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Flagstaff Community Forum

Community thoughts and experiences | Beaver and Butler separated bike lane pilot project

190 registered responses

Have you RIDDEN A BICYCLE in the separated bike lanes on Beaver St or Butler Ave?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 51.6% 98
No 48.4% 92

If yes, approximately how often?

Response Percent Response Count
Fewer than once per month/6 times in the past 6 months 32.4% 34
2 to 4 times per month 30.5% 32
2 or 3 times per week 28.6% 30
4 or more times per week 8.6% 9

How was your experience riding a bicycle in the separated bike lanes?

Response Percent Response Count
Mostly positive 22.4% 32
Somewhat positive 14.0% 20
Neutral 7.7% 11
Somewhat negative 7.7% 11
Mostly negative 17.5% 25
Not applicable 30.8% 44

Please share any thoughts or comments about your experience riding a bicycle in the separated bike lanes


Have you made a left turn on a bicycle using the TWO-STAGE LEFT TURN BOXES along Butler Ave at the Beaver St, San Francisco St, or Lone Tree Rd intersections?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 19.8% 35
No 80.2% 142

If yes, approximately how often?

Response Percent Response Count
Fewer than once per month/6 times in the past 6 months 59.2% 29
2 to 4 times per month 18.4% 9
2 or 3 times per week 16.3% 8
4 or more times per week 6.1% 3

How was your experience using the two-stage left turn boxes?

Response Percent Response Count
Mostly positive 5.7% 6
Somewhat positive 5.7% 6
Neutral 14.2% 15
Somewhat negative 4.7% 5
Mostly negative 8.5% 9
Not applicable 61.3% 65

Please share any thoughts or comments about your experience using the two-stage left turn boxes


Have you DRIVEN A VEHICLE adjacent to the separated bike lanes on Beaver St or Butler Ave?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 98.9% 188
No 1.1% 2

If yes, approximately how often?

Response Percent Response Count
Fewer than once per month/6 times in the past 6 months 2.7% 5
2 to 4 times per month 20.3% 38
2 or 3 times per week 26.2% 49
4 or more times per week 50.8% 95

How was your experience driving along the separated bike lanes?

Response Percent Response Count
Mostly positive 33.2% 63
Somewhat positive 6.3% 12
Neutral 8.4% 16
Somewhat negative 18.4% 35
Mostly negative 32.6% 62
Not applicable 1.1% 2

Please share any thoughts or comments about your experience driving a vehicle adjacent to the separated bike lanes


Have you WALKED ON THE SIDEWALK along the separated bike lanes on Beaver St or Butler Ave?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 48.7% 92
No 51.3% 97

If yes, approximately how often?

Response Percent Response Count
Fewer than once per month/6 times in the past 6 months 40.6% 41
2 to 4 times per month 37.6% 38
2 or 3 times per week 14.9% 15
4 or more times per week 6.9% 7

How was your experience walking along the separated bike lanes?

Response Percent Response Count
Mostly positive 25.7% 35
Somewhat positive 5.1% 7
Neutral 23.5% 32
Somewhat negative 2.9% 4
Mostly negative 10.3% 14
Not applicable 32.4% 44

Please share any thoughts or comments about your experience walking on the sidewalk along the separated bike lanes


What do you like about the separated bike lanes?


What could be done to improve the separated bike lanes?


If you bicycled, drove, or walked along both Beaver St and Butler Ave, was your experience different on one street compared to the other?


If you rode a bicycle in the separated bike lanes, how comfortable did they make you feel?

Response Percent Response Count
Very comfortable 14.9% 23
Somewhat comfortable 27.3% 42
Somewhat uncomfortable 13.6% 21
Very uncomfortable 9.7% 15
Not applicable 34.4% 53

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Please share your experiences with the separated bike lane pilot project

Two-stage left turn box

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