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We want to hear your policy and strategy priorities on Flagstaff's Draft 10-Year Housing Plan

158 registered responses

How would you prioritize the policies initiatives in the "Create" category of the 10-Year Housing Plan? Click each priority to add it to your priority list in order of importance.

Average priorities over 158 responses
  1. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Create 5.1: Ensure that modifications to the zoning code improve and maintain the effectiveness of the density incentives for affordable housing.
    • Create 5.2: Update the City's affordable housing incentive policy to implement the goals and policies of the 10 Year Housing Plan.
    • Create 5.3: Amend the City Code to implement the revised affordable housing incentive policy.
    • Create 5.4: Explore implementing reduced fees and waivers to incentivize the development of affordable housing.
    • Create 5.5: Explore in-lieu alternatives to providing affordable housing units (e.g. down payment assistance program, donation of finished lots, in-lieu payment, etc.). 
    • Create 5.6: Explore expedited review as an incentive to developments that provide affordable housing units.
    • Create 5.7: Explore ways to incentivize employers to offer Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) programs. 
    • Create 5.8: Explore the use of the community land trust model and public/private partnerships to incentivize the development of ownership units that are priced significantly below market rate. 
    Create 5: Incentivize the creation of affordable units through various programs and mechanisms.
  2. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Create 3.1: Update the Regional Plan policies to support increased density related to affordable housing.
    • Create 3.2: Identify suburban areas that have the existing infrastructure to support greater density and intensity of development.
    • Create 3.3: During the update of the Flagstaff Regional Plan, revise the Community Character chapter for goals and policies to include cost saving methods that reduce the conflict between affordable housing, historic preservation and urban design.
    Create 3: Ensure that the Flagstaff Regional Plan includes robust affordable housing goals and policies.
  3. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Create 1.1: Present 2022 Bond Measure to Council and Community for consideration for additional funding to be leveraged with local, state and federal dollars.
    • Create 1.2: Create a fund for the purpose of acquiring land/units for affordable housing in order to be able to respond to opportunities as they arise.
    • Create 1.3: Identify ongoing resource opportunities for the purpose of assisting households experiencing homelessness, households at risk of becoming homeless, first time homebuyers, and affordable housing targeted to these populations.
    • Create 1.4: Explore other funding mechanisms for affordable housing developments such as Revitalization district and dedicated sales tax.
    Create 1: Create a dedicated funding source for affordable housing in Flagstaff
  4. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Create 4.1: Review and amend the Planned Residential Development (PRD) standards and process to address barriers for infill development and allow for more flexibility in development options, building types, and lot configurations.
    • Create 4.2: Explore options with appropriate land use and economic studies as necessary that could integrate affordable housing units to be developed in commercial and industrial locations where suitable.
    • Create 4.3: Explore adding affordable housing as an allowed use in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone.
    • Create 4.4: Review parking standards for all residential development with the goal of reducing the cost of development and increasing the number of dwelling units that may be achieved.
    • Create 4.5: Evaluate and amend the Resource Protection Overlay standards to ensure that the minimum densities can be met on most sites, including making the requirements for residential sites to be similar to those for a commercial site.
    • Create 4.6: Evaluate Resource Protection Overlay standards in terms of consistent application across each zone and allow for greater maximum densities.
    • Create 4.7: Continue to evaluate and amend the current Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning code standards with the goal of increasing supply.
    • Create 4.8: Explore allowing additional flexibility for homeowners and landlords to increase density. 
    Create 4: Amend the Flagstaff Zoning Code to facilitate the development of all housing types.
  5. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Create 2.1: Hire an independent consultant to review City codes, processes and fees to determine whether modifications, reductions, or eliminations would facilitate cost saving housing development strategies.
    • Create 2.2: Explore innovative tools and techniques to limit costs for regional development impacts on individual development projects, such as infrastructure.
    • Create 2.3: Create a dedicated team specifically for affordable housing projects.
    • Create 2.4: Establish a simplified entitlement (i.e. rezoning and conditional use permit) and development review process.
    • Create 2.5: Explore alternative Engineering and Fire requirements to minimize the cost of development without compromising Fire and Life Safety.
    • Create 2.6: Make pre-approved standard plans available to property owners to reduce planning and review costs.
    • Create 2.7: Construct and promote net zero or net zero ready affordable housing when funding is available and encourage private developers to do the same.
    • Create 2.8: Prioritize Capital Improvement Projects that facilitate affordable housing.
    • Create 2.9: Prioritize the development of City owned land designated for affordable housing and evaluate other city owned parcels for affordable and mixed-income housing.
    Create 2: Explore Building Innovation and cost saving practices.

