The overall quality of life in Durango - Satisfied
How Satisfied are you with:
The affordability of Durango - Dissatisfied
How Satisfied are you with:
Housing options - Very Dissatisfied
Housing prices - Very Dissatisfied
The availability/variety of shopping - Very Satisfied
The cost of transportation and access to jobs - Don't Know
Health care options - Satisfied
Employment options - Neutral
The cost of household expenses (food prices, etc.) - Satisfied
Value received from public services (water, sewer, transit, trash, recycling) - Neutral
Economic opportunities - Neutral
How Satisfied are you with:
The livability of Durango - Satisfied
How Satisfied are you with:
Feeling of safety - Satisfied
Sense of community - Satisfied
Sidewalk and ADA curb ramp conditions - Neutral
Public transit service - Dissatisfied
Street conditions and maintenance - Neutral
Educational opportunities - Satisfied
Availability of retail goods and services - Satisfied
Availability of parks and recreation opportunities - Satisfied
Availability special event opportunities - Satisfied
Library services and programs - Satisfied
Arts and culture opportunities - Satisfied
Community design and aesthetics - Neutral
Enforcement of community standards - Don't Know
How Satisfied are you with:
The outlook for Durango's future - Neutral
How Satisfied are you with:
The current level of City services provided - Satisfied
Future of jobs opportunities in our community - Dissatisfied
The rate at which the City is growing - Dissatisfied
The direction in which the City is headed - Neutral
Ability to retain quality of life and community character - Don't Know
Ability to respond to change or unforeseen events - Don't Know
Please indicate the three (3) most important issues you believe Durango will face within the next FIVE years?
Local job growth
Affordable housing
Other - livable wages - not just a livable minimum wage, but also livable "middle class" wages - salaries do not match cost of housing
Please let us know if there are specific factors that have impacted your ranking of satisfaction in this survey.
No response.
How many years have you lived in Durango?
Do you own or rent your current residence?
Are you are business owner?
Virtual City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Virtual City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
How Satisfied are you with:
Please indicate the three (3) most important issues you believe Durango will face within the next FIVE years?
Please let us know if there are specific factors that have impacted your ranking of satisfaction in this survey.
No response.How many years have you lived in Durango?
5Do you own or rent your current residence?
Are you are business owner?