What growth principles should be prioritized in the Regional Plan growth scenarios?
The City of Flagstaff and Coconino County, with the assistance of Cascadia Partners, are currently developing a set of alternate land use scenarios to bring to the general public for review. To help in the scenario development process, the Regional Plan team is seeking the public's input in prioritizing general growth principles that will be compared against and potentially incorporated into the various scenarios. Developing scenarios is a way to test if the ideas that the community has about how we want to grow and what patterns we want to reinforce in buildings, roads, open space, jobs, and housing will produce the outcomes that meet the community's vision for the future. The scenarios we develop and test will be shared with the community in the Fall of 2023 in "scenario choosing" workshops where you will get to see how various growth scenarios perform across a range of metrics.
This survey has been created for the public to weigh in on how to prioritize the growth principles generated by previous public engagement on the Flagstaff Regional Plan. If you are unfamiliar with the Regional Plan or the term scenario planning, we encourage you to read the background information below and/or visit the Regional Plan update website to learn more: http://www.flagstaff.az.gov/RegionalPlan2045
Background Information
The Flagstaff Regional Plan is a policy guide, serving as the general plan for the City of Flagstaff and an amendment to the Coconino County Comprehensive Plan. As mandated by state law, the plan covers a range of topics with information on current conditions and the community's vision for the future. Additionally, the plan outlines carefully developed goals and policies to realize the future vision. A key component of the Regional Plan update is Scenario Planning.
Scenario planning is an approach to long-range planning for cities and regions that enables communities to create and analyze multiple plausible versions of the future. It is increasingly used in urban planning projects because of its usefulness in times of uncertainty and complexity. Scenario planning encourages strategic thinking about how and why our cities change and allows us to imagine multiple futures to meet some of the most pressing challenges of our time related to climate change, transportation, infrastructure, technology, economic development, and housing. It is also a unique opportunity for community stakeholders to help shape the future through collaboration and consensus-building around planning.
This topic has 516 visitors and 207 responses.
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