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Atherton Open Town Hall

What environmental issues are you most concerned about?

15 registered responses

How concerned are you with issues facing the environment? Please respond based on a scale of 1 = Not Concerned to 5 = Very Concerned.

Response Percent Response Count
3 6.7% 1
4 40.0% 6
5 (Very concerned) 53.3% 8

What is your level of knowledge of environmental issues and risks faced? Please respond based on a scale of 1 = No Knowledge to 5 = Very Knowledgeable.

Response Percent Response Count
3 46.7% 7
4 26.7% 4
5 (Very Knowledgeable) 26.7% 4

I am concerned with the following environmental issues: (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Carbon Emissions 46.7% 7
Drought 66.7% 10
Sea Level Rise 60.0% 9
Toxic materials 66.7% 10
Climate Change 46.7% 7
Rainwater Runoff 33.3% 5
Ocean Acidification 46.7% 7
Pesticides in Food 60.0% 9
Air Pollution 46.7% 7
Waste/Recycling 53.3% 8
Disease Spread 53.3% 8
Species Loss 40.0% 6
Energy Policies 53.3% 8
Pest Control 26.7% 4
Flood Control 46.7% 7
Other 20.0% 3

The State of California mandates that Atherton reduce the Town’s carbon emissions over time. What areas should the Town focus on and provide information to residents? (please select your top 3 choices)

Response Percent Response Count
How to reduce wasted energy 53.3% 8
Reducing waste 33.3% 5
Home battery systems 33.3% 5
Home energy programs to reduce energy consumption 46.7% 7
Green building measures 46.7% 7
Enhancing bike and pedestrian safety 33.3% 5
Improve local transportation options (e.g. restore Train service) 33.3% 5
Other 13.3% 2

Drought is likely to become an increasing problem in California. What areas do you think the Town should focus on? (please select your top 3 choices)

Response Percent Response Count
Ways to reduce water usage 46.7% 7
Smart landscape water system 40.0% 6
Rain water collection system 60.0% 9
Well water usage 26.7% 4
Drought tolerant vegetation 33.3% 5
Educational programs 26.7% 4
Other programs that are available to assist with water reduction 26.7% 4
Other 13.3% 2
Name not shown inside Atherton
March 16, 2016, 8:13 AM
  • How concerned are you with issues facing the environment? Please respond based on a scale of 1 = Not Concerned to 5 = Very Concerned.
    • 4
  • What is your level of knowledge of environmental issues and risks faced? Please respond based on a scale of 1 = No Knowledge to 5 = Very Knowledgeable.
    • 3
  • I am concerned with the following environmental issues: (check all that apply)
    • Sea Level Rise
    • Toxic materials
    • Climate Change
    • Ocean Acidification
    • Pesticides in Food
    • Disease Spread
    • Species Loss
    • Flood Control
  • The State of California mandates that Atherton reduce the Town’s carbon emissions over time. What areas should the Town focus on and provide information to residents? (please select your top 3 choices)
    • Home battery systems
    • Home energy programs to reduce energy consumption
    • Enhancing bike and pedestrian safety
  • Drought is likely to become an increasing problem in California. What areas do you think the Town should focus on? (please select your top 3 choices)
    • Ways to reduce water usage
    • Smart landscape water system
    • Rain water collection system
Atherton Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Atherton Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Choose at most 3 options
Choose at most 3 options

Do you have a special skill related to environmental issues or are you involved in an environmental area and you would like to share your expertise?

Please contact Lisa Costa Sanders, Staff Liaison to the Environmental Programs Committee at [email protected] or 650-333-0248.

Thank you very much for your time! To learn more about environmental issues facing the Town, please visit

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