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What design standards should be included in the La Plaza Vieja character overlay?

33 registered responses

Considering the project area in the map above, do you (select all that apply):

Response Percent Response Count
Own property and live in the Neighborhood Core 6.1% 2
Own property in the Neighborhood Core but live elsewhere in the City of Flagstaff 12.1% 4
I do not live in or own property in the Neighborhood Core and I do not expect to in the future. 63.6% 21
Other 27.3% 9

In theory, do you agree that the City of Flagstaff should craft and adopt some basic design standards to reinforce La Plaza Vieja's character?

Response Percent Response Count
Agree - good idea 54.5% 18
Neutral/Unsure 27.3% 9
Disagree - bad idea 18.2% 6

Why do you agree or disagree with this approach?


Do you think one-story homes (both existing and new) should be exempt from any adopted design standards?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 36.4% 12
Neutral/Unsure 36.4% 12
No - bad idea 27.3% 9

Why do you think exempting one-story homes is a good or bad idea?


Do you think the character overlay should include building face variation (façade articulation) standards?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 81.8% 27
Neutral/Unsure 9.1% 3
No - bad idea 9.1% 3

Why do you think facade articulation should or should not be included?


Do you think the character overlay should include upper-floor articulation standards?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 56.3% 18
Neutral/Unsure 28.1% 9
No - bad idea 15.6% 5

Why do you think upper-floor articulation should or should not be included?


Do you think the character overlay should contain requirements for a change in roof profile (roof modulation standards)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 63.6% 21
Neutral/Unsure 18.2% 6
No - bad idea 18.2% 6

Why do you think roof modulation should or should not be included?


Do you think it's a good idea to NOT regulate building materials in the character overlay?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 68.8% 22
Neutral/Unsure 12.5% 4
No - bad idea 18.8% 6

Why do you think building materials should or should not be regulated?


Do you think standards for window trim or recess should be included in the character overlay?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 36.4% 12
Neutral/Unsure 42.4% 14
No - bad idea 21.2% 7

Why do you think window trim or window recessing should or should not be included?


Do you think the character overlay should include a covered entry roof or porch requirement?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 57.6% 19
Neutral/Unsure 21.2% 7
No - bad idea 21.2% 7

Why do you think requirements for a covered entry or porch should or should not be included?


Do you think the character overlay should restrict the location of off-street parking to areas located off of alleys or to the side of homes?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 36.4% 12
Neutral/Unsure 21.2% 7
No - bad idea 42.4% 14

Why do you think parking location restrictions should or should not be included?


Do you think requirements for window consistency should be included in the character overlay?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - good idea 12.1% 4
Neutral/Unsure 21.2% 7
No - bad idea 66.7% 22
Name not shown inside City Limits
January 12, 2023, 1:55 PM
  • Considering the project area in the map above, do you (select all that apply):
    • I do not live in or own property in the Neighborhood Core and I do not expect to in the future.
  • In theory, do you agree that the City of Flagstaff should craft and adopt some basic design standards to reinforce La Plaza Vieja's character?
    • Neutral/Unsure
  • Why do you agree or disagree with this approach?
    I would say it depends on what the folks who live there think. If a majority want it then yes I would agree.
  • Do you think one-story homes (both existing and new) should be exempt from any adopted design standards?
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think exempting one-story homes is a good or bad idea?
    A good idea if the people living there wish to preserve the character of the neighborhood. If the people want it then we should too.
  • Do you think the character overlay should include building face variation (façade articulation) standards?
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think facade articulation should or should not be included?
    As long as the buildings are not of a commercial nature or commercial use, then yes it's a good idea.
  • Do you think the character overlay should include upper-floor articulation standards?
    • No - bad idea
  • Why do you think upper-floor articulation should or should not be included?
    If done as in the illustration, then it's just a bogus adjustment with no real substance. If done with more emphasis then it might work.
  • Do you think the character overlay should contain requirements for a change in roof profile (roof modulation standards)?
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think roof modulation should or should not be included?
    It's much better than no roof modulation.
  • Do you think it's a good idea to NOT regulate building materials in the character overlay?
    • Neutral/Unsure
  • Why do you think building materials should or should not be regulated?
    I actually think that because building materials are scarce, other materials could also be used BUT only with the proviso that they "appear" to look like the more conventional materials.
  • Do you think standards for window trim or recess should be included in the character overlay?
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think window trim or window recessing should or should not be included?
    Windows with more trim and recess look much better than w/o them.
  • Do you think the character overlay should include a covered entry roof or porch requirement?
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think requirements for a covered entry or porch should or should not be included?
    Helps to shield entrance from rain or snow when entering or exiting
  • Do you think the character overlay should restrict the location of off-street parking to areas located off of alleys or to the side of homes?
    • No - bad idea
  • Why do you think parking location restrictions should or should not be included?
    I think this idea is bogus. One can always easily discern which is the front of a residence.
  • Do you think requirements for window consistency should be included in the character overlay?
    • No - bad idea
  • Why do you think window consistency should or should not be included?
    It would definitely appear to me that this restricts the INTERIOR layout of the building too much so should not be done.
  • Do you think the character overlay should allow shed roofs on garages, detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), storage sheds and similar structures? NOTE: ADUs are limited to 800 square feet by the current city code and are also allowed over garages.
    • Yes - good idea
  • Why do you think shed roofs should or should not be allowed on accessory structures?
    I do not know of any reason not to allow them.
  • Do you think the character overlay should allow a single-family home or duplex with only a single shed roof with no other roof plane adding variety to the home?
    • Neutral/Unsure
  • Why do you think shed roofs should or should not be allowed on homes?
    Depends on others factors whether this should be ok on homes or not.
  • Do you think that any allowance for shed roof single family homes and duplexes should include a requirement that the roofline integrate two contrasting roof planes?
    • Neutral/Unsure
  • Why do you think any shed roof standards should or should include a requirement for contrasting roof planes?
    I think it depends on which way they are sloping. Should not be into each other but away from each other
  • Do you think the character overlay should include standards for roof orientation?
    • No - bad idea
  • Why do you think roof orientation requirements should or should not be included?
    I think either way is ok. Should not be a requirement.
  • What elements of design are most important for a new character overlay to regulate in order to preserve the neighborhood character of la Plaza Vieja?
    1. Varying the face plane of a new building (facade articulation) is one of several ways to break up the massive appearance and larger scale of a building. Facade articulation refers to the surfaces of the building, whether they are flat, pushed up to the street, or pushed back.  Some examples include:

      • Roofline changes 
      • Covered entries or porches
      • Changes in the color and pattern of the materials between floors of the building
      • Building Modulation - requiring every 10-35 feet that the building jog in or out to mimic smaller buildings
      • "Other" vertical features, like chimneys or dormers
      Building Face (Facade) Variation (Articulation)
    2. The change in a roof’s visual profile (roof modulation standards) could apply to buildings longer than 30 feet with the goal of creating visual interest by not having excessively long and continuous roof lines. A variation in roof forms can add visual interest to a building by breaking up the building’s appearance against the skyline.

      Change In Roof Profile (Modulation)
  • In your opinion, are there any of the elements from the previous question that the city should NOT regulate and why? (Use one blank for each element)
    • Roof orientation. Is too arbitrary.
  • Are there any other thoughts or opinions you would like to share with the project team and the La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Association?

    It's THEIR neighborhood and the city should respect what they say they want or do not want.

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Where would the overlay design standards apply?

While La Plaza Vieja includes commercial areas, the design standards will only apply to single-family and duplex homes within the neighborhood core on the map below. 

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