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What should we do? What will you do? Addressing climate action through transportation.

123 registered responses

Q1 On a typical day, what is your primary means of travel? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Walking 12.2% 15
Bus 0.8% 1
Driving 62.6% 77
Bicycling 21.1% 26
Other 3.3% 4

Q2 To reduce your transportation carbon footprint, how willing are you to take the following actions?

1 (**) Work from home
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 18.7% 23
Somewhat unwilling 4.9% 6
Might 1.6% 2
Somewhat willing 12.2% 15
Very willing 14.6% 18
Already do 46.3% 57
2 (*) Shop online
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 2.4% 3
Somewhat unwilling 7.3% 9
Might 5.7% 7
Somewhat willing 22.0% 27
Very willing 12.2% 15
Already do 49.6% 61
3 (* 1/2) Take the bus
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 16.3% 20
Somewhat unwilling 12.2% 15
Might 14.6% 18
Somewhat willing 26.8% 33
Very willing 17.9% 22
Already do 9.8% 12
4 (**) Ride or Walk
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 8.9% 11
Somewhat unwilling 1.6% 2
Might 6.5% 8
Somewhat willing 13.0% 16
Very willing 23.6% 29
Already do 43.9% 54
5 (**) Trade for Electric Vehicle
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 25.2% 31
Somewhat unwilling 4.9% 6
Might 15.4% 19
Somewhat willing 19.5% 24
Very willing 29.3% 36
Already do 5.7% 7
6 (**) Rideshare (carpool/vanpool)
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 25.2% 31
Somewhat unwilling 15.4% 19
Might 16.3% 20
Somewhat willing 21.1% 26
Very willing 17.9% 22
Already do 4.1% 5
7 (* 1/2) Choose closer activity destinations
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 13.0% 16
Somewhat unwilling 8.9% 11
Might 13.0% 16
Somewhat willing 15.4% 19
Very willing 16.3% 20
Already do 32.5% 40

Q3 To help residents and visitors lower their transportation carbon emissions, how strongly do you support the following government actions?

1 (*) Increase bus service
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 1.6% 2
Oppose 5.7% 7
Neutral 9.8% 12
Support 21.1% 26
Strongly support 60.2% 74
Don't know 0.8% 1
2 (*) Add bus only lanes
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.9% 6
Oppose 11.4% 14
Neutral 25.2% 31
Support 22.0% 27
Strongly support 31.7% 39
Don't know 4.9% 6
3 (**) Add separated bike lanes
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 3.3% 4
Oppose 4.1% 5
Neutral 4.9% 6
Support 9.8% 12
Strongly support 77.2% 95
Don't know 0.8% 1
4 (*) Complete the trail network
Response Percent Response Count
Oppose 1.6% 2
Neutral 4.9% 6
Support 11.4% 14
Strongly support 81.3% 100
Don't know 0.8% 1
5 (***) Charge more for parking
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 16.3% 20
Oppose 22.8% 28
Neutral 15.4% 19
Support 13.0% 16
Strongly support 27.6% 34
Don't know 4.1% 5
6 (***) Create neighborhoods where I can walk or bike to most destinations
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 3.3% 4
Oppose 1.6% 2
Neutral 8.9% 11
Support 15.4% 19
Strongly support 69.1% 85
Don't know 0.8% 1
7 (**) Provide electric vehicle charging stations
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.9% 6
Oppose 7.3% 9
Neutral 17.1% 21
Support 26.8% 33
Strongly support 43.1% 53

Please feel free to add comments to your selections.


Will you consider changing your answers? If "No" please skip this next section and answer a few questions about you.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 22.0% 27
No 78.0% 96

Q4 How willing are you to participate in the following strategies?

1 (**) Work from home
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 4.2% 1
Somewhat unwilling 4.2% 1
Might 8.3% 2
Very willing 20.8% 5
Already do 62.5% 15
2 (*) Shop online
Response Percent Response Count
Might 4.2% 1
Somewhat willing 12.5% 3
Very willing 16.7% 4
Already do 66.7% 16
3 (* 1/2) Take the bus
Response Percent Response Count
Somewhat unwilling 8.3% 2
Might 16.7% 4
Somewhat willing 33.3% 8
Very willing 25.0% 6
Already do 16.7% 4
4 (**) Ride or Walk
Response Percent Response Count
Might 4.2% 1
Somewhat willing 16.7% 4
Very willing 33.3% 8
Already do 45.8% 11
5 (**) Trade for Electric Vehicle
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 8.3% 2
Somewhat unwilling 8.3% 2
Might 8.3% 2
Somewhat willing 8.3% 2
Very willing 45.8% 11
Already do 20.8% 5
6 (**) Rideshare (carpool/vanpool)
Response Percent Response Count
Unwilling or Can't 4.2% 1
Somewhat unwilling 8.3% 2
Might 20.8% 5
Somewhat willing 20.8% 5
Very willing 45.8% 11
7 (* 1/2) Choose closer activity destinations
Response Percent Response Count
Somewhat unwilling 4.2% 1
Might 16.7% 4
Somewhat willing 12.5% 3
Very willing 37.5% 9
Already do 29.2% 7

Q5 How much do you support the following government actions in support of reducing transportation carbon emissions?

