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Comprehensive Plan Survey

Leading question

Pilot Locations for Brookline Food Waste Drop-Off Bins

Help the DPW Select Locations for Food Waste Drop-Off Bins!

Demo Survey

Will the OpenTownHall survey tool work as a solution?

Corey Hill Park Clean-Up & Planting Day Sign-Up

Will you join us for our upcoming Corey Hill Park Clean-Up & Planting Day?

School Compost Volunteer Training Event Sign-Up

Will you join us for our upcoming School Compost Volunteer Training Event?

Community Clean-Up & Planting Days

Please join the Brookline Parks and Open Space Division for our Community Clean-up & Planting Days!

How would you distribute $100 of ARP Funds

Take the Budget Challenge! How would you distribute $100 of ARP Funds

Cypress Street Playground Project ListServ

Would you like to receive updates on the Cypress Street Playground/Field renovation project? If so, please sign up for our project ListServ!

Brookline's Heritage Trees

Where are Brookline's Heritage Trees?

Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan Survey

Help guide our efforts to develop an Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan!

John E. Murphy Playground Design Review Survey

Help guide our efforts to develop a design that will serve the neighbors and friends of John E. Murphy Playground!