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Flagstaff Community Forum

Do You Support a Proposed Tiny Library for Flagstaff?

190 registered responses

How likely is this project to be of interest to you for our community?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Likely to be of Interest 87.4% 166
Somewhat Likely 10.0% 19
Neutral 1.1% 2
Somewhat Unlikely 1.6% 3

We are considering several key locations for the tiny library, listed below. We are looking at locations where the booth can be locked at night for safety, sanitized occasionally, and restocked with free material. Rank these sites below (5 for very supportive of this location and 1 for not at all).

Hal Jensen Recreation Center
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.6% 16
2 10.2% 19
3 23.0% 43
4 16.6% 31
5 33.2% 62
Flagstaff Visitor Center
Response Percent Response Count
1 12.3% 23
2 7.0% 13
3 11.2% 21
4 9.6% 18
5 57.8% 108
Boys and Girls Club
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.6% 16
2 4.8% 9
3 25.1% 47
4 17.1% 32
5 38.0% 71

You may have a different idea for your top preferred location for the tiny library. Please write in below. (Note: we are considering schools for a potential later phase; if you want to write in a school, however, please do).


How likely are you to visit and utilize the phone booth library?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Likely 43.9% 83
Somewhat Likely 34.9% 66
Neutral 13.8% 26
Somewhat Unlikely 4.8% 9
Very Unlikely 2.6% 5

How likely is this to become a point of pride for the Flagstaff Community?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Likely 73.5% 139
Somewhat Likely 21.7% 41
Neutral 3.7% 7
Somewhat Unlikely 1.1% 2

Any additional comments on the proposed tiny library project?

Name not shown inside City Limits
May 30, 2021, 8:34 PM
  • How likely is this project to be of interest to you for our community?
    • Very Likely to be of Interest
  • We are considering several key locations for the tiny library, listed below. We are looking at locations where the booth can be locked at night for safety, sanitized occasionally, and restocked with free material. Rank these sites below (5 for very supportive of this location and 1 for not at all).
    • Hal Jensen Recreation Center - 3
    • Flagstaff Visitor Center - 5
    • Boys and Girls Club - 3
  • You may have a different idea for your top preferred location for the tiny library. Please write in below. (Note: we are considering schools for a potential later phase; if you want to write in a school, however, please do).
    Fourth Street corridor or South Side
  • How likely are you to visit and utilize the phone booth library?
    • Somewhat Likely
  • How likely is this to become a point of pride for the Flagstaff Community?
    • Very Likely
  • Any additional comments on the proposed tiny library project?
    No response.
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Hal Jensen Recreation Center
Flagstaff Visitor Center
Boys and Girls Club
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