
Mary Norton inside City Limits
June 15, 2023, 2:12 PM
  • Please be as specific as possible and note which growth ideas you are referring to in your response.

    I am in support of all six of these growth ideas and believe they can all be implemented to be a part of the future growth of Flagstaff. We know there is limited land and we are short housing, so using and planning for all areas appropriately is key. Even though 4th St. was called "eastside" in your references, it is actually the geographical center of the city so it makes sense to have that be one of the growth areas. I also find these growth ideas interesting, a change from the previous regional plan, and in support of the proposed growth area of the new hospital campus! It also points out the reality that outfill and connectivity is inevitable, acceptable and OK. They also reiterate that open space/natural areas and conservation is important to residents and shouldn't fall in priority.

  • Please be as specific as possible and note which growth ideas you are referring to in your response.

    The only growth idea I am minimally concerned about is the focus on large employers. Until we can plan for our growth and get more housing going (and get a handle on short term rentals), it will be difficult for incoming new employees of a large employer to find housing.

  • Are we missing anything we should consider as we develop and model scenarios?

    More focus on the amount and where open space should be. More emphasis on the JWP corridor (or being a part of/engaged with the JW Powell Specific Plan Study currently in the works).

  • Are you affiliated with any of the community organizations listed below? (Select all that apply) If you are affiliated with an organization not listed, please enter the name in the "Other" response option.
    No response.
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