There are 32 strategies in the Create Policy Category. How favorable are you of the following strategies to implement the "Create" policies?

Create 1.1: Present 2022 Bond Measure to Council and Community for consideration for additional funding to be leveraged with local, state and federal dollars.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 16.6% 26
Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Neutral 20.4% 32
Favorable 29.9% 47
Very Favorable 21.0% 33
Don't Know 2.5% 4
Create 1.2: Create a fund for the purpose of acquiring land/units for affordable housing in order to be able to respond to opportunities as they arise.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 15.3% 24
Unfavorable 9.6% 15
Neutral 8.9% 14
Favorable 26.1% 41
Very Favorable 36.9% 58
Don't Know 0.6% 1
Create 1.3: Identify ongoing resource opportunities for the purpose of assisting households experiencing homelessness, households at risk of becoming homeless, first time homebuyers, and affordable housing targeted to these populations.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 5.7% 9
Unfavorable 5.1% 8
Neutral 6.4% 10
Favorable 29.9% 47
Very Favorable 48.4% 76
Don't Know 3.2% 5
Create 1.4: Explore other funding mechanisms for affordable housing developments such as Revitalization district and dedicated sales tax.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 15.9% 25
Unfavorable 13.4% 21
Neutral 11.5% 18
Favorable 33.8% 53
Very Favorable 22.3% 35
Don't Know 0.6% 1
Create 2.1: Hire an independent consultant to review City codes, processes and fees to determine whether modifications, reductions, or eliminations would facilitate cost saving housing development strategies.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 16.6% 26
Unfavorable 10.8% 17
Neutral 18.5% 29
Favorable 30.6% 48
Very Favorable 19.7% 31
Don't Know 2.5% 4
Create 2.2: Explore innovative tools and techniques to limit costs for regional development impacts on individual development projects, such as infrastructure.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.6% 12
Unfavorable 3.2% 5
Neutral 17.2% 27
Favorable 41.4% 65
Very Favorable 20.4% 32
Don't Know 7.6% 12
Create 2.3: Create a dedicated team specifically for affordable housing projects.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 8.9% 14
Neutral 15.9% 25
Favorable 25.5% 40
Very Favorable 37.6% 59
Don't Know 1.3% 2
Create 2.4: Establish a simplified entitlement (i.e. rezoning and conditional use permit) and development review process.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 11.5% 18
Unfavorable 12.7% 20
Neutral 10.8% 17
Favorable 26.8% 42
Very Favorable 29.9% 47
Don't Know 6.4% 10
Create 2.5: Explore alternative Engineering and Fire requirements to minimize the cost of development without compromising Fire and Life Safety.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.8% 17
Unfavorable 7.0% 11
Neutral 14.6% 23
Favorable 28.7% 45
Very Favorable 30.6% 48
Don't Know 6.4% 10
Create 2.6: Make pre-approved standard plans available to property owners to reduce planning and review costs.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.6% 12
Unfavorable 3.2% 5
Neutral 18.5% 29
Favorable 33.1% 52
Very Favorable 30.6% 48
Don't Know 5.1% 8
Create 2.7: Construct and promote net zero or net zero ready affordable housing when funding is available and encourage private developers to do the same.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 3.8% 6
Neutral 17.2% 27
Favorable 29.9% 47
Very Favorable 34.4% 54
Don't Know 3.8% 6
Create 2.8: Prioritize Capital Improvement Projects that facilitate affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Neutral 14.0% 22
Favorable 35.0% 55
Very Favorable 31.2% 49
Don't Know 3.2% 5
Create 2.9: Prioritize the development of City owned land designated for affordable housing and evaluate other city owned parcels for affordable and mixed-income housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.2% 16
Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Neutral 8.9% 14
Favorable 26.1% 41
Very Favorable 45.2% 71
Don't Know 1.9% 3
Create 3.1: Update the Regional Plan policies to support increased density related to affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 17.2% 27
Unfavorable 5.1% 8
Neutral 15.3% 24
Favorable 28.7% 45
Very Favorable 29.3% 46
Don't Know 3.2% 5
Create 3.2: Identify suburban areas that have the existing infrastructure to support greater density and intensity of development.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 14.6% 23
Unfavorable 7.0% 11
Neutral 12.7% 20
Favorable 24.2% 38
Very Favorable 38.2% 60
Don't Know 1.9% 3
Create 3.3: During the update of the Flagstaff Regional Plan, revise the Community Character chapter for goals and policies to include cost saving methods that reduce the conflict between affordable housing, historic preservation and urban design.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 4.5% 7
Neutral 14.6% 23
Favorable 32.5% 51
Very Favorable 33.8% 53
Don't Know 4.5% 7
