It looks like you did your homework. I defer to you. It is important to take into consideration all those factors you mentioned. Especially important to not just consider the land/space, but WHO will this serve. Although I live more on the West side of Elk Grove, I am aware that the population of Elk Grove extends well out to the East. I think it is critical to consider which train line we would connect to- reducing traffic for commuters to and from the Bay Area is a priority. I would want to be able to get on a train one time ideally. Well, thought out. THank you!
I am highly concerned about having the station at location 1. It is right in the middle of a large residential area and will impact these neighborhoods negatively. The traffic will be outrageous, the noise will be unbearable, and I would worry for the safety of the surrounding neighborhoods as well as home values plummeting. As a homeowner in the area, I beg you to please consider a different location. I believe location 4 would work out well because of its proximity to the casino and the outlet mall. It's also not close to any major residential areas, so neighborhoods wouldn't be impacted by it.
Thank you for your very insightful questions and comments.
Questions I have regarding the numbers corresponding the locations on the study
1. Isn't the parcel owned by a church?
2. Isn't this parcel a Federal Wildlife preserve?
3. Where are the train track near this location?
4. Seems like this is the logical choice, why was this lowest on the list?
Any of the stops on the Capital Corridor are with original Amtrak stations. Why isn't Elk Grove's old town location not being considered?
Where are the results of your feasibility study? You only provide information for your firms first/preferred choice? How did you come to this decision? In the information online you don't provide how your number one choice met the parameters set for the study.
There are currently two San Joaquin trains that leave Sacramento to go south every day and two that come north every day. I have never seen these trains on the west bound tracks. The train stops in Stockton, Lodi and then Sacramento. What track is Amtrak currently using?
There are 5 other trains a day originating in Oakland and 5 other trains a day originating in Bakersfield, with only thruway bus service to Sacramento, would Amtrak increase train service to Sacramento or would they continue the bus service?
What plans are their to align with the HSR project? When you view their website they show that their plan is to eventually run the HSR up Hwy 99.
What plans are their for the ACE train?
Why were no locations in the north part of Elk Grove considered? Most people commute northbound on 5 and 99, it would make sense to have someplace in the north part of town where people can drive to or connect to, rather than going south to travel north.
I don't see how this location will help minimize any traffic congestion on HWY-99. For I-5, people will not travel South in order to catch a train that runs Northbound to downtown Sacramento. The lightrail station at preferred location 3 is much more logical but that will be more costly and probably will take years to occur. I think we should pursue the location 3 option and add additional buses or bus lines in the meantime.
I am strongly supportive of creating a multi-modal facility and believe that it should be built in the third preferred site location, which is on the corner of Big Horn Boulevard and Elk Grove Boulevard. The other locations are very far from the Laguna area and, as a result of the time and distance, many Laguna residents would not commute to the other three proposed locations. Moreover, having the facility located at the third preferred location would help reduce congestion both on the buses and on I-5. I currently take the bus to downtown Sacramento and the buses are almost always crowded and the freeway is frequently congested as well. Thus, locating the facility at the third preferred location (Elk Grove Boulevard/Big Horn Boulevard) would ease pressure on the buses and ease the commute on I-5. Overall, in my view, the third preferred location is the ideal location for the facility. Thank you.
Please share you feedback on the September 14 Multi-modal Feasibility Study Presentation.