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What do you think of proposed building and civic space designs?

46 registered responses

On a scale of 1-100, how much do you like the design of the proposed building?


Please explain what you like and/or dislike about the building design (architecture style, materials, entry way, colors, etc). The more specific you can be, the more we can address comments in future design revisions.


On a scale of 1-100, how much do you like the design of the proposed civic space concept?


Please explain what you like and/ or dislike about the proposed civic space design (colors, amenities, natural area, etc?). Are there other community features would you like to see in the civic space? The more specific you can be, the more we are able to respond in future design revisions.


Did you see one of the virtual open house presentations hosted by Mountain Line on September 15th?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 4.4% 2
No 95.6% 43

If you saw the presentation, provide feedback on the following 5 public art ideas: 1. Art glass on the building 2. Changing crosswalk art across Phoenix 3. Changing bus shelter art 4. Signature grove artwork on the corner of Mike’s Pike/Phoenix 5. Interpretive plaques on Route 66 bridge

Name not shown inside City Limits
September 20, 2021, 2:14 PM
  • On a scale of 1-100, how much do you like the design of the proposed building?
  • Please explain what you like and/or dislike about the building design (architecture style, materials, entry way, colors, etc). The more specific you can be, the more we can address comments in future design revisions.

    I like the design of the building, however, to put other agencies in this building might be an issue. There is a lot of commuting on that street. The parking spaces is limited as is now. If you put other agencies in the building, there will be more people and their vehicles. It needs parking lot and space.

  • On a scale of 1-100, how much do you like the design of the proposed civic space concept?
  • Please explain what you like and/ or dislike about the proposed civic space design (colors, amenities, natural area, etc?). Are there other community features would you like to see in the civic space? The more specific you can be, the more we are able to respond in future design revisions.

    I like the concept. I am wondering if this is where the parking lot is now where you are putting the civic space design. Even if you relocate the parking lot to combined it to the other site. I think there won't be enough parking space.

  • Did you see one of the virtual open house presentations hosted by Mountain Line on September 15th?
    • No
  • If you saw the presentation, provide feedback on the following 5 public art ideas: 1. Art glass on the building 2. Changing crosswalk art across Phoenix 3. Changing bus shelter art 4. Signature grove artwork on the corner of Mike’s Pike/Phoenix 5. Interpretive plaques on Route 66 bridge
    No response.
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The image above shows the plan for the overall redevelopment of the site. Due to utility limitations on the site, including the future Rio de Flag flood control project, the ability to move major design features around on the site is extremely limited.

Mountain Line is proposing to build an administrative facility on the western edge of the site along Milton Avenue.  The purpose of the buidling is to provide customer service and to move administrative functions to our central hub. This also frees up space at our current facilty for operational growth. In addition to the Mountain Line uses, the building is designed with two community rooms with a total capacity of 100. There is also a small tenant space designed for human service agencies that has the flexibility to be rented to others. The design supports the potential co-location of Amtrak and Greyhound to make the Downtown Connection Center a true multimodal hub. 

Number between 1 and 100

The proposed civic space is northeast of Mike's Pike. The area would host community events and be the home of a proposed public art sculpture. This feature meets the goals of the Southside Plan and neighborhood.

Number between 1 and 100
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