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Flagstaff Community Forum

Tell us about how you move around the region and why!

Click Summary, then click on options below to form the filter, then click Apply Filter

319 registered responses

What best describes your current employment situation (pick up to two)?

Response Percent Response Count
Full-time employee 66.2% 210
Part-time employee 9.8% 31
Unemployed 0.6% 2
NAU student 5.7% 18
Retired 19.2% 61
Other 4.1% 13

Which of the following income groups includes your total household income in 2021 before taxes? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
up to $25,000 7.3% 23
$25,000 to $49,900 8.5% 27
$50,000 to $74,900 15.5% 49
$75,000 to $99,900 15.8% 50
$100,000 to $149,900 25.2% 80
$150,000 and over 18.6% 59
Don't know/decline to answer 9.1% 29

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 7.3% 23
No 84.8% 268
Don't know/Declined to answer 7.9% 25

How do you describe yourself (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 2.5% 8
Asian 0.9% 3
Black or African American 0.3% 1
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.6% 2
White 77.9% 247
More than one race 6.3% 20
Don't know/Unsure 0.9% 3
Declined to answer 10.4% 33

Which of these conditions, if any, create difficulties for getting you where you want to go? (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Seeing 0.8% 2
Hearing 1.9% 5
Moving 7.8% 20
Handling items 5.8% 15
Memory or processing 0.8% 2
Other 5.1% 13
None apply to me 79.8% 205

How do you describe your gender (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 44.4% 140
Male 48.6% 153
Trans/Non-binary 1.6% 5
Decline to answer 5.4% 17

If you have any final comments for us. Please provide them here.


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This is the form that was used to collect responses. It's here so you can try it and see how it worked when the topic was open.

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Just 23 questions. 14 about transportation. 9 about you. It should take 7-12 minutes or less depending on how many comments you leave.

In the first few questions you will be asked about your current travel behaviors and opinions on the current transportation system.

1 = Very dissatisfied
2 = Dissatisfied
3 = Neutral
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
Don't know
Distance or time to goods and services
Distance or time to work
Connection to nearby highway/interstate system
Frequency of transit service
Proximity of transit service
Condition of road surface
Emergency service access times
Number of sidewalks and crosswalks
Number of bike lanes and trails
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