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Tell us more! Let's take a deep dive into your travels about town.

249 registered responses

Q1 On a typical day, what is your primary means of travel? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Walking 7.6% 19
Bus 2.4% 6
Driving 72.3% 180
Bicycling 14.9% 37
Other 2.8% 7

Q2 If all means of travel were equally convenient and safe, which means of travel would you prefer to use? (Select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Bus 10.1% 25
Walking 15.3% 38
Driving 22.6% 56
Bicycling 52.0% 129

Q3 Gas prices are up dramatically. How has this changed your daily travel decisions? (Check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
It has not changed my daily travel decisions 43.1% 107
I go out less 18.1% 45
I combine errands into a single trip 39.9% 99
I walk, bicycle or take the bus more 16.1% 40
I work from home more (or still) 14.1% 35
I carpool more 3.6% 9
Other 5.2% 13

Q4 Do you feel the Flagstaff transportation network sufficiently supports walking, bicycling and transit?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 34.0% 84
No 66.0% 163

Please feel free to add a comment to your answers for questions 1 through 4.


Q5 Previous surveys identified Milton Road as unsafe and uncomfortable for walking and biking. More crossings will make it safer and delay cars. It takes 7 minutes to drive Milton Road. What additional time are willing to take knowing it improved conditions for walking and biking? (Pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
Less than one minute 17.2% 41
One minute 8.4% 20
Two minutes 17.6% 42
Three minutes 17.2% 41
More than three minutes 39.7% 95

Q6 In our last survey people indicated bad weather discouraged them from walking or biking. Here are several reasons NOT to walk or bike in bad weather. Which reasons do you most frequently use (pick up to three)?

Response Percent Response Count
Fall on ice/cinders 72.7% 173
Ruins my appearance 10.1% 24
Might get stranded 9.2% 22
Might get sick 4.6% 11
Don't have the gear 10.1% 24
Other 29.8% 71

Q7 If you had the right gear (umbrella, all-weather shoes, light) how long in bad weather would you be willing to walk or bike to work, shopping, or a transit stop?


Q8 In our recent survey, many requested transit to areas like Doney Park, Kachina Village and Bellemont. There is currently no funding for this service. How much would you be willing to pay per year to support morning and evening commuter service to these areas?

Response Percent Response Count
$50 32.9% 78
$125 5.9% 14
$150 9.7% 23
$175 4.6% 11
$0 31.6% 75
Other 15.2% 36

Please feel free to add a comment to your answers for questions 5 through 8.


Q9 How strongly do you agree or disagree with these statement about multi-family housing?

Multi-family housing like small apartments of 2-3 stories or tri-plexes could fit into my neighborhood.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 22.4% 55
Agree 26.5% 65
Neutral 11.4% 28
Disagree 18.4% 45
Strongly disagree 19.2% 47
Don't know 1.2% 3
Multi-family housing of 4-5 stories over several blocks create nuisances.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 29.0% 71
Agree 23.7% 58
Neutral 15.5% 38
Disagree 13.9% 34
Strongly disagree 15.1% 37
Don't know 2.9% 7
Multi-family rentals are a necessary part of our affordable housing solutions.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 33.9% 83
Agree 40.4% 99
Neutral 10.6% 26
Disagree 6.9% 17
Strongly disagree 6.1% 15
Don't know 1.6% 4
Multi-family ownership, like condominiums, are a necessary part of our affordable housing solutions.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 34.3% 84
Agree 41.6% 102
Neutral 11.8% 29
Disagree 5.7% 14
Strongly disagree 4.5% 11
Don't know 1.6% 4

Q10 A few more questions about multi-family housing. How strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements?

Multi-family neighborhoods are as safe as other neighborhoods.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 20.6% 51
Agree 33.9% 84
Neutral 24.2% 60
Disagree 10.5% 26
Strongly disagree 6.9% 17
Don't know 4.0% 10
Multi-family housing produces less traffic per unit than other housing types.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 7.3% 18
Agree 7.7% 19
Neutral 22.6% 56
Disagree 32.3% 80
Strongly disagree 16.1% 40
Don't know 12.9% 32
Multi-family complex features like gyms and playgrounds make them attractive places to live.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 24.2% 60
Agree 50.0% 124
Neutral 16.5% 41
Disagree 4.8% 12
Strongly disagree 2.8% 7
Don't know 1.6% 4
Denser housing including apartments, townhomes and duplexes, makes it more likely shopping will be in walking distance.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 18.5% 46
Agree 36.3% 90
Neutral 16.9% 42
Disagree 13.3% 33
Strongly disagree 7.3% 18
Don't know 7.3% 18

Please feel free to add comments to your selections.


Where do you live? Select the area that best describes your location.

Response Percent Response Count
Doney Park/Fernwood 2.5% 6
Cosnino/Winona 0.4% 1
Kachina Village/Mountainaire 3.8% 9
Fort Valley 3.0% 7
Bellemont 1.7% 4
Flagstaff Ranch/Belle Springs/Forest Highlands/Mt. Dell 1.3% 3
Northwest Flagstaff: Coconino Estates, Cheshire, North Hospital 18.1% 43
Central Flagstaff: Townsite, Downtown, Cherry Hill, McMillan Mesa, Switzer Canyon 11.8% 28
South Central Flagstaff: NAU, Southside, La Plaza Vieja, Aspen Place, Rio Homes 6.3% 15
West Flagstaff: Woodlands Village, Boulder Point, Railroad Springs, Timber Sky 5.9% 14
Southwest Flagstaff: University Heights 10.5% 25
South Flagstaff: Ponderosa Trails, Bow & Arrow Estates 6.8% 16
Southeast Flagstaff: Continental, Fox Glenn 11.0% 26
East Flagstaff: Shadow Mountain, McMillan Mesa, Sunnyside, Greenlaw 14.8% 35
Northeast Flagstaff: Christmas Tree, Smokerise, Mobile Haven 2.1% 5

Please select the age category that best describes you (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 2.5% 6
25-40 28.3% 68
41-64 43.8% 105
65+ 22.9% 55
Declined to answer 2.5% 6

What is the highest grade of school or year of college that you have completed? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
High School Degree (Grade 12 or GED) 2.1% 5
Some college / Associate's Degree 9.6% 23
Bachelor's Degree 35.4% 85
Post-Bachelor's degree 51.7% 124
Don't know/Declined to answer 1.3% 3

What best describes your current employment situation (pick up to two)?

Response Percent Response Count
Full-time employee 62.2% 148
Part-time employee 8.0% 19
Unemployed 1.7% 4
NAU student 3.4% 8
Retired 22.3% 53
Other 6.7% 16

Which of the following income groups includes your total household income in 2021 before taxes? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
up to $25,000 2.0% 5
$25,000 to $49,900 8.5% 21
$50,000 to $74,900 15.0% 37
$75,000 to $99,900 16.2% 40
$100,000 to $149,900 21.9% 54
$150,000 and over 23.1% 57
Don't know/decline to answer 13.4% 33

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 5.3% 13
No 85.8% 211
Don't know/Declined to answer 8.9% 22

How do you describe yourself (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 2.4% 6
White 82.5% 203
More than one race 4.9% 12
Don't know/Unsure 0.4% 1
Declined to answer 9.8% 24

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Just 19 questions. 10 about transportation and land use. 9 about you. It should take 6-11 minutes or less depending on how many comments you leave.

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