Create 4.1: Review and amend the Planned Residential Development (PRD) standards and process to address barriers for infill development and allow for more flexibility in development options, building types, and lot configurations.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.6% 15
Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Neutral 17.2% 27
Favorable 29.3% 46
Very Favorable 29.9% 47
Don't Know 5.7% 9
Create 4.2: Explore options with appropriate land use and economic studies as necessary that could integrate affordable housing units to be developed in commercial and industrial locations where suitable.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 3.8% 6
Neutral 15.3% 24
Favorable 30.6% 48
Very Favorable 33.8% 53
Don't Know 5.1% 8
Create 4.3: Explore adding affordable housing as an allowed use in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 11.5% 18
Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Neutral 19.1% 30
Favorable 23.6% 37
Very Favorable 24.2% 38
Don't Know 10.2% 16
Create 4.4: Review parking standards for all residential development with the goal of reducing the cost of development and increasing the number of dwelling units that may be achieved.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 12.7% 20
Unfavorable 15.3% 24
Neutral 11.5% 18
Favorable 30.6% 48
Very Favorable 22.3% 35
Don't Know 4.5% 7
Create 4.5: Evaluate and amend the Resource Protection Overlay standards to ensure that the minimum densities can be met on most sites, including making the requirements for residential sites to be similar to those for a commercial site.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.2% 16
Unfavorable 7.0% 11
Neutral 21.7% 34
Favorable 23.6% 37
Very Favorable 16.6% 26
Don't Know 18.5% 29
Create 4.6: Evaluate Resource Protection Overlay standards in terms of consistent application across each zone, and allow for greater maximum densities.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 15.3% 24
Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Neutral 18.5% 29
Favorable 21.0% 33
Very Favorable 21.0% 33
Don't Know 14.0% 22
Create 4.7: Continue to evaluate and amend the current Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning code standards with the goal of increasing supply.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.3% 13
Unfavorable 5.1% 8
Neutral 20.4% 32
Favorable 21.0% 33
Very Favorable 36.3% 57
Don't Know 7.6% 12
Create 4.8: Explore allowing additional flexibility for homeowners and landlords to increase density.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 12.7% 20
Unfavorable 13.4% 21
Neutral 13.4% 21
Favorable 27.4% 43
Very Favorable 26.8% 42
Don't Know 4.5% 7
Create 5.1: Ensure that modifications to the zoning code improve and maintain the effectiveness of the density incentives for affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.6% 15
Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Neutral 12.1% 19
Favorable 39.5% 62
Very Favorable 28.0% 44
Don't Know 3.2% 5
Create 5.2: Update the City's affordable housing incentive policy to implement the goals and policies of the 10 Year Housing Plan.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.6% 12
Unfavorable 3.2% 5
Neutral 14.0% 22
Favorable 31.2% 49
Very Favorable 36.3% 57
Don't Know 3.8% 6
Create 5.3: Amend the City Code to implement the revised affordable housing incentive policy.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.6% 12
Unfavorable 5.1% 8
Neutral 12.7% 20
Favorable 35.0% 55
Very Favorable 31.8% 50
Don't Know 4.5% 7
Create 5.4: Explore implementing reduced fees and waivers to incentivize the development of affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.8% 17
Unfavorable 5.7% 9
Neutral 13.4% 21
Favorable 29.9% 47
Very Favorable 33.1% 52
Don't Know 5.1% 8
Create 5.5: Explore in-lieu alternatives to providing affordable housing units (e.g. down payment assistance program, donation of finished lots, in-lieu payment, etc.).
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.0% 11
Unfavorable 11.5% 18
Neutral 7.0% 11
Favorable 31.8% 50
Very Favorable 38.2% 60
Don't Know 3.2% 5
Create 5.6: Explore expedited review as an incentive to developments that provide affordable housing units.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.8% 17
Unfavorable 7.0% 11
Neutral 15.3% 24
Favorable 29.3% 46
Very Favorable 31.8% 50
Don't Know 4.5% 7
Create 5.7: Explore ways to incentivize employers to offer Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) programs.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Unfavorable 7.6% 12
Neutral 17.2% 27
Favorable 30.6% 48
Very Favorable 31.8% 50
Don't Know 5.1% 8
Create 5.8: Explore the use of the community land trust model and public/private partnerships to incentivize the development of ownership units that are priced significantly below market rate.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.6% 15
Unfavorable 6.4% 10
Neutral 16.6% 26
Favorable 26.8% 42
Very Favorable 33.1% 52
Don't Know 6.4% 10

Do you have any solutions you would like to share about the "Create" category? Are any strategies missing or should any of the strategies above be changed?


