Where are Brookline's Heritage Trees?
33 registered ideas
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Aspinwall Neighborhood Heritage trees #2
October 19, 2020, 7:55 PM
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This is the second submission for heritage trees in the neighborhood. Thanks also to Felipe Pait who helped me! Trees listed as public are on the road/sidewalk, while private are on someone's property.
Tappan.Gardner 44" Private oak
216 Gardner Rd. 43" private
143 Rawson/Gardner Intersection. 41". Possibly an elm. Private
118 Gardner Rd. 32" probably an Oak public
112 Gardner Rd. 32". Pine. public
104 Gardner Rd., 36". Oak. public
87 Gardner Rd. , Oak. we believe it qualifies >32", but it’s private.
80 Gardner Rd. 39". Oak. Public
70 Gardner Rd., 38". Beech. Private
43 Gardner Rd. 53". Maple. Private
35 Gardner Rd. 32". Maple. Private
16 Gardner Rd., 40". Beech. Private
160 University Rd. 46". Elm? Public
University path, 45". Maple. Public.
University path, near the top at Winthrop. Couldn’t measure, but it qualifies >32", Maple
37 Winthrop Rd. , behind the house, >32". Maple