Updating the City of Cupertino Ethics Policy
Help the City of Cupertino Update Its Ethics Policy
2023 Community Budget Survey
2023 Community Budget Survey
Resident Budget Survey
What are your City budget priorities?
Via Cupertino Relaunch
Would you ride Via-Cupertino if it relaunches in October?
Junipero Serra Trail Conceptual Design Survey
What thoughts do you have about the Junipero Serra Trail?
Athletic Fields: Sunday Use and Rest Period Survey
Let the City of Cupertino know what you think about potential updates to the Athletic Field Use Policy regarding Sunday use and annual field closures.
SR2S Survey: Role of Enforcement
Should enforcement be part of Cupertino's Safe Routes to School program?
Creekside and Varian Playground Themes
Let the City of Cupertino know what theme you prefer for new playground structures at Varian Park and Creekside Park.
Residential Garbage, Recycling, and Organics Collection Chinese Survey
Commercial Garbage, Recycling, and Organics Collection Chinese Survey
特許加盟協議 商用和多單元物業經理調查
Residential Garbage, Recycling, and Organics Collection Survey
This survey is an opportunity for Cupertino residents to provide input about garbage and recycling services and possible rate increases.
Commercial Garbage, Recycling, and Organics Collection Survey
This survey is an opportunity for Cupertino businesses and multi-family property managers to provide input about garbage and recycling services and possible rate increases.
Cupertino Green Volunteers Interest Survey
Give us your thoughts on "Green Volunteer" opportunities.
Civic Center Parking Survey
How do you travel to and from Cupertino Civic Center?
Healthy Cities Initiative: Tobacco Policies Survey
Do you support or oppose a policy prohibiting the sale of vaping/e-cigarette products in Cupertino? Take this short survey and let us know.
Healthy Cities Initiative: Tobacco Policies Survey
The City of Cupertino is considering tobacco policies and seeking public input on this initiative.
Cupertino Transportation Survey
Please take this survey to help the City better understand your commute patterns.
Proposed Dog Off-Leash Area Trial Period
Give us your feedback on a proposed 10-month trial off-leash dog area.
Budget and Bites - Balance the Budget - In-person Version