How do you typically go to work or school? Check all that apply.
Personal vehicle
How often do you currently use public transit?
I do not use public transit. Skip to Question 7 below.
For what purpose have you used public transit in the last year? Check all that apply.
No response.
Which of the following local public transit services do you use at least once a month? Check all that apply
No response.
If a passenger rail service existed in Elk Grove with connections to Sacramento, Stockton, and the San Francisco Bay Area, where would you take it to? Select all that apply.
No response.
If a passenger rail service in Elk Grove provided a connection to Sacramento, Stockton, and to the San Francisco Bay Area, how often would you use it?
Never. I am not interested in riding a passenger rail service.
How important are the following factors when deciding whether you would use a passenger rail service? Please rank them from most important to least important.
No response.
If a passenger rail station existed in Elk Grove, how would you get there? Please select all that apply.
No response.
Share any other comments you have about the project.
Elk Grove is a community not a big city. Don't bring the light rail into Elk Grove it will only cause caos and crime.
EngageEG is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in EngageEG is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Where do you live?
Where do you work or go to school?
How do you typically go to work or school? Check all that apply.
How often do you currently use public transit?
For what purpose have you used public transit in the last year? Check all that apply.
No response.Which of the following local public transit services do you use at least once a month? Check all that apply
No response.If a passenger rail service existed in Elk Grove with connections to Sacramento, Stockton, and the San Francisco Bay Area, where would you take it to? Select all that apply.
No response.If a passenger rail service in Elk Grove provided a connection to Sacramento, Stockton, and to the San Francisco Bay Area, how often would you use it?
How important are the following factors when deciding whether you would use a passenger rail service? Please rank them from most important to least important.
No response.If a passenger rail station existed in Elk Grove, how would you get there? Please select all that apply.
No response.Share any other comments you have about the project.
Elk Grove is a community not a big city. Don't bring the light rail into Elk Grove it will only cause caos and crime.