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What are your concerns about the water supply in Durango?

67 registered responses

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

My tap water is convenient
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 98.5% 66
Disagree 1.5% 1
My tap water is safe to drink
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 86.6% 58
Disagree 13.4% 9
My water pressure is good
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 91.0% 61
Disagree 9.0% 6
My water supply is reliable
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 86.6% 58
Disagree 13.4% 9
I trust the source of my water
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 88.1% 59
Disagree 11.9% 8
I know where my water comes from
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 82.1% 55
Disagree 17.9% 12
My tap water does not have an odor
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 86.6% 58
Disagree 13.4% 9
I know who my water utility is
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 94.0% 63
Disagree 6.0% 4
My tap water is affordable
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 80.6% 54
Disagree 19.4% 13
My tap water tastes good
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 80.6% 54
Disagree 19.4% 13
I trust my utility department to update my water infrastructure
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 73.1% 49
Disagree 26.9% 18
I trust my state government to regulate my drinking water supply
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 67.2% 45
Disagree 32.8% 22
My tap water is a more environmentally friendly choice
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 83.6% 56
Disagree 16.4% 11
My tap water has natural minerals that are good for me
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 67.2% 45
Disagree 32.8% 22
My tap water does not need to be filtered
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 53.7% 36
Disagree 46.3% 31
My tap water is safer than it was 10 years ago
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 70.1% 47
Disagree 29.9% 20

Thinking about Durango’s water supply, which statement is closest to your view?

Response Percent Response Count
I am concerned more about water quality 6.0% 4
I am concerned more about water quantity 25.4% 17
I am equally concerned about quality and quantity 50.7% 34
I am not concerned about either water quality or quantity 17.9% 12

How would you rate your water quality?

Response Percent Response Count
Excellent 46.3% 31
Good 38.8% 26
Fair 13.4% 9
Poor 1.5% 1

In your view, how safe or unsafe is the water at your faucet?

Response Percent Response Count
Very safe 59.7% 40
Somewhat safe 28.4% 19
Somewhat unsafe 4.5% 3
Very unsafe 1.5% 1
Not sure/no opinion 6.0% 4

How often do you drink water from each of the following sources? 1 being most often and 3 being least often.

Bottled water
Response Percent Response Count
1 3.0% 2
2 11.9% 8
3 85.1% 57
Water filtering system
Response Percent Response Count
1 41.8% 28
2 16.4% 11
3 41.8% 28
Response Percent Response Count
1 62.7% 42
2 17.9% 12
3 19.4% 13

If you drink bottled water, why? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Convenience 23.9% 16
Taste 7.5% 5
Quality 9.0% 6
Safety 3.0% 2
Temperature 1.5% 1
Odor 1.5% 1
N/A 68.7% 46

How concerned are you about environmental factors such as fires (ash), mine spills or drought on Durango’s water supply?

Response Percent Response Count
Very concerned 58.2% 39
Somewhat concerned 32.8% 22
Not concerned 9.0% 6

How well informed do you consider yourself to be about water conservation and the risk of water shortages?

Response Percent Response Count
Very informed 58.2% 39
Somewhat informed 32.8% 22
Not well informed 9.0% 6

To what extent do you find information about water conservation personally relevant?

Response Percent Response Count
Very relevant 79.1% 53
Somewhat relevant 19.4% 13
Not relevant 1.5% 1

How motivated are you to learn about the connection between water conservation and preventing water shortages?

Response Percent Response Count
Very motivated 71.6% 48
Somewhat motivated 22.4% 15
Not motivated 6.0% 4

How vulnerable do you feel about the possibility of water shortages affecting your land and property?

Response Percent Response Count
Very vulnerable 41.8% 28
Somewhat vulnerable 44.8% 30
Not vulnerable 13.4% 9

How effective are everyday actions to save water around the house and yard in reducing risk of water shortages in Durango?

Response Percent Response Count
Very effective 35.8% 24
Somewhat effective 49.3% 33
Not effective 11.9% 8
Not sure 3.0% 2

How effective are water saving devices around the house and yard in reducing risk of water shortages in Durango?

Response Percent Response Count
Very effective 26.9% 18
Somewhat effective 56.7% 38
Not effective 9.0% 6
Not sure 7.5% 5

Rate the following strategies to conserve water with 1 being the most effective and 4 the least effective.

Encourage drought-resistant plantings for existing development
Response Percent Response Count
1 1.5% 1
Encourage new development to incorporate water conservation principles
Response Percent Response Count
1 1.5% 1
Limit expansion of water system outside city limits
Response Percent Response Count
1 1.5% 1
Find new sources of water supply
Response Percent Response Count
4 1.5% 1

Do you have an alternative strategy? If so, comment here.


