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A2 Open City Hall

What transportation features would you like to see along Scio Church Rd., S. Maple to S. Seventh St.?

Thank you for participating!

Thank you for your feedback.

The Transportation Commission recommended (October 21, 2020) and City Council approved (November 16, 2020) the prohibition of On-Street Parking on the north side of Scio Church Road between South Maple Road and Greenview Drive.

To continue building upon the City’s Non-motorized plan, on-street bicycle lanes will be implemented where the parking is removed. Scio Church is a key link for bicyclists riding between this area and downtown.

The project is planned for construction during the summer 2021.

Visit to access additional project materials including questions and answers from the January 29 public meeting which ran parallel to this online survey, as well as feedback results from a polling process mailed to addresses along Scio Church Rd. from west of Waltham Drive to Greenview Drive.