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Flagstaff Community Forum

Concerned about traffic safety?

232 registered responses

Q1. Primarily, I'm responding as a (pick one):

Response Percent Response Count
Motorist 48.3% 111
Pedestrian 12.2% 28
Bicyclist 37.4% 86
Other 2.2% 5

Q2.How frequently have you observed drivers or other road users doing the following?

Impaired driving, walking, or biking
Response Percent Response Count
Never 20.3% 47
Occasionally 64.7% 150
Often 10.8% 25
Distracted driving, walking, or biking (such as texting or talking on cell phone, eating, etc.)
Response Percent Response Count
Never 3.4% 8
Occasionally 30.2% 70
Often 66.4% 154
Response Percent Response Count
Never 0.9% 2
Occasionally 25.9% 60
Often 72.8% 169
Not stopping completely at stop signs
Response Percent Response Count
Never 3.4% 8
Occasionally 43.5% 101
Often 53.0% 123
Not stopping at crosswalks
Response Percent Response Count
Never 6.5% 15
Occasionally 43.5% 101
Often 48.7% 113
Not crossing at crosswalks
Response Percent Response Count
Never 4.3% 10
Occasionally 50.4% 117
Often 42.2% 98
Riding their bike against traffic
Response Percent Response Count
Never 16.8% 39
Occasionally 68.5% 159
Often 13.4% 31
Not yielding to other vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians
Response Percent Response Count
Never 5.6% 13
Occasionally 56.9% 132
Often 37.1% 86
Speeding or passing in school zones
Response Percent Response Count
Never 37.5% 87
Occasionally 41.4% 96
Often 20.3% 47
Illegal/unsafe turns
Response Percent Response Count
Never 10.8% 25
Occasionally 59.5% 138
Often 28.0% 65
Tailgating/following too closely
Response Percent Response Count
Never 4.7% 11
Occasionally 40.1% 93
Often 54.7% 127
Failing to use turn signal
Response Percent Response Count
Never 1.7% 4
Occasionally 34.5% 80
Often 62.5% 145
Not stopping for a red light
Response Percent Response Count
Never 23.3% 54
Occasionally 57.8% 134
Often 18.1% 42
Passing illegally (hill or curve, across double yellow line, a stopped school bus picking up children)
Response Percent Response Count
Never 31.5% 73
Occasionally 52.2% 121
Often 15.5% 36
Driving too slowly
Response Percent Response Count
Never 32.3% 75
Occasionally 56.9% 132
Often 9.9% 23
Not wearing seat belts
Response Percent Response Count
Never 61.6% 143
Occasionally 25.4% 59
Often 3.9% 9
Other (please specify)
Response Percent Response Count
Never 12.9% 30
Occasionally 3.9% 9
Often 4.3% 10

Q3. How safe is it on the roads and streets for the following people?

Response Percent Response Count
Unsafe 13.0% 30
Safe 68.7% 158
Very Safe 18.3% 42
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unsafe 20.0% 46
Unsafe 48.3% 111
Safe 29.6% 68
Very Safe 1.3% 3
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unsafe 33.9% 78
Unsafe 49.6% 114
Safe 14.8% 34
Very Safe 0.4% 1
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unsafe 7.0% 16
Unsafe 34.8% 80
Safe 47.4% 109
Very Safe 2.2% 5
Elderly and/or disables person
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unsafe 36.1% 83
Unsafe 39.1% 90
Safe 19.1% 44
Very Safe 0.4% 1

Q4. How safe do you feel traveling on area roads and streets?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Unsafe 8.7% 20
Unsafe 40.3% 93
Safe 47.6% 110
Very Safe 3.5% 8

Q5. What words best describe the behavior of drivers on area roads and streets (pick three)?

Response Percent Response Count
Courteous 15.9% 37
Frustrated/Angry 24.1% 56
Hurried 59.9% 139
Distracted 59.1% 137
Inattentive 40.9% 95
Intoxicated 1.3% 3
Same as everywhere 21.6% 50

Q6. When driving around pedestrians/cyclists how often do you fear for their safety?

Response Percent Response Count
Never 2.6% 6
Sometimes 35.5% 82
Often 32.9% 76
Very often 28.1% 65
I don't drive 0.9% 2

Q7. What do you think is the primary cause of crashes in your community?


Q8.What is one thing you think public agencies could do to make it safer to travel in our community?


Q9. What is one thing you think people should do to make it safer to travel in our community?


Q10. What is one thing you could do to make it safer to travel in our community?


Q11. Where do you live (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Flagstaff 89.0% 203
Doney Park/Winona/Cosnino 3.1% 7
Kachina Village/Mountainaire 1.3% 3
Bellemont 0.4% 1
Fort Valley 3.1% 7
Other 3.1% 7

Q12. Select the age category that best describes you.

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 3.5% 8
25-40 26.0% 59
41-64 46.7% 106
65 or older 22.5% 51
Choose not to answer 1.3% 3

Q13. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 3.6% 8
No 86.2% 193
Don't know/Decline to answer 10.3% 23

Q14. How do you describe yourself? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.9% 2
Asian 0.9% 2
Native Hawaiin or Pacific Islander 0.4% 1
White/Caucasian 78.9% 179
More than one race 4.4% 10
Don't know/Unsure 0.4% 1
Decline to answer 14.1% 32

Q15. What is your highest grade of school or year of college that you have completed? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
High School Degree (Grade 12 or GED) 1.3% 3
Some college / Associate's Degree 9.3% 21
Bachelor's 32.6% 74
Post-bachelor's 54.2% 123
Don't know/Decline to answer 2.6% 6

Q16. Whish of these conditions, if any, create difficulties for getting you where you want to go? (Check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Seeing 12.5% 9
Hearing 2.8% 2
Moving 11.1% 8
Handling items 4.2% 3
Memory or processing 2.8% 2
Other 66.7% 48

Q17. Which of the following income groups includes your total household income for 2022 before taxes?

Response Percent Response Count
Up to $25,000 1.3% 3
$25,000 to $49,900 10.7% 24
$50,000 to $74,900 11.6% 26
$75,000 to $99,900 18.2% 41
$100,000 to $149,000 23.6% 53
$150,000 and over 16.4% 37
Don’t know/Decline to answer 18.2% 41

Q18. How do you describe your gender? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Female 44.0% 99
Male 46.2% 104
Transgender/Non-binary 1.3% 3
Decline to answer 8.4% 19

Q19. If you’d like to receive updates regarding THIS PROJECT ONLY, please provide your contact information (Line 1 - Name/Line 2 - Email. Otherwise skip this question.


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Have you noticed an area that concerns you when driving, bicycling, or walking? Have you thought someone should know about that traffic problem?

MetroPlan Flagstaff needs your input! Help improve traffic safety in our community by pinpointing worrisome areas and unsafe travel behaviors you have witnessed.

Impaired driving, walking, or biking
Distracted driving, walking, or biking (such as texting or talking on cell phone, eating, etc.)
Not stopping completely at stop signs
Not stopping at crosswalks
Not crossing at crosswalks
Riding their bike against traffic
Not yielding to other vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians
Speeding or passing in school zones
Illegal/unsafe turns
Tailgating/following too closely
Failing to use turn signal
Not stopping for a red light
Passing illegally (hill or curve, across double yellow line, a stopped school bus picking up children)
Driving too slowly
Not wearing seat belts
Other (please specify)


Very Unsafe
Very Safe
Elderly and/or disables person
Choose at most 3 options



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