Which voluntary measures do you support to reduce water usage? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Using native plants/xeriscape to reduce outdoor water usage 89.6% 60
Promoting rain barrels and other legal water harvesting measures 82.1% 55
Educating water users about effective outdoor water use techniques 85.1% 57
Other 31.3% 21

Which mandatory water restrictions would you support? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Limiting dates when outdoor watering is allowed 61.2% 41
Limiting times/days when outdoor watering is allowed 82.1% 55
Rate structures that penalize excessive water use 70.1% 47

Do you agree or disagree the following strategies to reduce water use?

Increase land use density, decreasing yard size
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 53.7% 36
Disagree 46.3% 31
Invest in additional water storage
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 67.2% 45
Disagree 32.8% 22
Increase water supply with new sources
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 62.7% 42
Disagree 37.3% 25
Promote/incentivize xeriscape
Response Percent Response Count
Agree 89.6% 60
Disagree 10.4% 7

How do you rate the cost of your water? Table below for reference.

Response Percent Response Count
Too high 25.4% 17
Too low 9.0% 6
Appropriate 65.7% 44

Other comments:

Nora Stafford inside Durango
February 22, 2021, 9:15 PM
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
    • My tap water is convenient - Agree
    • My tap water is safe to drink - Disagree
    • My water pressure is good - Agree
    • My water supply is reliable - Agree
    • I trust the source of my water - Agree
    • I know where my water comes from - Agree
    • My tap water does not have an odor - Agree
    • I know who my water utility is - Agree
    • My tap water is affordable - Agree
    • My tap water tastes good - Agree
    • I trust my utility department to update my water infrastructure - Agree
    • I trust my state government to regulate my drinking water supply - Agree
    • My tap water is a more environmentally friendly choice - Agree
    • My tap water has natural minerals that are good for me - Agree
    • My tap water does not need to be filtered - Disagree
    • My tap water is safer than it was 10 years ago - Agree
  • Thinking about Durango’s water supply, which statement is closest to your view?
    • I am concerned more about water quantity
  • How would you rate your water quality?
    • Good
  • In your view, how safe or unsafe is the water at your faucet?
    • Somewhat safe
  • How often do you drink water from each of the following sources? 1 being most often and 3 being least often.
    • Bottled water - 3
    • Water filtering system - 1
    • Faucet - 2
  • If you drink bottled water, why? Check all that apply.
    • N/A
  • How concerned are you about environmental factors such as fires (ash), mine spills or drought on Durango’s water supply?
    • Very concerned
  • How well informed do you consider yourself to be about water conservation and the risk of water shortages?
    • Very informed
  • To what extent do you find information about water conservation personally relevant?
    • Very relevant
  • How motivated are you to learn about the connection between water conservation and preventing water shortages?
    • Very motivated
  • How vulnerable do you feel about the possibility of water shortages affecting your land and property?
    • Very vulnerable
  • How effective are everyday actions to save water around the house and yard in reducing risk of water shortages in Durango?
    • Very effective
  • How effective are water saving devices around the house and yard in reducing risk of water shortages in Durango?
    • Very effective
  • Rate the following strategies to conserve water with 1 being the most effective and 4 the least effective.
  • Do you have an alternative strategy? If so, comment here.
    Educate the residents in La Plata County about where their water comes. Teach people how to conserve and protect our water sources. Have classes where residents are shown where our water comes from, how it gets to Durango or Bayfield and how long term planning helped to create reservoirs and irrigation on the Mesa.
  • Which voluntary measures do you support to reduce water usage? Check all that apply.
    • Using native plants/xeriscape to reduce outdoor water usage
    • Promoting rain barrels and other legal water harvesting measures
    • Educating water users about effective outdoor water use techniques
    • Other - Limit watering in the summer, on and off days.
  • Which mandatory water restrictions would you support? Check all that apply.
    • Limiting dates when outdoor watering is allowed
    • Limiting times/days when outdoor watering is allowed
  • Do you agree or disagree the following strategies to reduce water use?
    • Increase land use density, decreasing yard size - Disagree
    • Invest in additional water storage - Agree
    • Increase water supply with new sources - Disagree
    • Promote/incentivize xeriscape - Agree
  • How do you rate the cost of your water? Table below for reference.
    • Appropriate
  • Other comments:
    • Water is a precious resource. Educating the public is the best way to reduce water usage. What is happening in Texas right now should be a wake up call to all of us.
  • Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please enter your email if you would like to receive more information about the city of Durango water masterplan.
    [email protected]
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My tap water is convenient
My tap water is safe to drink
My water pressure is good
My water supply is reliable
I trust the source of my water
I know where my water comes from
My tap water does not have an odor
I know who my water utility is
My tap water is affordable
My tap water tastes good
I trust my utility department to update my water infrastructure
I trust my state government to regulate my drinking water supply
My tap water is a more environmentally friendly choice
My tap water has natural minerals that are good for me
My tap water does not need to be filtered
My tap water is safer than it was 10 years ago
* required
* required
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