How would you prioritize the policies initiatives in the "Connect" category of the 10-Year Housing Plan? Click each priority to add it to your priority list in order of importance.

Average priorities over 158 responses
  1. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Connect 2.1: Explore the feasibility of a one-stop shop for a 'pre-qualification' letter or document that avoids application fees for rentals. 
    • Connect 2.2: Create housing navigator or advocate positions to assist both landlords and housing challenge populations in securing and maintaining housing.
    • Connect 2.3: Continue to support and develop Coordinated Entry in meaningful way in providing linkages to healthcare, behavioral health and housing. 

    Connect 2: Reduce homelessness in the community and seek creative solutions to foster housing permanency for all.
  2. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Connect 1.1: Evaluate housing policies and strategies in City planning documents through an equity lens.
    • Connect 1.2: Encourage community organizations such as local Continuum of Care to continue to integrate equity into programs and policies.
    • Connect 1.3: Review member composition of the Housing Commission and Housing Authority Board to ensure racial and economic diversity reflective of the Flagstaff community and present to Council for input.
    • Connect 1.4: Utilize City resources to educate the community about financing and housing opportunity with an emphasis on assisting low to moderate income households to advance through the housing continuum and to address past racial disparities.
    Connect 1: Implement a framework for centering equity in proposed and existing housing practices, policies and programs.
  3. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Connect 3.1: Raise awareness of housing security as a social determinate of health.
    • Connect 3.2: Encourage neighborhoods, housing types and building practices that increase health.
    • Connect 3.3: Work in partnership with the community to develop and promote community health measurement data collection into housing services when viable.
    Connect 3: Integrate healthcare into housing programs and housing into healthcare programs as appropriate

There are 10 strategies in the Connect Policy Category. How favorable are you of the following strategies to implement the "Connect" policies?

Connect 1.1: Evaluate housing policies and strategies in City planning documents through an equity lens.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 12.4% 19
Unfavorable 2.6% 4
Neutral 15.0% 23
Favorable 34.0% 52
Very Favorable 32.7% 50
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Connect 1.2: Encourage community organizations such as local Continuum of Care to continue to integrate equity into programs and policies.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 11.1% 17
Unfavorable 3.9% 6
Neutral 15.7% 24
Favorable 33.3% 51
Very Favorable 29.4% 45
Don't Know 4.6% 7
Connect 1.3: Review member composition of the Housing Commission and Housing Authority Board to ensure racial and economic diversity reflective of the Flagstaff community and present to Council for input.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 13.1% 20
Unfavorable 3.3% 5
Neutral 12.4% 19
Favorable 30.7% 47
Very Favorable 35.9% 55
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Connect 1.4: Utilize City resources to educate the community about financing and housing opportunity with an emphasis on assisting low to moderate income households to advance through the housing continuum and to address past racial disparities.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 10.5% 16
Unfavorable 3.9% 6
Neutral 15.7% 24
Favorable 33.3% 51
Very Favorable 33.3% 51
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Connect 2.1: Explore the feasibility of a one-stop shop for a 'pre-qualification' letter or document that avoids application fees for rentals.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 6.5% 10
Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Neutral 8.5% 13
Favorable 30.1% 46
Very Favorable 47.1% 72
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Connect 2.2: Create housing navigator or advocate positions to assist both landlords and housing challenge populations in securing and maintaining housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 8.5% 13
Unfavorable 5.2% 8
Neutral 14.4% 22
Favorable 32.0% 49
Very Favorable 36.6% 56
Don't Know 2.6% 4
Connect 2.3: Continue to support and develop Coordinated Entry in meaningful way in providing linkages to healthcare, behavioral health and housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.2% 14
Unfavorable 3.3% 5
Neutral 13.7% 21
Favorable 35.3% 54
Very Favorable 28.1% 43
Don't Know 9.8% 15
Connect 3.1: Raise awareness of housing security as a social determinate of health.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.8% 12
Unfavorable 5.2% 8
Neutral 19.6% 30
Favorable 31.4% 48
Very Favorable 34.0% 52
Don't Know 1.3% 2
Connect 3.2: Encourage neighborhoods, housing types and building practices that increase health.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Unfavorable 2.0% 3
Neutral 9.8% 15
Favorable 37.9% 58
Very Favorable 39.9% 61
Don't Know 3.9% 6
Connect 3.3: Work in partnership with the community to develop and promote community health measurement data collection into housing services when viable.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.8% 12
Unfavorable 7.8% 12
Neutral 19.6% 30
Favorable 32.0% 49
Very Favorable 23.5% 36
Don't Know 7.8% 12

Do you have any solutions you would like to share about the "Connect" category? Are any strategies missing or should any of the strategies above be changed?


