2. What would make you drive more within the City?
Other - I’d like to drive LESS. More transit please.
3. What other alternative transportation modes do you use? Please rank in order of importance (1= most important 5= least important).
Transit - 1
Bicycling - 1
Walking - 1
No response.
4. When traveling outside the City what Road do you typically use? Please rank in order of importance (1= most important 8= least important).
Interstate 5 - 1
State Route 99 - 2
Grant Line Road - 5
Franklin Blvd. - 4
Bruceville Road - 3
Elk Grove-Florin Road - 6
Waterman Road - 7
Bradshaw Road - 8
5. What roads or intersections seemed to be the most congested and when? (Be as specific as you can be) Please use 300 characters or less.
At the end of the survey is a map where you can put location specific information.
All roads around the schools at pick up and drop off. Reliable transit would help. We live in Laguna West. My son enjoyed coming home on his own from Eddy until the bus routes changed so what had involved about 1/3 a mile of walking changed to requiring about 1.5 miles of walking, which was too much with a heavy backpack. After that change, I had to pick him up. One more car on the road.
6. What series of intersections seem to give you the most trouble with unexpected delays and unpredictable travel times? (Be as specific as you can be) Please use 300 characters or less. At the end of the survey is a map where you can put location specific information.
No response.
EngageEG is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in EngageEG is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
1. How long is your average commute? (one-way)
2. What would make you drive more within the City?
3. What other alternative transportation modes do you use? Please rank in order of importance (1= most important 5= least important).
No response.4. When traveling outside the City what Road do you typically use? Please rank in order of importance (1= most important 8= least important).
5. What roads or intersections seemed to be the most congested and when? (Be as specific as you can be) Please use 300 characters or less. At the end of the survey is a map where you can put location specific information.
All roads around the schools at pick up and drop off. Reliable transit would help. We live in Laguna West. My son enjoyed coming home on his own from Eddy until the bus routes changed so what had involved about 1/3 a mile of walking changed to requiring about 1.5 miles of walking, which was too much with a heavy backpack. After that change, I had to pick him up. One more car on the road.
6. What series of intersections seem to give you the most trouble with unexpected delays and unpredictable travel times? (Be as specific as you can be) Please use 300 characters or less. At the end of the survey is a map where you can put location specific information.
No response.