Accessory Dwelling Unit Community Survey
Please provide your input on Accessory Dwelling Units in the City of Durango.
Downtown's Next Step
What are your values for Downtown Main Avenue?
Encuesta de Actualización del Plan de Transporte Multimodal #2
¿Cómo te mueves por Durango?
Multimodal Transportation Plan Update Survey #2
How do you get around Durango?
Multiplexes Survey
What do you think about multiplexes in Durango?
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Single-Family Home
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Single-Family Home
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Multi-Family
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Multi-Family Apartment/Condo/Townhome
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Business
Trash & Recycling Customer Survey: Business
Multimodal Transportation Plan Update Survey
What is your vision for getting around Durango?
Water Sentiment Survey
What are your concerns about the water supply in Durango?
Durango Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness Plan Community Survey
What are your experiences with and thoughts about EVs in Durango?
Durango Sustainability Plan Update Survey
What are your priorities and concerns surrounding issues of sustainability and climate change in Durango?
Durango Public Library 2020 Customer Survey
What do you want from your Library? Your feedback will help guide updates to the Durango Public Library's strategic plan.
College & 8th Durango District Vision - 2020
What do you love about the College & 8th Durango District?
Airport Terminal Design Options
The public is invited to review airport terminal design options and provide comments and feedback
Electric Vehicle Charging Survey - Public Library
Tell us what you think about the possibility of having Electric Vehicle Charging at our Public Library.
Electric Vehicle Charging Survey - Recreation Center
Tell us what you think about the possibility of having Electric Vehicle Charging at our Recreation Center.
College & 8th Character District Vision
Tell us what you love about the College and 8th Character District.
Viewer Survey - DGOV Channel 10.2