How would you prioritize the policies initiatives in the "Preserve" category of the 10-Year Housing Plan? Click each priority to add it to your priority list in order of importance.

Average priorities over 158 responses
  1. Strategies to implement this policy include:Preserve 2.1:

    • Explore the use of Low income Historic Tax Credit in conjunction with Historic Preservation Tax Credit for acquisition and rehabilitation affordable housing where appropriate.
    • Preserve 2.2: Review the Land Use Goals and Policies in the Regional Plan, Specific Plans, and City Code to remove barriers to adaptive reuse for the creation of affordable housing.
    • Preserve 2.3: The City's Housing Section and the Sustainability Section will partner to seek and administer grants for housing programs and developments that invest in environmentally friendly, retrofits and upgrades.
    Preserve 2: Encourage the adaptive reuse of buildings.
  2. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Preserve 1.1: Continue homeownership rehabilitation program and create an affordable rental rehabilitation program with a focus of establishing safe, decent and sustainable housing.
    • Preserve 1.2: Acquire and rehabilitate already built properties for affordable housing projects when financially feasible.  
    Preserve 1: Expand efforts to preserve existing housing stock.

There are 5 strategies in the Preserve Policy Category. How favorable are you of the following strategies to implement the "Preserve" policies?

Preserve 1.1: Continue homeownership rehabilitation program and create an affordable rental rehabilitation program with a focus of establishing safe, decent and sustainable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 3.9% 6
Unfavorable 2.0% 3
Neutral 8.5% 13
Favorable 40.5% 62
Very Favorable 43.1% 66
Don't Know 0.7% 1
Preserve 1.2: Acquire and rehabilitate already built properties for affordable housing projects when financially feasible.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 6.5% 10
Unfavorable 3.3% 5
Neutral 5.9% 9
Favorable 26.1% 40
Very Favorable 55.6% 85
Don't Know 2.6% 4
Preserve 2.1: Explore the use of Low income Historic Tax Credit in conjunction with Historic Preservation Tax Credit for acquisition and rehabilitation affordable housing where appropriate.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Unfavorable 5.2% 8
Neutral 14.4% 22
Favorable 31.4% 48
Very Favorable 37.9% 58
Don't Know 4.6% 7
Preserve 2.2: Review the Land Use Goals and Policies in the Regional Plan, Specific Plans, and City Code to remove barriers to adaptive reuse for the creation of affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Neutral 9.8% 15
Favorable 29.4% 45
Very Favorable 45.1% 69
Don't Know 3.3% 5
Preserve 2.3: The City's Housing Section and the Sustainability Section will partner to seek and administer grants for housing programs and developments that invest in environmentally friendly, retrofits and upgrades.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 5.2% 8
Unfavorable 4.6% 7
Neutral 9.8% 15
Favorable 28.1% 43
Very Favorable 45.8% 70
Don't Know 4.6% 7

Do you have any solutions you would like to share about the "Preserve" category? Are any strategies missing or should any of the strategies above be changed?


How would you prioritize the policies initiatives in the "Protect" category of the 10-Year Housing Plan?

Average priorities over 158 responses
  1. Describe the significance of this item: 

    • Protect 3.1: Advocate to the State of Arizona to allow greater local control of vacation rentals and second homes.
    • Protect 3.2: Pursue local and legislative changes that increase the preservation, creation and protection of affordable housing as necessary.
    • Protect 3.3: Explore expanding State and local fair housing protected classes to include items such as age, source of income, sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protect 3: Continue to lobby & support federal & state legislation to increase funding for affordable housing.
  2. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Protect 2.1: Create and maintain an Affordable Housing Impact Statement.
    • Protect 2.2: Encourage diversity in housing options in all neighborhoods, understanding that exclusive communities are incompatible with the City of Flagstaff's mission to protect and enhance the quality of life for all.
    • Protect 2.3: Evaluate, better understand, and if necessary, develop strategies to address the disparate impacts of programs like Crime Free Multi-Housing and other relevant programs and policies.  
    • Protect 2.4: Implement a public outreach campaign to educate the community about the critical role affordable housing plays in a thriving community, creating a groundswell of support for affordable housing and combat Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) opposition to housing and affordable housing.
    Protect 2: Ensure affordable housing is a part of every neighborhood & work to address disparate impact.
  3. Strategies to implement this policy include:

