What are your transit priorities and needs?
Mountain Line wants to hear from you!
As Flagstaff continues to change and grow over time it is important that transit services are evaluated to ensure Mountain Line can continue to meet the needs of the community. Flagstaff in Motion will address how to best support and fund our community's diverse transportation needs in order to achieve the region’s short and long-range transit goals and objectives. Transit plans today focus on more than just transit, it is an opportunity to find mobility solutions that tie together the interconnected network of bikes, pedestrians, on-demand microtransit, paratransit, park-and-rides, vanpool, and transit.
Thoughout 2021 there will be various opportunities for public input in each public engagement phase:
Determine Future Needs (We Are Here)
- Your input will help develop a range of possible transit service scenarios.
Analyze Options and Prioritize Implementation
- Your input will help develop tiered funding options for scenarios.
Establish Financial Plan
- Your input will help finalize the package of network scenarios with corresponding funding measures.
Finalize the Plan
- Your input will help produce a final plan that is informed and supported by the community.
As the project progresses, FlagstaffInMotion.com will be updated with new information and opportunities to share input throughout 2021.
This topic has 212 visitors and 74 responses.
That's 3.7 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.