1 (*) Increase bus service
Response Percent Response Count
Oppose 4.0% 1
Neutral 4.0% 1
Support 16.0% 4
Strongly support 76.0% 19
2 (*) Add bus only lanes
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.0% 1
Oppose 4.0% 1
Neutral 28.0% 7
Support 28.0% 7
Strongly support 32.0% 8
Don't know 4.0% 1
3 (**) Add separated bike lanes
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.0% 1
Support 8.0% 2
Strongly support 88.0% 22
4 (*) Complete the trail network
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly support 96.0% 24
5 (***) Charge more for parking
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.0% 1
Oppose 12.0% 3
Neutral 20.0% 5
Support 28.0% 7
Strongly support 36.0% 9
6 (***) Create neighborhoods where I can walk or bike to most destinations
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly oppose 4.0% 1
Support 12.0% 3
Strongly support 84.0% 21
7 (**) Provide electric vehicle charging stations
Response Percent Response Count
Oppose 8.0% 2
Neutral 12.0% 3
Support 12.0% 3
Strongly support 60.0% 15
Don't know 4.0% 1

Please feel free to comment about your selections here.


Where do you live? Select the area that best describes your location.

Response Percent Response Count
Doney Park/Fernwood 2.5% 3
Kachina Village/Mountainaire 6.6% 8
Bellemont 1.6% 2
Flagstaff Ranch/Belle Springs/Forest Highlands/Mt. Dell 0.8% 1
Northwest Flagstaff: Coconino Estates, Cheshire, North Hospital 18.9% 23
Central Flagstaff: Townsite, Downtown, Cherry Hill, McMillan Mesa, Switzer Canyon 16.4% 20
South Central Flagstaff: NAU, Southside, La Plaza Vieja, Aspen Place, Rio Homes 7.4% 9
West Flagstaff: Woodlands Village, Boulder Point, Railroad Springs, Timber Sky 5.7% 7
Southwest Flagstaff: University Heights 9.0% 11
South Flagstaff: Ponderosa Trails, Bow & Arrow Estates 3.3% 4
Southeast Flagstaff: Continental, Fox Glenn 6.6% 8
East Flagstaff: Shadow Mountain, McMillan Mesa, Sunnyside, Greenlaw 18.0% 22
Northeast Flagstaff: Christmas Tree, Smokerise, Mobile Haven 3.3% 4

Please select the age category that best describes you (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 9.0% 11
25-40 23.0% 28
41-64 45.9% 56
65+ 22.1% 27

What is the highest grade of school or year of college that you have completed? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
High School Degree (Grade 12 or GED) 1.6% 2
Some college / Associate's Degree 13.9% 17
Bachelor's Degree 32.0% 39
Post-Bachelor's degree 52.5% 64

What best describes your current employment situation (pick up to two)?

Response Percent Response Count
Full-time employee 63.1% 77
Part-time employee 8.2% 10
Unemployed 2.5% 3
NAU student 4.9% 6
Retired 19.7% 24
Other 7.4% 9

Which of the following income groups includes your total household income in 2021 before taxes? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
up to $25,000 8.2% 10
$25,000 to $49,900 10.7% 13
$50,000 to $74,900 18.0% 22
$75,000 to $99,900 20.5% 25
$100,000 to $149,900 22.1% 27
$150,000 and over 11.5% 14
Don't know/decline to answer 9.0% 11

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 10.0% 12
No 85.0% 102
Don't know/Declined to answer 5.0% 6

How do you describe yourself (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 2.5% 3
Asian 1.6% 2
Black or African American 0.8% 1
White 77.0% 94
More than one race 9.0% 11
Declined to answer 9.0% 11

Which of these conditions, if any, create difficulties for getting you where you want to go? (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Moving 3.5% 3
Handling items 1.2% 1
Other 3.5% 3
None apply to me 91.8% 78

How do you describe your gender (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 47.5% 57
Male 46.7% 56
Trans/Non-binary 2.5% 3
Decline to answer 3.3% 4

If you have any final comments for us. Please provide them here.


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Just 14 questions. 5 about transportation choices. 9 about you. It should take 5-8 minutes or less depending on how many comments you leave.

Q2 & Q3 The City and Northern Arizona University are taking strong climate action - pursuing carbon neutrality by 2030. Coconino County and School District are considering climate action policies. Transportation contributes 40% of the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.  To reduce the amount we travel by fossil fuel vehicles individual action can - and must - be taken and government investments can help.  Several strategies and their effectiveness are presented for your consideration.  Please see the stars next to each strategy indicating how effective they are at reducing transportation carbon emissions - three stars is best!

Unwilling or Can't
Somewhat unwilling
Somewhat willing
Very willing
Already do
1 (**) Work from home
2 (*) Shop online
3 (* 1/2) Take the bus
4 (**) Ride or Walk
5 (**) Trade for Electric Vehicle
6 (**) Rideshare (carpool/vanpool)
7 (* 1/2) Choose closer activity destinations
Strongly oppose
Strongly support
Don't know
1 (*) Increase bus service
2 (*) Add bus only lanes
3 (**) Add separated bike lanes
4 (*) Complete the trail network
5 (***) Charge more for parking
6 (***) Create neighborhoods where I can walk or bike to most destinations
7 (**) Provide electric vehicle charging stations
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