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What are your experiences with and thoughts about EVs in Durango?

92 registered responses

Do you own or lease an EV?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 39.1% 36
No 60.9% 56

What type of EV do you own?

Response Percent Response Count
Battery electric vehicle (100% electric) 70.3% 26
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle 10.8% 4
Hybrid vehicle that does not plug-in 16.2% 6
Other 2.7% 1

What influenced your decision to purchase an EV? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Financial incentives (e.g., tax credits, rebates) 52.8% 19
Environmental benefits (e.g., clean air, cleaner fuel source) 91.7% 33
Lower maintenance and fuel costs 80.6% 29
Interest in new technology 77.8% 28
Other 13.9% 5

Where do you primarily charge your EV?

Response Percent Response Count
Home – Single-family home, duplex, or townhome 67.6% 25
Home – Multifamily home (apartment or condo) 2.7% 1
Work 5.4% 2
Public charging stations 5.4% 2
I own a hybrid, which does not require a plug-in 18.9% 7

If you do not own/lease an EV, what is preventing you from doing so? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
They’re too expensive 30.0% 18
They don’t have a far enough range for my driving needs 31.7% 19
The types of EVs available don’t suit my needs 41.7% 25
I don’t think the technology is “there” yet 6.7% 4
I don’t have enough knowledge about electric vehicles 6.7% 4
There aren’t enough available charging stations 26.7% 16
I can’t access a charger where I live because I’m a renter or there isn’t room 3.3% 2
I am not interested in electric vehicles 8.3% 5
Other 30.0% 18

Did you get your current car(s) new or used? Do you lease? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
New purchase 65.2% 60
Used purchase 42.4% 39
Gifted 3.3% 3
Leased 2.2% 2

What might encourage you to purchase or lease an EV in the future? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
A tax credit I would receive when I file my itemized taxes 53.3% 49
A cost-reducing rebate at point of sale 62.0% 57
A cash voucher, to purchase an EV, for trading in my old car 50.0% 46
A group discount available at local dealerships 23.9% 22
An opportunity to purchase a used EV 29.3% 27
A greater selection of EV trucks and SUVs 62.0% 57
If I had access to free educational resources to learn about driving, charging, and maintaining an EV 6.5% 6
If I could charge easily and reliably at home or work 37.0% 34
If there were more public charging options 47.8% 44
If public charging took 30 minutes or less 46.7% 43
If public charging was free 26.1% 24
Other 9.8% 9
None of the above 4.3% 4

What are the make(s), model(s) and year(s) of vehicles owned by people in your household? (e.g., 1999 Ford F150, 2018 Toyota Camry, 1985 Subaru Outback, 2019 Nissan Leaf)


How often would you use an EV carshare if it were available in Durango? (Carsharing is a model of car rental where a driver pays for access to a network of cars, typically by using an app to unlock the car in real time)

Response Percent Response Count
Multiple days per week 6.5% 6
A few times a month 5.4% 5
A few times a year 7.6% 7
Unsure 34.8% 32
Never 42.4% 39
Other 3.3% 3

Electric bikes (ebikes) are another type of EV. Which ebike program(s) would you like to see in Durango? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Citywide ebikeshare 42.4% 39
Ebikeshare through employers and campuses 19.6% 18
Rebates for ebikes at local bike shops 38.0% 35
Public charging for ebikes 42.4% 39
Designated trails for ebikes 26.1% 24
None 16.3% 15
Other 16.3% 15

Are you aware of any EV charging stations in or around Durango?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 83.7% 77
No 16.3% 15

If yes, where are these charging stations?


Where would you like to see public charging stations in or around Durango? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Grocery stores 51.1% 47
Recreation center/gyms 60.9% 56
Parks 38.0% 35
Downtown 60.9% 56
Airport 48.9% 45
Fort Lewis College 47.8% 44
Hotels 48.9% 45
Along Trails or near outdoor recreation opportunities 40.2% 37
Multifamily housing/apartment complexes 56.5% 52
Library 53.3% 49
Other 17.4% 16
None of the above 6.5% 6

What type of home do you live in?

Response Percent Response Count
Single family home 84.8% 78
Duplex or townhome 9.8% 9
Apartment or condo 3.3% 3
Mobile home 1.1% 1
Other 1.1% 1

Do you rent or own your home?

Response Percent Response Count
Own 90.2% 83
Rent 9.8% 9

Are you aware of federal and state tax credits for EV purchases?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 68.5% 63
No 31.5% 29

Are you aware of LPEA’s EV Charger Rebates for homes?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 50.0% 46
No 50.0% 46

How did you hear about this survey?

Name not shown inside Durango
February 4, 2021, 7:37 AM
  • Do you own or lease an EV?
    • No
  • What type of EV do you own?
    No response.
  • What influenced your decision to purchase an EV? (select all that apply)
    No response.
  • Where do you primarily charge your EV?
    No response.
  • If you do not own/lease an EV, what is preventing you from doing so? (select all that apply)
    • Other - I am waiting for more options. I plan on buying an EV in the next year.
  • Did you get your current car(s) new or used? Do you lease? (select all that apply)
    • New purchase
  • What might encourage you to purchase or lease an EV in the future? (select all that apply)
    • A tax credit I would receive when I file my itemized taxes
    • A cost-reducing rebate at point of sale
    • A cash voucher, to purchase an EV, for trading in my old car
    • A greater selection of EV trucks and SUVs
    • If there were more public charging options
    • If public charging took 30 minutes or less
    • If public charging was free
  • What are the make(s), model(s) and year(s) of vehicles owned by people in your household? (e.g., 1999 Ford F150, 2018 Toyota Camry, 1985 Subaru Outback, 2019 Nissan Leaf)

    2009 Subaru Outback, 2012 Toyota Tacoma

  • How often would you use an EV carshare if it were available in Durango? (Carsharing is a model of car rental where a driver pays for access to a network of cars, typically by using an app to unlock the car in real time)
    • Never
  • Electric bikes (ebikes) are another type of EV. Which ebike program(s) would you like to see in Durango? (select all that apply)
    • Citywide ebikeshare
    • Public charging for ebikes
    • Designated trails for ebikes
  • Are you aware of any EV charging stations in or around Durango?
    • No
  • If yes, where are these charging stations?
    No response.
  • Where would you like to see public charging stations in or around Durango? (select all that apply)
    • Grocery stores
    • Recreation center/gyms
    • Parks
    • Downtown
    • Airport
    • Fort Lewis College
    • Hotels
    • Along Trails or near outdoor recreation opportunities
    • Multifamily housing/apartment complexes
    • Library
  • What type of home do you live in?
    • Single family home
  • Do you rent or own your home?
    • Own
  • Are you aware of federal and state tax credits for EV purchases?
    • Yes
  • Are you aware of LPEA’s EV Charger Rebates for homes?
    • No
  • How did you hear about this survey?
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OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Durango has contracted with OpenGov to administer Virtual City Hall.

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle (EV) describes any vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for propulsion. EVs refer to both fully-electric and hybrid vehicles that require an electric charge to function.

  • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) run 100% by electric motor (e.g., Nissan LEAF, Tesla Model 3)
  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) have an electric motor that burns fuel when the electric charge is depleted (e.g., Chevy Volt)
  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) contain both an electric motor and a gasoline engine; however, no external battery charger is used (e.g., Toyota Prius Hybrid)

* required

Please skip the next three questions if you do not own/lease an EV.

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