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Pick between the two options for each of the ten dichotomies below. We understand that you may want the building to achieve both elements in a given dichotomy, but we are trying to identify priorities and so ask that you indicate which is overall more important to you.

8 registered responses

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Gateway 62.5% 5
Polite 37.5% 3

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Connector 50.0% 4
Destination 50.0% 4

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Textured 87.5% 7
Sleek 12.5% 1

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Iconic 12.5% 1
Woven 87.5% 7

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Welcoming 100.0% 8

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Porous 100.0% 8

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Active Plazas 87.5% 7
Green Space 12.5% 1

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Quieter 75.0% 6
Shorter 25.0% 2

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Above Average 50.0% 4
Cutting Edge 50.0% 4

Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.

Response Percent Response Count
Exterior Plazas 100.0% 8
Name not available inside Precinct 4
April 6, 2022, 7:17 PM
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Gateway
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Destination
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Textured
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Woven
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Welcoming
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Porous
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Active Plazas
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Shorter
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Cutting Edge
  • Select which of the below terms more strongly fits your vision for the new 10 Brookline Place development.
    • Exterior Plazas
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.