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Give thoughtful and creative responses to selected open-ended questions for the design team of the upcoming Lone Tree Overpass

71 registered responses

What would your ideal transit trip be like on the new Lone Tree Overpass between Butler and Hwy 66? Consider whether you are driving, biking, or walking. Consider where you might be going and what might make the journey pleasant and inviting.


Ponder traveling underneath the Lone Tree Overpass either on a roadway or on a pedestrian path. What kind of experience would you like to have?


Do you have a special place in Flagstaff? What is it and why?


Think of places where a freeway, a bridge, or other infrastructure fit well within a neighborhood. It could be local, anywhere in Arizona, the United States, or the world. If you have a link with pictures, please share it. Otherwise describe it the best you can.


Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the Southside neighborhood? What connections would you like to feel?


Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the Sawmill shopping and residences? What connections would you like to feel?


Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to NAU and the student body? What connections would you like to feel?


Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel Hwy 66? Specifically to this section of Hwy 66 (by EZ Drive Auto Service and Summit Spas)? What connections would you like to feel?


Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the trains? What connections would you like to feel?


Ponder walking or biking across the Lone Tree Overpass. What connections do you feel to nature, specifically the sky, the mountains, the trees, the animals/birds? What connections would you like to feel?


Do you have a story, a history, an event that especially resonates to life in Northern Arizona to share with the design team?


Consider the potential changes in the next 20 years for Flagstaff, what do you hope to see? What visions do you have for your city?


Consider the potential changes in the next 20 years for Flagstaff, what do you hope to avoid? What concerns you most about the future for your city?


What else would like the design team to know or learn about?

Name not available inside City Limits
March 9, 2022, 7:03 AM
  • What would your ideal transit trip be like on the new Lone Tree Overpass between Butler and Hwy 66? Consider whether you are driving, biking, or walking. Consider where you might be going and what might make the journey pleasant and inviting.

    Whether biking or driving, a pleasant trip would involve traffic calming so that car speeds were kept low through the area (25mph). This would reduce noise and the possibility of deadly collisions while not significantly increasing through-transit time.

  • Ponder traveling underneath the Lone Tree Overpass either on a roadway or on a pedestrian path. What kind of experience would you like to have?

    As a pedestrian or cyclist I'd like to be separated from traffic and not have large intersections that create a barrier to travel.

  • Do you have a special place in Flagstaff? What is it and why?

    Downtown Flagstaff, especially south Beaver/San Francisco.

  • Think of places where a freeway, a bridge, or other infrastructure fit well within a neighborhood. It could be local, anywhere in Arizona, the United States, or the world. If you have a link with pictures, please share it. Otherwise describe it the best you can.

    This kind of infrastructure fits well where cars are on one dedicated roadway with few/no exits or intersections and biking/pedestrian are completely separate, including at intersections/bridges.
    The other way I've seen work are where cars are slowed by traffic calming features (to 25mph or less) so pedestrians and cyclists can intermix safely. This only adds a few seconds of travel time and vastly improves the neighborhood walkability.

  • Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the Southside neighborhood? What connections would you like to feel?

    I feel connections to the history of the area. Both the indigenous and more recent residents.

  • Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the Sawmill shopping and residences? What connections would you like to feel?

    I'd like to see Sawmill more bikeable/walkable and less corporate.

  • Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to NAU and the student body? What connections would you like to feel?

    That are is directly connected to NAU. The overpass should respect the walkability/bikeability of the campus.

  • Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel Hwy 66? Specifically to this section of Hwy 66 (by EZ Drive Auto Service and Summit Spas)? What connections would you like to feel?

    That's a nice main artery separated from bike routes. It's meant to move cars reasonably efficiently.

  • Ponder traveling on the Lone Tree Overpass in either direction. What connections do you feel to the trains? What connections would you like to feel?

    Train art would be appropriate. It's the most train-centric area other than the station and the milton overpass.

  • Ponder walking or biking across the Lone Tree Overpass. What connections do you feel to nature, specifically the sky, the mountains, the trees, the animals/birds? What connections would you like to feel?

    Not much. It's kind of industrial downtown area. It would be nice if the overpass didn't add a ton of noise (speeds slow).

  • Do you have a story, a history, an event that especially resonates to life in Northern Arizona to share with the design team?
    No response.
  • Consider the potential changes in the next 20 years for Flagstaff, what do you hope to see? What visions do you have for your city?

    I see a city that continues to respect quality of life over moving vehicles at maximum speed. It's a healthy, beautiful city with lots of greenery and opportunities for walking and biking.

  • Consider the potential changes in the next 20 years for Flagstaff, what do you hope to avoid? What concerns you most about the future for your city?

    That it will be sprawled, noisy, with cars wall to wall and no connection to its center.

  • What else would like the design team to know or learn about?

    This site is a great resource for community planners:

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