will share your response with the City of Dublin staff. Do you also want your response shown on this website?
Yes -
show it with my name
Sign in and be yourself
Sign in and let others know who you are and what you think. You can sign in now or after you submit your response. You'll be able to read your response on this website and change it if you change your mind.
Read more about privacy >
Yes - show it without my name
Sign in and be someone
Sign in and let others know what you think. Only OpenGov will know who you are. You can sign in now or after you submit your response. You'll be able to read your response on this website and change it if you change your mind.
Read more about privacy >
No - just show it without my name to staff
* required
Be anonymous
Even though your response will be shared with staff, it won’t be shown on this public website so other community members won’t have the opportunity to see it.
Concerned about sharing your contact information with OpenGov?
Read more about privacy >
Read more about privacy >
What is a disruptive statement?
A statement
containing personal attacks, profanity, commercial advertising or content which is entirely off-topic, and/or
from a user who has falsified their registration information with the intent to post multiple statements in one topic or to misrepresent their city of residence.
Why does Open Town Hall monitor for disruptive statements?
OpenGov is a non-partisan company dedicated to building public trust in government and broadening civic engagement. Many people will not participate if the forum has disruptive statements.
Does Open Town Hall find many disruptive statements?
No. Disruptive statements are quite rare - less than one in a thousand statements are disruptive.
What does Open Town Hall do if they find a disruptive statement?
Open Town Hall
moves the statement to a different web page,
describes the problem in an email to the author, and
invites the author to change the statement.
Does Open Town Hall ever edit or delete statements?
Never. Only the statement's author can edit or delete a statement.
If I disagree with someone, can I post my opinion?
Yes. Open Town Hall encourages open dialog which, by necessity, includes disagreements.
How do I know if my statement is a 'disagreement' or a 'personal attack'?
Personal attacks are disparaging remarks which impute motives to a person's action. Statements of fact, or of your own opinion are generally not personal attacks.
Here are some examples of statements which are, and are not, personal attacks.
Personal Attack
Not A Personal Attack
He lied.
He said he did X, but in fact he did Y.
She misrepresented the truth.
I don't trust her.
He is greedy.
He is making plenty of money.
It is merely a power play on her part.
She will announce her candidacy soon.
Open City Hall has two participation channels :
The Registered Channel: Sign in before or just after you submit your response. Either way, Community Feedback will show your response on this website.
The Unregistered Channel: Don't sign in and remain anonymous. Community Feedback will just share your response with City of Dublin staff.
Note: The first time you sign in, you'll need to register (establish an account on Open City Hall). Registration is free.
The City of Dublin has contracted with Community Feedback to monitor responses shown on this website.
To prevent any single user from dominating the forum, the City of Dublin restricts the number of responses any one user can post on selected topics. Registration helps Community Feedback enforce this restriction.
Users, staff and government leaders often want to know the neighborhood from which a response is posted. Community Feedback uses registration to show the neighborhood next to each response (not the address).
If a user posts a response that does not meet the City of Dublin guidelines for civility , Community Feedback uses the user's email address to invite the user to resolve the issue.
Community Feedback will get your contact information. The company is under contract with the City of Dublin to hold it in strict confidence per their privacy policy .
Since you'll see your own response on Open City Hall, you'll be able to confirm that your response was posted as you intended.
You'll be able to change and/or delete your response as long as the topic is open.
Yes. Sign out, then set your privacy preference to be "No - just show it without my name to staff". You won't need to register.
While no authentication procedure can perfectly detect every fraudulent registration, Community Feedback is able to secure the registered channel against systematic fraud : cases where users submit enough statements with fraudulent registrations to sway the overall interpretation of the feedback.
Community Feedback is unable to secure the unregistered channel against systematic fraud, because unregistered users are anonymous.
Neither the registered nor the unregistered channel represent a certified voting system or ballot box - and that caveat is footnoted on every page of feedback. Instead, both are additional channels for feedback to government.
Users can participate on the registered channel (by signing in) or on the unregistered channel (by remaining anonymous). The City of Dublin offers both channels in order to broaden participation and maximize decision makers' insights.
The registered channel enables users to assure decision makers that their feedback comes from a real person in a specific neighborhood. It also enables users to participate in a public discussion on the website, as well as manage their own response after posting it.
