As a pedestrian, the following elements make marked mid-block crosswalks more comfortable. (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon - 5
Pedestrian Crossing Signs - 5
Lighting - 5
Pedestrian Refuge Island - 3
In-Street “Stop for Pedestrians” Sign - 3
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - 5
As a driver, the following elements are beneficial at marked mid-block crosswalks (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon - 5
Pedestrian Crossing Signs - 3
Lighting - 5
Pedestrian Refuge Island - 3
In-Street “Stop for Pedestrians” Sign - 3
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - 5
Are there any other elements that impact your crosswalk experience as a driver or pedestrian? Please explain.
Crosswalks too close to bus stops cause confusion. Cars stop when they mistake them for cross walk candidates. Lighted, flashing cross walks are the only way to go. Having city unique rules cause confusion due to poor driver training. As a cyclist in A2, many times cars stop for me to cross when I am in an intersection. If I cross, I risk another driver following the rules of the road hitting me. If I am at a stop sign crossing a road that does not stop, I need to go only when the road is clear ( like as if I was in a car). Because the rules are not well known, I often get cars stopping from one direction while the other follows the law. This is dangerous. If cross walks all have lights and pedestrians either have to use them or at the normal intersections, that would remove confusion for pedestrians having the right of way.
Rate your level of agreement for each of the following: (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
Generally, people walking behave properly at marked mid-block crosswalks - 3
Generally, people driving behave properly at marked mid-block crosswalks - 2
Ann Arbor should continue to install marked mid-block crosswalks - 3
With which transportation mode do you most identify?
Place as many pins as you would like. Use + and - in the bottom right corner to zoom.
A - I would like to cross here
B - I would like this crossing improved
A2 Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in A2 Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
As a pedestrian, the following elements make marked mid-block crosswalks more comfortable. (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
As a driver, the following elements are beneficial at marked mid-block crosswalks (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
Are there any other elements that impact your crosswalk experience as a driver or pedestrian? Please explain.
Crosswalks too close to bus stops cause confusion. Cars stop when they mistake them for cross walk candidates. Lighted, flashing cross walks are the only way to go. Having city unique rules cause confusion due to poor driver training. As a cyclist in A2, many times cars stop for me to cross when I am in an intersection. If I cross, I risk another driver following the rules of the road hitting me. If I am at a stop sign crossing a road that does not stop, I need to go only when the road is clear ( like as if I was in a car). Because the rules are not well known, I often get cars stopping from one direction while the other follows the law. This is dangerous. If cross walks all have lights and pedestrians either have to use them or at the normal intersections, that would remove confusion for pedestrians having the right of way.Rate your level of agreement for each of the following: (5= Strongly Agree; 1=Strongly Disagree)
With which transportation mode do you most identify?
Place as many pins as you would like. Use + and - in the bottom right corner to zoom.