Community members, we want your feedback on the 2025 Budget! Help us rank the City of Boulder's Sustainability, Equity, and Resilience goal areas based on your top priorities for the community.
Please rank the following seven SER goals in order of highest to lowest priority based on your personal and community needs. Click on the objective to read more about it and rank it. Once you have designated the ranking, you can change theorder with the arrows to the right.
High-performing, safe, and well-maintained buildings and infrastructure that accommodate a diverse set of community needs for working, learning, playing, and living.
A healthy, accessible, resilient, and sustainable economy based on innovation, diversity, and collaboration that benefits all residents, businesses, and visitors.
A welcoming and inclusive community that fosters personal and community safety and ensures that all residents are secure and cared for during emergencies and natural disasters.
How would you describe your annual household income?
$50,000 to $99,999 a year
Do you own or rent your home?
I prefer not to say
City of Boulder Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in City of Boulder Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Please rank the following seven SER goals in order of highest to lowest priority based on your personal and community needs. Click on the objective to read more about it and rank it. Once you have designated the ranking, you can change theorder with the arrows to the right.
High-performing, safe, and well-maintained buildings and infrastructure that accommodate a diverse set of community needs for working, learning, playing, and living.
A healthy, accessible, resilient, and sustainable economy based on innovation, diversity, and collaboration that benefits all residents, businesses, and visitors.
A welcoming and inclusive community that fosters personal and community safety and ensures that all residents are secure and cared for during emergencies and natural disasters.
What is your age range?
What race or ethnicity do you identify with most?
How would you describe your annual household income?
Do you own or rent your home?