    • Protect 1.2: Work with community partners to ease reentry and assess the need for alternative housing models and processes, and create necessary programs that address the systemic and structural barriers to justice impacted citizens.
    • Protect 1.3: Examine and update if needed the City of Flagstaff's Housing Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan.
    • Protect 1.4: Research ways to provide incentives to landlords who rent to those with any housing voucher or housing barriers such as poor credit, criminal history etc.
    • Protect 1.5: Support local social service network in establishing a home share program inclusive of features like peer support and conflict resolution.
    Protect 1: Continue commitments to further Federal & AZ Fair Housing laws. Provide Fair Housing education & resources.

There are 11 strategies in the Protect Policy Category. How favorable are you of the following strategies to implement the "Protect" policies?

Protect 1.2: Work with community partners to ease reentry and assess the need for alternative housing models and processes, and create necessary programs that address the systemic and structural barriers to justice impacted citizens.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.9% 12
Unfavorable 5.3% 8
Neutral 15.8% 24
Favorable 35.5% 54
Very Favorable 31.6% 48
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Protect 1.3: Examine and update if needed the City of Flagstaff's Housing Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.9% 12
Unfavorable 2.0% 3
Neutral 27.6% 42
Favorable 32.9% 50
Very Favorable 21.1% 32
Don't Know 7.2% 11
Protect 1.4: Research ways to provide incentives to landlords who rent to those with any housing voucher or housing barriers such as poor credit, criminal history etc.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.9% 15
Unfavorable 5.3% 8
Neutral 9.9% 15
Favorable 34.2% 52
Very Favorable 36.2% 55
Don't Know 3.9% 6
Protect 1.5: Support local social service network in establishing a home share program inclusive of features like peer support and conflict resolution.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 6.6% 10
Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Neutral 17.8% 27
Favorable 35.5% 54
Very Favorable 28.3% 43
Don't Know 4.6% 7
Protect 2.1: Create and maintain an Affordable Housing Impact Statement.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 6.6% 10
Unfavorable 5.3% 8
Neutral 26.3% 40
Favorable 31.6% 48
Very Favorable 20.4% 31
Don't Know 6.6% 10
Protect 2.2: Encourage diversity in housing options in all neighborhoods, understanding that exclusive communities are incompatible with the City of Flagstaff's mission to protect and enhance the quality of life for all.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.9% 15
Unfavorable 7.9% 12
Neutral 9.9% 15
Favorable 24.3% 37
Very Favorable 44.7% 68
Don't Know 2.6% 4
Protect 2.3: Evaluate, better understand, and if necessary, develop strategies to address the disparate impacts of programs like Crime Free Multi-Housing and other relevant programs and policies.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 7.2% 11
Unfavorable 3.3% 5
Neutral 18.4% 28
Favorable 33.6% 51
Very Favorable 26.3% 40
Don't Know 10.5% 16
Protect 2.4: Implement a public outreach campaign to educate the community about the critical role affordable housing plays in a thriving community, creating a groundswell of support for affordable housing and combat Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) opposition to housing and affordable housing.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 12.5% 19
Unfavorable 5.9% 9
Neutral 13.2% 20
Favorable 28.3% 43
Very Favorable 37.5% 57
Don't Know 1.3% 2
Protect 3.1: Advocate to the State of Arizona to allow greater local control of vacation rentals and second homes.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 11.8% 18
Unfavorable 2.6% 4
Neutral 7.9% 12
Favorable 15.8% 24
Very Favorable 57.2% 87
Don't Know 3.9% 6
Protect 3.2: Pursue local and legislative changes that increase the preservation, creation and protection of affordable housing as necessary.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 9.2% 14
Unfavorable 3.3% 5
Neutral 13.2% 20
Favorable 30.9% 47
Very Favorable 38.8% 59
Don't Know 2.0% 3
Protect 3.3: Explore expanding State and local fair housing protected classes to include items such as age, source of income, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Response Percent Response Count
Very Unfavorable 13.8% 21
Unfavorable 3.9% 6
Neutral 12.5% 19
Favorable 27.6% 42
Very Favorable 37.5% 57
Don't Know 2.6% 4

Do you have any solutions you would like to share about the "Protect" category? Are any strategies missing or should any of the strategies above be changed?


