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December 11, 2017, 11:12 AM
An incorrect link was inadvertently sent out for the City of Dublin's new Public Art Survey. Please find the correct link, below.
Thank you.
December 8, 2017, 1:39 PM
In 2018, the City of Dublin will be updating its Public Art Master Plan, which dictates public art priorities and procedures for the next 10 years. The City is looking for feedback from residents as to what type of public art they'd like to see in Dublin.
A survey has been posted on the City's Open City Hall forum. The deadline to participate is Friday, January 12. Thank you for your help!
November 28, 2017, 4:39 PM
The City of Dublin is looking to strengthen the identity of its Downtown through potential improvements to its streetscape, providing a better pedestrian experience. Please help provide input to help the City of Dublin shape the Downtown Dublin streetscape.
The survey will close on Friday, January 5, at 11:59 p.m.
A community workshop to discuss the streetscape plan will be held on Wednesday, December 13, at 6:00 p.m., in the Regional Meeting Room at Dublin City Hall (100 Civic Plaza). Please feel free to come and share your ideas there, too.
More information can be found at
September 6, 2017, 10:18 AM
The City of Dublin has posted a new survey to its Open City Hall community engagement platform. Please help organizers choose the films that you and your family would like to see at next season's Picnic Flix Outdoor Movie Series.
Picnic Flix is the City of Dublin’s free outdoor movie series that takes place on the third Friday of each month during the summer (June through August) at Emerald Glen Park. We invite your input to help us choose next season’s family-friendly movies.
June 16, 2017, 4:50 PM
In January, the City of Dublin began offering programs at Dublin High School Center for Performing Arts and Education. This summer, with the recent addition of the Emerald Glen Amphitheater, the City is offering a variety of musical performances. We are eager to bring you outstanding entertainment experiences right here in your own backyard. Please take a moment to tell what you’d like to see on our stages and how we can make sure you have a great experience.
April 21, 2017, 9:20 AM
The City of Dublin will open The Wave, an exciting new family-oriented recreation and aquatic complex at Emerald Glen Park, on Saturday, May 27, 2017. The Wave's biggest attraction is a boardwalk-themed waterpark featuring a waterslide with six exciting slides.
From late March to early April, the City of Dublin conducted its first survey to come up with suggested names for the six waterslides at The Wave. Over 250 names were offered for each of the six slides! After careful consideration by City staff and the Parks and Community Services Commission, the list was narrowed down to five names each.
Please take a moment to view the new survey, found at the link below, and vote on your favorite name for each slide. The ones who submitted the winning names will have the opportunity to be one of the first to ride "their" slide on a date to be determined (provided they meet the height and weight requirements for that slide). The deadline to participate is Monday, May 1, 2017.
December 8, 2016, 2:37 PM
Which of these Dublin businesses did the best job decorating for the holiday season?
Review the images provided and then rank the businesses in order from your most to least favorite. Your feedback will select Dublin’s “People’s Choice” Award winner in this year’s Decorate Dublin Holiday Contest! Winners of the contest will be announced in mid-December.
December 5, 2016, 9:25 AM
We want your input on which inspirational sports quotes will appear on the base of an iconic piece of public art that will be installed at Fallon Park.
A new public art statue, Elatus, will be erected at Fallon Sports Park in Spring 2017. It is expected to become an iconic piece of artwork for Dublin, offering a great backdrop for sports team photos. The classical pedestal, similar in design to the Statue of Liberty’s, will feature bronze plaques on three sides.
Please take a moment to vote for your favorite sports-related quote from the list of nominated quotes, and offer your feedback on the voices and ideals that best reflect the Dublin community.
SPREAD THE WORD! Please also consider forwarding this to other Dublin residents that may be interested.