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How comfortable are Ann Arbor's pedestrian crossings?

983 registered responses

As a pedestrian, the following elements make marked mid-block crosswalks more comfortable. (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)

Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon
Response Percent Response Count
5 61.4% 599
4 20.7% 202
3 9.9% 97
2 2.9% 28
1 4.4% 43
Pedestrian Crossing Signs
Response Percent Response Count
5 21.0% 205
4 19.2% 187
3 30.1% 294
2 16.9% 165
1 11.6% 113
Response Percent Response Count
5 44.9% 438
4 27.2% 265
3 16.0% 156
2 7.3% 71
1 3.7% 36
Pedestrian Refuge Island
Response Percent Response Count
5 40.9% 399
4 28.4% 277
3 17.6% 172
2 5.8% 57
1 5.0% 49
In-Street “Stop for Pedestrians” Sign
Response Percent Response Count
5 18.3% 179
4 21.2% 207
3 22.0% 215
2 16.3% 159
1 20.6% 201
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
Response Percent Response Count
5 47.3% 462
4 21.0% 205
3 13.2% 129
2 7.0% 68
1 8.5% 83

As a driver, the following elements are beneficial at marked mid-block crosswalks (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)

Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon
Response Percent Response Count
5 71.2% 690
4 15.1% 146
3 5.6% 54
2 2.2% 21
1 5.2% 50
Pedestrian Crossing Signs
Response Percent Response Count
5 24.8% 240
4 22.6% 219
3 26.5% 257
2 12.3% 119
1 12.6% 122
Response Percent Response Count
5 57.6% 558
4 21.1% 204
3 11.7% 113
2 4.7% 46
1 4.1% 40
Pedestrian Refuge Island
Response Percent Response Count
5 35.1% 340
4 23.5% 228
3 23.4% 227
2 7.8% 76
1 8.7% 84
In-Street “Stop for Pedestrians” Sign
Response Percent Response Count
5 22.1% 214
4 19.2% 186
3 19.2% 186
2 12.0% 116
1 25.5% 247
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
Response Percent Response Count
5 51.1% 495
4 16.4% 159
3 12.8% 124
2 7.0% 68
1 10.1% 98

Are there any other elements that impact your crosswalk experience as a driver or pedestrian? Please explain.


Rate your level of agreement for each of the following: (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)

Generally, people walking behave properly at marked mid-block crosswalks
Response Percent Response Count
5 27.8% 269
4 34.9% 338
3 19.3% 187
2 10.2% 99
1 7.3% 71
Generally, people driving behave properly at marked mid-block crosswalks
Response Percent Response Count
5 4.4% 43
4 15.2% 147
3 34.3% 332
2 29.7% 288
1 15.9% 154
Ann Arbor should continue to install marked mid-block crosswalks
Response Percent Response Count
5 42.5% 412
4 17.5% 170
3 14.1% 137
2 8.3% 80
1 16.8% 163

With which transportation mode do you most identify?

Average priorities over 983 responses

    As a driver

    As a pedestrian

    As a bicyclist

    As a transit user

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