The unregistered channel is for users who want to provide quick feedback without registering, and/or whose privacy concerns would prevent them from participating if required to register. Because many users with valuable insights will only share them anonymously, this channel gives decision makers the option to consider those insights in their deliberations.
OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Dublin has contracted with OpenGov to administer Open City Hall.
People's Choice Award:
To vote for your favorite holiday decorations, click on the business name below. Start by choosing your top pick, then select your second and third priority (in the order of your preference). Only your top three choices will be considered.
Chabot Federal Credit Union
Chabot Federal Credit Union
7080 Donlon Way, Suite 100
Make this the priority
Mission Hope Day Program
Mission Hope Day Program
6300 Village Parkway, Suite 110
Make this the priority
Luso American Financial
Luso American Financial
7080 Donlon Way, #200
Make this the priority
Glitter Kids
Glitter Kids
8941 San Ramon Road
Make this the priority
Ulferts Center
Ulferts Center
4288 Dublin Blvd.
Make this the priority
Ducky Wash & Dry
Ducky Wash & Dry
7399 Amador Valley Blvd.
Make this the priority
7350 Dublin Blvd.
Make this the priority
Earl Anthony's Dublin Bowl
Earl Anthony's Dublin Bowl
6750 Regional Street
Make this the priority
The Frame Company
The Frame Company
7038 Village Parkway
Make this the priority
Anastasis Ballet Company
Anastasis Ballet Company
6800 Sierra Court, Suite L
Make this the priority
Sourdough & Co.
Sourdough & Co.
2696 Dublin Blvd.
Make this the priority
Dublin Iceland
Dublin Iceland
7212 San Ramon Road
Make this the priority
I.B.E.W. Local 595
I.B.E.W. Local 595
6250 Village Parkway
Make this the priority
Kuk Sool Won of Dublin
Kuk Sool Won of Dublin
4558 Dublin Blvd.
Make this the priority
Dublin Security Storage
Dublin Security Storage
6005 Scarlett Court
Make this the priority
Big O Tires
Big O Tires
7121 Dublin Blvd.
Make this the priority
Select Imaging
Select Imaging
6398 Dougherty Road, #27
Make this the priority
Dublin Glass
Dublin Glass
6635 Dublin Blvd., Suite A
Make this the priority
Mountain Mike's Dublin
Mountain Mike's Dublin
8951 San Ramon Rd.
Make this the priority
Inspire Smiles Dental
Inspire Smiles Dental
7739 Amador Valley Blvd.
Make this the priority
* required
What is a disruptive statement?
A statement
containing personal attacks, profanity, commercial advertising or content which is entirely off-topic, and/or
from a user who has falsified their registration information with the intent to post multiple statements in one topic or to misrepresent their city of residence.
Why does Open Town Hall monitor for disruptive statements?
OpenGov is a non-partisan company dedicated to building public trust in government and broadening civic engagement. Many people will not participate if the forum has disruptive statements.
Does Open Town Hall find many disruptive statements?
No. Disruptive statements are quite rare - less than one in a thousand statements are disruptive.
What does Open Town Hall do if they find a disruptive statement?
Open Town Hall
moves the statement to a different web page,
describes the problem in an email to the author, and
invites the author to change the statement.
Does Open Town Hall ever edit or delete statements?
Never. Only the statement's author can edit or delete a statement.
If I disagree with someone, can I post my opinion?
Yes. Open Town Hall encourages open dialog which, by necessity, includes disagreements.
How do I know if my statement is a 'disagreement' or a 'personal attack'?
Personal attacks are disparaging remarks which impute motives to a person's action. Statements of fact, or of your own opinion are generally not personal attacks.
Here are some examples of statements which are, and are not, personal attacks.
Personal Attack
Not A Personal Attack
He lied.
He said he did X, but in fact he did Y.
She misrepresented the truth.
I don't trust her.
He is greedy.
He is making plenty of money.
It is merely a power play on her part.
She will announce her candidacy soon.
Fields marked with * are required
People's Choice Award: To vote for your favorite holiday decorations, click on the business name below. Start by choosing your top pick, then select your second and third priority (in the order of your preference). Only your top three choices will be considered.
Select Imaging
6398 Dougherty Road, #27