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What are your priorities and concerns surrounding issues of sustainability and climate change in Durango?

91 registered responses

Prior to completing this survey, were you already aware that:

City Council adopted renewable electricity and greenhouse gas emissions goals?
Response Percent Response Count
Yes 71.4% 65
No 28.6% 26
The City of Durango has a Sustainability program?
Response Percent Response Count
Yes 82.4% 75
No 17.6% 16

How concerned are you about the following within our Durango community? (1=not concerned at all, 5=very concerned)

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Response Percent Response Count
1 7.7% 7
2 3.3% 3
3 3.3% 3
4 13.2% 12
5 72.5% 66
Preparing for climate change impacts
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.6% 6
2 3.3% 3
3 3.3% 3
4 7.7% 7
5 79.1% 72
Reducing Durango's reliance on fossil fuels
Response Percent Response Count
1 9.9% 9
2 1.1% 1
3 4.4% 4
4 11.0% 10
5 73.6% 67

How concerned are you about the following within our Durango community? (1 = not concerned at all, 5 = very concerned)

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.0% 7
2 3.4% 3
3 3.4% 3
4 11.5% 10
5 73.6% 64
Preparing for climate change impacts
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.9% 6
2 3.4% 3
3 3.4% 3
4 8.0% 7
5 78.2% 68
Reducing reliance on fossil fuels
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.3% 9
2 1.1% 1
3 4.6% 4
4 10.3% 9
5 73.6% 64

How concerned are you about climate change impacts affecting the following: (1 = not concerned at all, 5 = very concerned)

Economic vitality
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.8% 8
2 7.7% 7
3 12.1% 11
4 29.7% 27
5 41.8% 38
Public health
Response Percent Response Count
1 7.7% 7
2 4.4% 4
3 7.7% 7
4 20.9% 19
5 59.3% 54
Social equity
Response Percent Response Count
1 12.1% 11
2 6.6% 6
3 9.9% 9
4 19.8% 18
5 50.5% 46
Environmental/ecological health
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.6% 6
2 3.3% 3
3 1.1% 1
4 8.8% 8
5 79.1% 72
Other - elaborate below
Response Percent Response Count
1 2.2% 2
3 1.1% 1
4 2.2% 2
5 16.5% 15

If you chose other, please elaborate.


Based on your amount of concern for the above items, do you think the City Council’s 2019 sustainability goals are not stringent enough, about right or too stringent?

An 80% reduction in community-wide and municipal greenhouse gas emissions from 2016 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of a 30% reduction by 2030
Response Percent Response Count
Not stringent enough 52.2% 47
About right 35.6% 32
Too stringent 12.2% 11
100% renewable electricity by 2050, with an interim goal of 50% renewable electricity by 2030
Response Percent Response Count
Not stringent enough 52.2% 47
About right 32.2% 29
Too stringent 14.4% 13

Please elaborate.


The Sustainability Plan Working Group holds equity as a core value of the plan process. What is your understanding of how Climate Change/Sustainability Planning and equity intersect?


Are there any sectors or subsectors missing from this list that you think should be included in Durango’s Sustainability Plan?


Are there any sectors or subsectors on this list you don’t think need to be addressed in Durango’s Sustainability Plan?


Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Alex Whittow inside Durango
July 29, 2020, 4:29 PM
  • Prior to completing this survey, were you already aware that:
    • City Council adopted renewable electricity and greenhouse gas emissions goals? - Yes
    • The City of Durango has a Sustainability program? - Yes
  • How concerned are you about the following within our Durango community? (1=not concerned at all, 5=very concerned)
    • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions - 5
    • Preparing for climate change impacts - 5
    • Reducing Durango's reliance on fossil fuels - 5
  • How concerned are you about the following within our Durango community? (1 = not concerned at all, 5 = very concerned)
    • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions - 5
    • Preparing for climate change impacts - 5
    • Reducing reliance on fossil fuels - 5
  • How concerned are you about climate change impacts affecting the following: (1 = not concerned at all, 5 = very concerned)
    • Economic vitality - 3
    • Public health - 4
    • Social equity - 5
    • Environmental/ecological health - 5
  • If you chose other, please elaborate.
    No response.
  • Based on your amount of concern for the above items, do you think the City Council’s 2019 sustainability goals are not stringent enough, about right or too stringent?
    • An 80% reduction in community-wide and municipal greenhouse gas emissions from 2016 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of a 30% reduction by 2030 - Not stringent enough
    • 100% renewable electricity by 2050, with an interim goal of 50% renewable electricity by 2030 - Not stringent enough
  • Please elaborate.
    In my opinion, making a goal set for 30 or even 10 years in the future is effectively placing the responsibility on future leaders (i.e., not you). It leads to a scenario where everyone can argue their way out of responsibility and blame by pointing fingers to their predecessors and/or successors if/when ultimately these goals are not met (THIRTY YEARS from now). Climate change is exponentially affecting this world. Time is of the essence. Where's the 5-year plan? Where's the 3-year plan? Where's the 1-year plan? As of today, I could care less about 2050; I care about 2025. Where will Durango be then?
  • The Sustainability Plan Working Group holds equity as a core value of the plan process. What is your understanding of how Climate Change/Sustainability Planning and equity intersect?
    This survey should be printed off and given to disadvantaged communities for their input. Meet them where they are, and ensure that their concerns and voices are heard throughout this entire process.
  • Are there any sectors or subsectors missing from this list that you think should be included in Durango’s Sustainability Plan?
    No response.
  • Are there any sectors or subsectors on this list you don’t think need to be addressed in Durango’s Sustainability Plan?
    No response.
  • Is there anything else that you would like to add?
    Air travel is a MAJOR contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. This subsector of Transportation (Aviation and Airport) should be focused on early and often throughout the Sustainability Plan.
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OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Durango has contracted with OpenGov to administer Virtual City Hall.

City Council adopted renewable electricity and greenhouse gas emissions goals?
The City of Durango has a Sustainability program?
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Preparing for climate change impacts
Reducing Durango's reliance on fossil fuels
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Preparing for climate change impacts
Reducing reliance on fossil fuels

Climate change is expected to impact Durango and Southwest Colorado in a variety of ways, for example:
•    Increased frequency and severity of drought 
•    Increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events 
•    Increase in average temperature and frequency of extreme heat events
•    Decreased snowpack and earlier spring melt
•    Increased wildfire risk

Economic vitality
Public health
Social equity
Environmental/ecological health
Other - elaborate below
Not stringent enough
About right
Too stringent
An 80% reduction in community-wide and municipal greenhouse gas emissions from 2016 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of a 30% reduction by 2030
100% renewable electricity by 2050, with an interim goal of 50% renewable electricity by 2030
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