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10 Year Affordable Housing Plan Priorities

Flagstaff's 10 Year Housing Plan’s vision is to create a vibrant and more livable community through increased housing options for residents at all income levels and family sizes.

This 10 Year Housing Plan is a framework for action: it outlines a single overarching goal to substantially increase the number of available and affordable housing options for Flagstaff residents at all income levels and to increase housing subsidies for our neighbors that are unable to afford housing in Flagstaff. The goal will be accomplished by thirteen robust policy initiatives and fifty-eight (58) comprehensive strategies.

The policy initiatives and strategies provide a foundational framework for establishing housing programs, prioritizing staff work and allocating necessary funding for implementation. The four policy initiatives are create, connect, preserve, protect.

We want to hear your affordable housing priorities under the create, connect, preserve and protect catagories. The survey average 15 minutes to complete. There will be 4 pages of survey content that will review the policies and strategies being proposed during the 30-day review process. Please complete all 4 pages to the best of your ability and then you may either claim your response and attach your name or you may leave the response unclaimed and remain anonymous. Your responses will be reviewed by staff and shared with the Housing Commission and City Council.

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Strategies to implement this policy include:

  • Create 3.1: Update the Regional Plan policies to support increased density related to affordable housing.
  • Create 3.2: Identify suburban areas that have the existing infrastructure to support greater density and intensity of development.
  • Create 3.3: During the update of the Flagstaff Regional Plan, revise the Community Character chapter for goals and policies to include cost saving methods that reduce the conflict between affordable housing, historic preservation and urban design.

Strategies to implement this policy include:

  • Create 5.1: Ensure that modifications to the zoning code improve and maintain the effectiveness of the density incentives for affordable housing.
  • Create 5.2: Update the City's affordable housing incentive policy to implement the goals and policies of the 10 Year Housing Plan.
  • Create 5.3: Amend the City Code to implement the revised affordable housing incentive policy.
  • Create 5.4: Explore implementing reduced fees and waivers to incentivize the development of affordable housing.
  • Create 5.5: Explore in-lieu alternatives to providing affordable housing units (e.g. down payment assistance program, donation of finished lots, in-lieu payment, etc.). 
  • Create 5.6: Explore expedited review as an incentive to developments that provide affordable housing units.
  • Create 5.7: Explore ways to incentivize employers to offer Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) programs. 
  • Create 5.8: Explore the use of the community land trust model and public/private partnerships to incentivize the development of ownership units that are priced significantly below market rate. 

Strategies to implement this policy include:

  • Create 4.1: Review and amend the Planned Residential Development (PRD) standards and process to address barriers for infill development and allow for more flexibility in development options, building types, and lot configurations.
  • Create 4.2: Explore options with appropriate land use and economic studies as necessary that could integrate affordable housing units to be developed in commercial and industrial locations where suitable.
  • Create 4.3: Explore adding affordable housing as an allowed use in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone.
  • Create 4.4: Review parking standards for all residential development with the goal of reducing the cost of development and increasing the number of dwelling units that may be achieved.
  • Create 4.5: Evaluate and amend the Resource Protection Overlay standards to ensure that the minimum densities can be met on most sites, including making the requirements for residential sites to be similar to those for a commercial site.
  • Create 4.6: Evaluate Resource Protection Overlay standards in terms of consistent application across each zone and allow for greater maximum densities.
  • Create 4.7: Continue to evaluate and amend the current Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning code standards with the goal of increasing supply.
  • Create 4.8: Explore allowing additional flexibility for homeowners and landlords to increase density. 

Strategies to implement this policy include:

  • Create 1.1: Present 2022 Bond Measure to Council and Community for consideration for additional funding to be leveraged with local, state and federal dollars.
  • Create 1.2: Create a fund for the purpose of acquiring land/units for affordable housing in order to be able to respond to opportunities as they arise.
  • Create 1.3: Identify ongoing resource opportunities for the purpose of assisting households experiencing homelessness, households at risk of becoming homeless, first time homebuyers, and affordable housing targeted to these populations.
  • Create 1.4: Explore other funding mechanisms for affordable housing developments such as Revitalization district and dedicated sales tax.

