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Please give us your feedback on the needs within the S. Lone Tree Corridor. It will help us identify potential environmental issues and their mitigations

10 registered responses

The elements below are Needs addressed in this study. Please rate how much you agree with the following statements (1 = least important, 5 = most important). South Lone Tree Road (Zuni to J.W. Powell) needs…

to primarily support continued regional growth and development.
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 2
2 10.0% 1
3 50.0% 5
4 10.0% 1
5 10.0% 1
to support the new communities and residents along J.W. Powell Blvd.
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.0% 1
2 10.0% 1
3 40.0% 4
4 30.0% 3
5 10.0% 1
to provide better auto, pedestrian, and bicycle connections
Response Percent Response Count
2 10.0% 1
4 20.0% 2
5 70.0% 7
to maintain a rural character
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 2
3 10.0% 1
4 20.0% 2
5 50.0% 5
to improve safety conditions for all road users
Response Percent Response Count
2 10.0% 1
4 20.0% 2
5 70.0% 7
to provide vital access to regional healthcare facilities and emergency responders
Response Percent Response Count
2 10.0% 1
3 20.0% 2
4 40.0% 4
5 30.0% 3

Where do you see issues? Reminder: The S. Lone Tree Rd. study area is only from Zuni Rd. to J.W. Powell. Please keep your comments within the study area.


Please elaborate on any of your responses from the mapping exercise (question 2). You can also add other issues and concerns you may have within the study area.


How should we evaluate future roadway design alternatives? Which criteria are most important to you? (Please choose your top 3)

Response Percent Response Count
Travel time reliability 30.0% 3
Transit access and circulation 20.0% 2
Corridor pavement conditions 10.0% 1
Cost of investment 10.0% 1
Property and development impacts 10.0% 1
Congestion reduction 40.0% 4
Bicycle and Pedestrian safety and comfort 90.0% 9
Access to FUTS 50.0% 5
Economic growth and development 10.0% 1

Why is this project important to you? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I live within ½ mile of the study area (Pine Canyon or Pinnacle Pines) 60.0% 6
I regularly walk, bike, or use the FUTS trails in the study area 70.0% 7
I frequently commute within/through the study area 80.0% 8
The topic interests me 30.0% 3
I like to be informed of upcoming projects 50.0% 5

Please select the age category that best describes you.

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 10.0% 1
25-40 30.0% 3
41-64 40.0% 4
65+ 20.0% 2

What best describes your current employment (pick up to two)

Response Percent Response Count
Full-time employee 50.0% 5
Part-time employee 20.0% 2
Student 20.0% 2
Retired 30.0% 3

Which of the following income groups includes your total household income in 2021 before taxes (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
$25,000 to $49,900 10.0% 1
$50,000 to $74,900 10.0% 1
$75,000 to $99,900 10.0% 1
$100,000 to $149,900 30.0% 3
$150,000 and over 30.0% 3
Don't know/Decline to answer 10.0% 1

Are you Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish in origin?

Response Percent Response Count
No 80.0% 8
Don't know/Declined to answer 20.0% 2

How do you describe yourself (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
White 80.0% 8
Don't know/Decline to answer 20.0% 2

How do you describe your gender (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 30.0% 3
Male 60.0% 6
Decline to answer 10.0% 1

We’re grateful that you’ve chosen to take the time to help MetroPlan and the City of Flagstaff identify improvement opportunities for S. Lone Tree Road. You are welcome to submit any additional comments about the study below:


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to primarily support continued regional growth and development.
to support the new communities and residents along J.W. Powell Blvd.
to provide better auto, pedestrian, and bicycle connections
to maintain a rural character
to improve safety conditions for all road users
to provide vital access to regional healthcare facilities and emergency responders

Mark a map in 3 steps

1 Select a place type

2 Click where you would like to place the pin

3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more pins as many times as you want

Choose at most 3 options
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