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Atherton Open Town Hall
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(You may be asked to solve a simple puzzle that is easy for humans but difficult for computers)
Green Bike Lanes

What are your thoughts about Green Bike Lanes?

Street Lamp Fixtures

Which of these street lamp post fixtures do you prefer?

Hobbyist Drone Regulations

What are your thoughts about drone regulation in Atherton?

Earth Day Survey

What environmental issues are you most concerned about?

Atherton’s Animal Regulations

Should the Town modify its animal regulations to allow for backyard chickens?

Emergency Communication

How do you find out about emergencies?

Enhancing Public Communications & Outreach

How can the Town improve its public communications and outreach methods to more effectively inform and engage the community?

Priorities 2015 - 2018

What priorities would you like to see the City Council adopt for 2015-2018?

Have Your Say

What types of topics, discussions, and/or opinions would you like to see discussed on the Open Town Hall platform?