Strategies to implement this policy include:

  • Create 2.1: Hire an independent consultant to review City codes, processes and fees to determine whether modifications, reductions, or eliminations would facilitate cost saving housing development strategies.
  • Create 2.2: Explore innovative tools and techniques to limit costs for regional development impacts on individual development projects, such as infrastructure.
  • Create 2.3: Create a dedicated team specifically for affordable housing projects.
  • Create 2.4: Establish a simplified entitlement (i.e. rezoning and conditional use permit) and development review process.
  • Create 2.5: Explore alternative Engineering and Fire requirements to minimize the cost of development without compromising Fire and Life Safety.
  • Create 2.6: Make pre-approved standard plans available to property owners to reduce planning and review costs.
  • Create 2.7: Construct and promote net zero or net zero ready affordable housing when funding is available and encourage private developers to do the same.
  • Create 2.8: Prioritize Capital Improvement Projects that facilitate affordable housing.
  • Create 2.9: Prioritize the development of City owned land designated for affordable housing and evaluate other city owned parcels for affordable and mixed-income housing.

Very Unfavorable
Very Favorable
Don't Know
Create 1.1: Present 2022 Bond Measure to Council and Community for consideration for additional funding to be leveraged with local, state and federal dollars.
Create 1.2: Create a fund for the purpose of acquiring land/units for affordable housing in order to be able to respond to opportunities as they arise.
Create 1.3: Identify ongoing resource opportunities for the purpose of assisting households experiencing homelessness, households at risk of becoming homeless, first time homebuyers, and affordable housing targeted to these populations.
Create 1.4: Explore other funding mechanisms for affordable housing developments such as Revitalization district and dedicated sales tax.
Create 2.1: Hire an independent consultant to review City codes, processes and fees to determine whether modifications, reductions, or eliminations would facilitate cost saving housing development strategies.
Create 2.2: Explore innovative tools and techniques to limit costs for regional development impacts on individual development projects, such as infrastructure.
Create 2.3: Create a dedicated team specifically for affordable housing projects.
Create 2.4: Establish a simplified entitlement (i.e. rezoning and conditional use permit) and development review process.
Create 2.5: Explore alternative Engineering and Fire requirements to minimize the cost of development without compromising Fire and Life Safety.
Create 2.6: Make pre-approved standard plans available to property owners to reduce planning and review costs.
Create 2.7: Construct and promote net zero or net zero ready affordable housing when funding is available and encourage private developers to do the same.
Create 2.8: Prioritize Capital Improvement Projects that facilitate affordable housing.
Create 2.9: Prioritize the development of City owned land designated for affordable housing and evaluate other city owned parcels for affordable and mixed-income housing.
Create 3.1: Update the Regional Plan policies to support increased density related to affordable housing.
Create 3.2: Identify suburban areas that have the existing infrastructure to support greater density and intensity of development.
Create 3.3: During the update of the Flagstaff Regional Plan, revise the Community Character chapter for goals and policies to include cost saving methods that reduce the conflict between affordable housing, historic preservation and urban design.
Create 4.1: Review and amend the Planned Residential Development (PRD) standards and process to address barriers for infill development and allow for more flexibility in development options, building types, and lot configurations.
Create 4.2: Explore options with appropriate land use and economic studies as necessary that could integrate affordable housing units to be developed in commercial and industrial locations where suitable.
Create 4.3: Explore adding affordable housing as an allowed use in the Public Facilities (PF) Zone.
Create 4.4: Review parking standards for all residential development with the goal of reducing the cost of development and increasing the number of dwelling units that may be achieved.
Create 4.5: Evaluate and amend the Resource Protection Overlay standards to ensure that the minimum densities can be met on most sites, including making the requirements for residential sites to be similar to those for a commercial site.
Create 4.6: Evaluate Resource Protection Overlay standards in terms of consistent application across each zone, and allow for greater maximum densities.
Create 4.7: Continue to evaluate and amend the current Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning code standards with the goal of increasing supply.
Create 4.8: Explore allowing additional flexibility for homeowners and landlords to increase density.
Create 5.1: Ensure that modifications to the zoning code improve and maintain the effectiveness of the density incentives for affordable housing.
Create 5.2: Update the City's affordable housing incentive policy to implement the goals and policies of the 10 Year Housing Plan.
Create 5.3: Amend the City Code to implement the revised affordable housing incentive policy.
Create 5.4: Explore implementing reduced fees and waivers to incentivize the development of affordable housing.
Create 5.5: Explore in-lieu alternatives to providing affordable housing units (e.g. down payment assistance program, donation of finished lots, in-lieu payment, etc.).
Create 5.6: Explore expedited review as an incentive to developments that provide affordable housing units.
Create 5.7: Explore ways to incentivize employers to offer Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) programs.
Create 5.8: Explore the use of the community land trust model and public/private partnerships to incentivize the development of ownership units that are priced significantly below market rate.
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