About how often do you visit Durango’s Downtown Main Avenue?
A few times a year
What activities do you participate in on Downtown Main Avenue? (Choose all that apply)
Attending special events
What type of transportation do you use to get to Downtown Main? (Choose all that apply)
How do you move between destinations on Downtown Main? (Choose all that apply)
What’s most important to you regarding Downtown Main? (Choose 2)
Unique experiences at different times of year
A comfortable, safe experience for bicyclists and pedestrians
What elements would you most like to see considered in the design concepts for Downtown Main? (choose your top 5)
Art, murals, sculptures, etc.
More frequent special events
More trees along the street and additional landscaping
More space for pedestrian and crosswalk improvements
Nighttime lighting and security improvements
What other cities, downtowns or streets do you think Durango should consider for inspiration when developing design concepts for Downtown Main?
No response.
Are there any other comments you’d like to provide about your values for Downtown Main Avenue?
Over the years The CBD has lost much of its character. Years ago Durango’s charm was that is was a real town that happened to be historic with great outdoor opportunities. Stores and restaurants had individual personalities, not just tourist t-shirt trinket shops. We need to return to what has drawn people here, not gimmicks. Return downtown to an historic, functional space that is clean and inviting to both locals and tourists. Let’s not look like every other tourist town on the map. Keep Durango real. Fill it with art, activities, good food, meaningful shops, and a quality of life that is exemplified by its CBD.
Which of the following best describe you? (Choose all that apply)
I live in Durango
Race/ethnicity (choose all that apply)
Primary language(s) spoken at home (choose all that apply).
Would you like to be entered into a drawing for a gift basket with items from downtown businesses?
Would you like to be added to our email list for other upcoming opportunities to provide input on the Downtown’s Next Step: Main Avenue?
Virtual City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Virtual City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
About how often do you visit Durango’s Downtown Main Avenue?
What activities do you participate in on Downtown Main Avenue? (Choose all that apply)
What type of transportation do you use to get to Downtown Main? (Choose all that apply)
How do you move between destinations on Downtown Main? (Choose all that apply)
What’s most important to you regarding Downtown Main? (Choose 2)
What elements would you most like to see considered in the design concepts for Downtown Main? (choose your top 5)
What other cities, downtowns or streets do you think Durango should consider for inspiration when developing design concepts for Downtown Main?
No response.Are there any other comments you’d like to provide about your values for Downtown Main Avenue?
Over the years The CBD has lost much of its character. Years ago Durango’s charm was that is was a real town that happened to be historic with great outdoor opportunities. Stores and restaurants had individual personalities, not just tourist t-shirt trinket shops. We need to return to what has drawn people here, not gimmicks. Return downtown to an historic, functional space that is clean and inviting to both locals and tourists. Let’s not look like every other tourist town on the map. Keep Durango real. Fill it with art, activities, good food, meaningful shops, and a quality of life that is exemplified by its CBD.Which of the following best describe you? (Choose all that apply)
Race/ethnicity (choose all that apply)
Primary language(s) spoken at home (choose all that apply).
Would you like to be entered into a drawing for a gift basket with items from downtown businesses?
Would you like to be added to our email list for other upcoming opportunities to provide input on the Downtown’s Next Step: Main Avenue?
Janice BourretEmail
[email protected]