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Cycling in the City Survey 2022

Please provide your feedback on cycling in Elk Grove.

Traffic In The City 2022

Please provide your feedback on traffic in Elk Grove.

Walking In the City 2022

Please provide your feedback on walking in Elk Grove.

Walking In the City

Please provide your feedback on walking in Elk Grove.

Traffic In The City

Please provide your feedback on traffic in Elk Grove.

Cycling in the City Survey

Please provide your feedback on cycling in Elk Grove.

Budget Priority Questions

What are your priorities for Elk Grove?

Let's Talk About Hate...

What can we do together to denounce hate and affirm ourselves as a NO PLACE FOR HATE community?

UPDATE: Multi-modal Feasibility Study

View the September 14 Multi-modal Feasibility Study Presentation

Multi-modal Facility Feasibility Study

Would you use a multi-modal facility?

e-tran Route Changes- Commuter

Please provide feedback on proposed schedule changes for commuter transit routes.

e-tran Route Changes- Local

Please provide feedback on proposed schedule changes for local transit routes.

City Communications Survey

Which methods of communication from the City of Elk Grove do you use to receive news and information about what is happening in the City? How can the City of Elk Grove better communicate with you?

$500 Budget Challenge

We need your help! We want to know what matters to you. How would you spend $500 of general purpose tax revenue in the City of Elk Grove?