Beautification, Arts and Sciences public art project at Switzer Canyon.
This topic has 300 visitors and 56 responses.
That's 2.8 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
Switzer Canyon Roundabout is slated to have a Call-to-Artist initiative to propose ideas for public art inside the center of the roundabout. This ideation will be shared and formalized from the direct input of these survey responses! A selection panel will then recommend the most creative proposal to the Commmission for review and approval. The funding of this project comes directly from the 2% Bed, Board and Beverage taxes that are repurposed into beautification projects like this one!
Please take this 10-20 minute survey to provide feedback for our public art forum at Switzer Canyon Roundabout. You can answer any or all of the questions. Don't be agraid to have fun with your answers!
Please Note: When answering question # 6, use your Ctrl button with your mouse selection button to select three options.
We appreciate your input!
This topic has 300 visitors and 56 responses.
That's 2.8 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.